Photograph taken about 1998 (Source: R Edwards) : l to r - Mark Angus, Geoff Evans, Neville Galpin, Martin Woodward, Roger Edwards at Galpin's Horsham mill.

Photograph taken in 1997 (Source: R Edwards) : Roger Edwards (l) and Don McArthur (farmer/sawmiller) in Woohlpooer SF

Photograph probably taken in the 1960s (Source: J Speirs Estate) : Jim Speirs

Photograph probably taken in the late 1800s to early 1900s (source: FCRPA) : Splitting palings

Photograph probably taken in the late 1800s to early 1900s (source: FCRPA) : Splitting palings

Photograph of the East Warbuton FCV Crew taken in 1968 by I Hastings: l to r - Vern Minifie (Dozer Driver), Laurie Barker (Storeman/Log Checker), Larry McCrae (Overseer), ?, Geoff Clinch (Overseer), Graeme Stacker, Max Roker (Overseer), Robert Paul (Forester), Don "Rocky" Yeomans (Truck Driver), ?.

Photograph taken about 1958 : Arthur Webb

Photograph probably taken in the early to mid-1990s: Toolangi Forest Discovery Centre

Photograph probably taken in the early to mid-1990s: Toolangi Forest Discovery Centre

Photograph probably taken in the early to mid-1990s: Toolangi Forest Discovery Centre

Photograph probably taken in the early to mid-1990s: Toolangi Forest Discovery Centre

Photograph probably taken in the early to mid-1990s: Toolangi Forest Discovery Centre

Photograph probably taken in early to mid 1980s (Source: B Marsden) : l to r - ?, D Ingram, J Wridgeway, I (Snowy) Pack

Photograph taken in November 1945 (Source: State Library Victoria) : Cambarville

Photograph probably taken in the early 1970s (Source: S Gillespie) : ER Meagher (Minister of Forests) and JD Gillespie at the opening of the FCV office in Merbein

Photograph taken in December 1971 and published in the Wimmera Times (Source: S Gillespie) : l to r - KR O'Kane, Unknown, JD Gillespie, Unknown

Photograph taken in September 1973 and published in the Portland Observer (Source: S Gillespie) : l to r- Unknown, JD Gillespie, IK Smith, S Calder, Unknown

Photograph probably taken in the mid to late 1940s (Source: S Gillespie) : FCV Camp - Broadford No 2

Photograph taken in the 1960s at Powelltown (Source: Jill Weeks) : George Mortimer

Photograph taken on 17/4/2010 by Peter Evans : Llyod Wicks and Mike Hall

Photograph taken in 1947 at the VSF (Source: FCRPA) : Ken Morrison

Photograph probably taken in the early 1920s (Source: Item No: 1434-3, Creswick Historical Collection, Uni of Melb. Photographer unknown) : John Johnstone at left. Ripping 14 inch planks from Pinus insignis logs at the Creswick Nursery.

Photograph taken in the early 1970s in Cann River FD (Source: G Cleary) : l to r - Len Mayo, Val Cleary, Joe Adams

Photograph taken in the early 1970s in Cann River FD (Source: L Mayo) : l to r - Keith Gidley, Len Mayo

Photograph taken about 2015 (Source: Unknown) : Peter Woodgate

Photograph of a postcard from about 1910 (Source: State Library Victoria) : Tremearne House et al about the time the VSF commenced

Photograph taken ca 1959 (Source: G Kennedy) : Charlie Wain working on the Wellington River Crossing - Tamboritha Road

Photograph probably taken 1940-1945 (Photo: Ted Carson Source: M Ferguson Collection) : Tanjil Bren - Tramway Terminus

Photograph taken at the VSF in 1948 (Source: FCRPA) : l to r - JB Johnston, JN Birch, RG Niggl, ?, AR Tolsher, N Carr

Photograph probably taken in the 1960s (Source: Pollard Family) : GR Pollard

Photograph taken at the VSF in 1948 (Source: FCRPA) : W Litster

Photograph taken in 1925 at the VSF (Source: FCRPA) : l to r - AJ Hedley, BO Squire, CJ Irvine

Photograph taken at the VSF in 1925 (Source: FCRPA) : l to r - AJ Hedley, CW Elsey, BO Squire, FJ Smith, CR Mather, CJ Irvine

Photograph taken at the VSF in 1925 (Source: FCRPA) : l to r - LA Newman, GW Latimer, JH Barling, RH Greenwood

Photograph probably taken in the 1940s (Source: FCRPA) : Forest firefighting

Photograph taken in 1948 at the VSF (Source: FCRPA) : l to r - AR Tolsher, JB Johnston, LA Pederick, RG Niggl, L Newman, JR Channon, PER McDonald, JP Slater, LJ Laing, DW Paterson, A Hodgson, unknown

Photograph taken by Leon Pederick in 1951 (Source: FCRPA) : MMBW Firetower at Wallaby Creek

