Image taken from the film - The Hand of Man : Mature Mountain Ash forest blown over by the 1939 firestorm

Photograph taken in 1939 (Source: FCRPA) : After the fires - location unknown

Photograph taken in 1939 (Source: FCRPA) : After the fires - location unknown

Photograph taken in 1939 (Source: FCRPA) : After the fires - location unknown

Photograph taken in 1939 (Source: FCRPA) : After the fires - mill dugout - location unknown

Photograph taken in 1939 (Source: FCRPA) : After the fires - mill dugout - location unknown

Photograph probably taken in 1939 (Source: FCRPA) : Tanjil Bren - new FCV Office in mid-ground to the right.

Photograph probably taken in the early 1940's (Source: M Christian) : 1939 salvage log in the Noojee area - Margaret Christian with her father

Photograph probably taken in the early 1940's (Source: M Christian) : 1939 salvage log in the Noojee area

Photograph probably taken in the early 1940's (Source: M Christian) : 1939 salvage log in the Noojee area

Photograph probably taken in the early 1940's (Source: FCRPA) : FCV road construction camp at Toorongo for 1939 salvage

Photograph taken by W Flentje in 1940 (Source: FCRPA) : 4,000,000 s ft of logs in the Mundic Dam dump, Toorongo Plateau.

Photograph probably taken in the early 1940's (Source: FCRPA) : Mountain Ash stand torn apart by the 1939 fires

Photograph probably taken in the early 1940's (Source: FCRPA) : High lead logging, Thomson Valley

Photograph probably taken in the early 1940's (Source: FCRPA) : High lead logging, Thomson Valley

Photograph probably taken in the early 1940s (Source: FCRPA) : Tractor harvesting - East Tanjil

Photograph probably taken in the early 1940s (Source: FCRPA) : Preparing a spar for cable logging - location unknown

Photograph taken in December 1940 (Source: FCRPA) : Winch operation in the East Tanjil

Photograph taken ca.1940 (Source: FCRPA) : Salvaged Mt Ash heading to Noojee on the Tanjil Bren road.

Photograph taken in 1941 (Source: B Fry) : 1939 Salvage on the Toorongo Plateau, Mundic Dam under construction

Photograph taken about 1941 (Source: B Fry) : 1939 Salvage on the Toorongo Plateau, a Washington Steam Winch in operation

Photograph taken about 1941 (Source: Estate of G Jennings) : 1939 Salvage, loading logs at Saxtons Mill

Photograph taken in 1941 (Source: FCRPA) : Mundic Dam under construction on the Toorongo Plateau

Photograph taken in 1941 by W Flentje (Source: N Flentje) : Mundic Creek Dam under construction

Photograph taken in 1941 by W Flentje (Source: N Flentje) : Mundic Creek Dam under construction

Photograph taken in 1941 (Source: FCRPA) : Thomson Valley log dump

Photograph taken in 1941 (Source: FCRPA) : Mundic Dam log dump on the Toorongo Plateau

Photograph taken in about 1941 (Source: FCRPA) : Fire-killed Mountain Ash

Photograph taken in 1941 (Source: FCRPA) : Mundic Creek Dam under construction on the Toorongo Plateau

Photograph taken in 1941 (Source: FCRPA) : Mundic Creek Dam under construction on the Toorongo Plateau

Photograph taken in about 1941 (Source: FCRPA) : FCV D6 Caterpillar at Little Boys Creek, Upper Thomson

Photograph taken in about 1941 (Source: FCRPA) : Strahan & Davies Sawmill, Tanjil Bren.

Photograph taken in about 1942 by F Smith (Source: R Smith) : Mountain ash seedlings at Loch Valley Nursery.

Photograph of newspaper article from 1942 (Source: R Smith) : F Smith at the newly-established nursey at Loch Valley with Mt Ash seedlings

Photograph taken in 1942 (Source: FCRPA) : East Tanjil log dump

Photograph taken in 1942 (Source: FCRPA) : Alstergren's No. 3 log dump

Photograph taken in 1942 (Source: FCRPA) : West Tanjil log dump

Photograph taken in 1942 (Source: FCRPA) : Water take off for log dump sprays - West Tanjil

Photograph taken in 1942 (Source: FCRPA) : Log dump under sprays - West Tanjil

Photograph taken in 1942 (Source: FCRPA) : Cable logging near Paxton's Mill - a hayrack boom loader

Photograph taken in 1942 (Source: FCRPA) : Log dump with sprays - near Bells Creek, Thomson Valley

Photograph taken in 1942 (Source: FCRPA) : Mackeys log dump and Comm No. 2 winch - East Tanjil

Photograph taken in January 1942 (Source: G Cleary) : l to r - VP Cleary and EL Ellwood. The trolley driver is unknown. Salvage program in the Upper Thomson.