Photograph probably taken in the early 1970s (Source: FCRPA) : Firetower on Ben Nevis

Photograph taken about 1918 (Source: FCRPA) : Firetower on Mount Donna Buang

Photograph taken in 1954 by WG Middleton : Fire tower on Mt Matlock

Photograph probably taken in the 1970s (Source: FCRPA) : FCV Firetower Construction (5 of 5)

Photograph probably taken in the 1970s (Source: FCRPA) : FCV Firetower Construction (4 of 5)

Photograph probably taken in the 1970s (Source: FCRPA) : FCV Firetower Construction (3 of 5)

Photograph probably taken in the 1970s (Source: FCRPA) : FCV Firetower Construction (2 of 5)

Photograph probably taken in the 1970s (Source: FCRPA) : FCV Firetower Construction (1 of 5)

Photograph taken in 1956 at the VSF (Source: FCRPA) : Fay Chapman (Moomba Queen 1956) with VSF students - those who we see enough of to identify are - l to r - E Stuckey, C Wood, P Adler (did not graduate), J Wright, D Spence, R Gill (died in motorbike accident while at VSF), J Gittins, D Gribble, D Hocking, B Gibson, P Brown, O Saxton (did not graduate), B Woodruff, K Wareing, S Berrigan

Photograph taken in 1976 (Source: FCRPA) : Erica FCV Crew redecking Poverty Point Bridge (10 of 10)

Photograph taken in 1976 (Source: FCRPA) : Erica FCV Crew redecking Poverty Point Bridge (9 of 10)

Photograph taken in 1976 (Source: FCRPA) : Erica FCV Crew redecking Poverty Point Bridge (8 of 10)

Photograph taken in 1976 (Source: FCRPA) : Erica FCV Crew redecking Poverty Point Bridge (7 of 10)

Photograph taken in 1976 (Source: FCRPA) : Erica FCV Crew redecking Poverty Point Bridge (6 of 10)

Photograph taken in 1976 (Source: FCRPA) : Erica FCV Crew redecking Poverty Point Bridge (5 of 10)

Photograph taken in 1976 (Source: FCRPA) : Erica FCV Crew redecking Poverty Point Bridge (4 of 10)

Photograph taken in 1976 (Source: FCRPA) : Erica FCV Crew redecking Poverty Point Bridge (3 of 10)

Photograph taken in 1976 (Source: FCRPA) : Erica FCV Crew redecking Poverty Point Bridge (2 of 10)

Photograph taken in 1900 (Source: FCRPA) : Poverty Point Bridge on the Thomson River (1 of 10)

Photograph taken at the VSF in 1948 (Source: FCRPA) : l to r - MJ Hall, JR Channon, MG Douglas, MEW Stump, RG Niggl, WGD Middleton, MLA Boucher (squatting), JR Macdonald, MC Goudie, TE Arthur

Photograph probably taken in the 1970s (Source: Family) : Alfred John Leslie

Photograph taken about Christmas 1937 (Source: N Houghton) : Goodwood Tramway near Noojee - McCormack-Deering 0-6-0

Photograph taken in 1921 (Source: N Houghton) : Loch Valley Tramway

Photograph of advertisement in the Gum Tree - probably 1920s (Source: N Houghton) : Cuming Smith & Co's Wood Distillation Plant, Britannia Creek - Products

Photograph probably taken ca 1923 (Source: N Houghton) : Cuming Smith & Co's Wood Distillation Plant - Britannia Creek

Photograph taken ca 1923 (Source: N Houghton) : Cuming Smith & Co's Wood Distillation Plant - Britannia Creek

Photograph taken in 2003 by P Fagg : Ian Sebire

Photograph taken in the mid to late 1980s (Source: FCRPA) : James Henry Gordon (Jim) Quick

Photograph taken on 22/3/1987 - Open Day at the Dharnya Centre (Source: B Dexter) : Doug (Curly) Rosenow cutting a sleeper

Photograph taken in 1948 (Source: FCRPA) : MC Goudie

Photograph taken in October 2003 (Source: I Sebire) : Ian Sebire at Swifts Creek

Photograph taken on 22/3/1987 - Open Day at the Dharnya Centre (Source: B Dexter) : Interpretive Centre and Bunkhouse

Photograph taken on 22/3/1987 - Open Day at the Dharnya Centre (Source: B Dexter)

Photograph taken on 22/3/1987 - Open Day at the Dharnya Centre (Source: B Dexter)

Photograph taken on 22/3/1987 - Open Day at the Dharnya Centre (Source: B Dexter) : The Mess Hut

Photograph taken on 22/3/1987 - Open Day at the Dharnya Centre (Source: B Dexter) : Eddie Kneebone - cooking demonstration

Photograph taken at the VSF in 1948 (Source: FCRPA) : Leon Pederick (left) and John Slater