Photograph probably taken 1940-1945 (Photo: Ted Carson Source: M Ferguson Collection) : Tanjil Bren - Tramway Terminus

Photograph taken in about 1944 by F Smith (Source: R Smith) : Mountain ash seedlings established on the Toorongo Plateau

Photograph taken in about 1944 by F Smith (Source: R Smith) : Mountain ash seedlings established on the Toorongo Plateau

Photograph taken in July 1944 (Source: FCRPA) : Newmans No.3 Sawmill - on the Toorongo Plateau

Photograph taken in June 1944 (Source: FCRPA) : APM Mill - Toorongo Plateau

Photograph taken on 3/06/1944 (Source: FCRPA) : Newmans No. 3 Sawmill on the Toorongo Plateau

Photograph taken about 1944 (Source: Estate of G Jennings) : FCV Inspector Torbet's car on the Tanjil-Toorongo Road

Photograph taken in January 1945 (Source: FCRPA) : JD Walker felling dead Mountain Ash, West Tanjil

Photograph taken in 1945 (Source: FCRPA) : Fire-killed Mountain Ash being topped in the East Tanjil to set up cable logging

Photograph probably taken in the mid-1940's (Source; FCRPA) : Thomson Valley tramway, South Cascade bridge

Photograph taken by JD Gillespie in 1946 (Source: S Gillespie) : Timber from Alstergren's Mill in the Upper Thomson on the South Cascade Bridge

Photograph taken by JD Gillespie in 1946 (Source: N Endacott) : South Cascade Bridge on the Thomson Valley Tramway

Photograph taken in 1946 by JA McKinty (Source: M McKinty) : Log dump under sprays in the Upper Thomson - Little Boys Camp in the background.

Photograph taken in 1946 by JA McKinty (Source: M McKinty) : FCV tramline repairs in the Thomson Valley. From l - Unknown, JA McKinty, A Coldicutt

Photograph taken in 1946 by JA McKinty (Source: M McKinty) : FCV WD40 Rail Tractor & rake of logs

Photograph taken in 1946 by JA McKinty (Source: M McKinty) : FCV Erica's assistant quarters, office, old office

Photograph taken in 1946 by JA McKinty (Source: M McKinty) : Ezard's log rail tractors - J McKinty (l), A Coldicutt, G Dyer (r)

Photograph taken in 1946 by JA McKinty (Source: M McKinty) : State Sawmill at Erica

Photograph taken in 1946 by JA McKinty (Source: M McKinty) : State Sawmill Erica cottages and mill supply dam

Photograph taken in 1946 by JD Gillespie (Source: S Gillespie) : FCV Little Boys Camp in the Upper Thomson

Photograph taken on 15/12/1946 by JD Gillespie (Source: S Gillespie) : Ezard's No. 2 Sawmill on the Thomson Valley Tramline, Erica Forest District

Photograph taken in 1946 by JD Gillespie (Source: S Gillespie) : View from Ezard's No. 2 Sawmill on the Thomson Valley Tramline

Photograph taken on 15/12/1946 by JD Gillespie (Source: S Gillespie) : Logs ready to depart Little Boys, Erica Forest District - (l to r) - Alan Kellow, George Armstrong

Photograph taken on 15/12/1946 by JD Gillespie (Source: S Gillespie) : Logs ready to depart Little Boys, Erica Forest District

Photograph taken about 1950 by JD Gillespie at the State Mill in Erica : Norm Bird

Photograph taken in September 1952 at Fernshaw (Source: FCRPA) : Mountain Ash planted after the 1939 fires

Photograph taken in September 1952 at Fernshaw (Source: FCRPA) : Mountain Ash planted after the 1939 fires

Photograph taken by David Malady in June 2011 : Remains of the wall of Mundic Dam built for 1939 salvage, Toorongo Plateau

Photograph taken by David Malady in June 2011 : Remains of the wall of Mundic Dam built for 1939 salvage, Toorongo Plateau

Photograph taken by David Malady in June 2011 : Remains of the wall of Mundic Dam built for 1939 salvage, Toorongo Plateau