Photograph taken at the VSF in 1948 (Source: FCRPA) : Leon Pederick

Photograph taken at the VSF in 1948 (Source: FCRPA): Jack Channon

Photograph taken in 1948 (Source: FCRPA) : EJ Semmens

Photograph taken in late 1968-early 1969 at W Litster's retirement function (Source: Ballarat Courier) : AO Lawrence (left) with W Litster

Photograph taken in 1918 at the Broadford State Nursery (Source: Ronald W McLean) : Standing (l to r) - W Casey, FG Gerraty, J Trevella, G Foster, AH McLean Seated (l to r) - D Small, H Pratt

Photograph taken in 1928 at the VSF (Source : The Sylvanite) : Forester Refresher Course

Photograph taken ca. 2015 (Source: FCRPA) : Allan H White

Photograph taken in 1928 (Source: FCRPA) : John W Youl

Photograph taken ca. 1925 (Source:FCRPA) : FCV Nursery at Broadford

Photograph taken ca. 1925 (Source:FCRPA) : FCV Nursery at Broadford - Sugar Gum seedlings

Photograph taken ca. 1925 (Source:FCRPA) : FCV Nursery at Broadford - Pinus sp seedling beds

Photograph taken ca. 1925 (Source:FCRPA) : FCV Nursery at Broadford - 2 year old street trees

Photograph taken ca. 1925 (Source:FCRPA) : FCV Nursery at Broadford

Photograph taken ca. 1925 (Source:FCRPA) : FCV Nursery at Broadford - the Manager's residence

Photograph taken ca. 1925 (Source:FCRPA) : FCV Nursery at Broadford - the Manager's residence

Photograph taken ca. 1925 (Source:FCRPA) : FCV Nursery at Broadford

Photograph taken at the Heyfield Depot in April 2023. Heyfield MSC Members (1967-1976) (Source: G Cleary) : l to r- Euan Thompson, Tim Hannah, Bren Lay, Peter Fitzpatrick, Dave Buckle, Andy Hannah, Dick Noble, Kester Baines, Tim Clark, Nick Legge, Gordon Cleary, Paul Champion de Crespigny, Rick Michael, Rod Connley, John Urie, Malcolm Urie, Peter Howat, Alex Danischewski, Chris Slattery

Photograph taken at Noorinbee in 1967 (Source: J Cahill) : l to r- R Newton, RN Seymour, P Bray

Photograph taken at Noorinbee in 1967 (Source: J Cahill) : l to r- J Cahill, RN Seymour, R Newton

Photograph taken at Toolangi in 1966 (Source: J Cahill) : ME Zelman

Photograph taken at Mallacoota in 1966 (Source: J Cahill) : RN Seymour

Photograph taken in 1964 (Source: J Cahill) : Rennick FCV Camp

Photograph taken in April 2023 at Surveyors Creek. Heyfield MSC Members (1966-1969) (Source: G Cleary) : Seated front (l-r) Tim Clark, Bren Lay, Kevin Holland, Dave Buckle, Kester Baines. Seated rear (l-r) Tim Hannah, Dick Noble

Photograph taken at Mt Useful in April 2023. Heyfield MSC Members (1966-1976) (Source: G Cleary) : Standing (l-r) Rick Michael, Alex Danischewski, Chris Slattery, Malcolm Urie, Dave Buckle, Rod Connley, Kester Baines, Nick Legge, Paul Champion de Crespigny, Dick Noble, John Urie, Tim Clark, Euan Thompson, Bren Lay. Kneeling (l-r) Roger Harrop, Gordon Cleary, Andy Hannah.

Photograph taken at Yarra Junction ca. 1982 (Source: FCRPA) : l tor - G Suckling, R McKenzie (Minister for Forests), R Baker, H Prewett

Photograph taken in 1978 - opening of the Tyers Junction Bridge (Source: FCRPA) : l to r- G Stewart, D Williams, K Regan, D Watkins, A Philip, R Ingram, M Zappelli

Photograph taken ca. 1975 (Source: FCRPA) : Mount Useful Fire Tower

Photograph taken ca. 1970 at Mt Buller ( Source: FCRPA) : l to r - D Kirkham, R Stone, R Baker

Photograph taken in 1967 (Source; FCRPA) : G Greenway pruning in the Delatite Plantation

Photograph taken ca.1940 (Source: FCRPA) : Salvaged Mt Ash heading to Noojee on the Tanjil Bren road.

Photograph taken on 16/2/1983 from Powelltown -fourth photo in untimed sequence of four photos (Source: FCRPA) : The Warbuton fire - Ash Wednesday, 16 February 1983

Photograph taken on 16/2/1983 from Powelltown -third photo in untimed sequence of four photos (Source: FCRPA) : The Warbuton fire - Ash Wednesday, 16 February 1983

Photograph taken on 16/2/1983 from Powelltown -second photo in untimed sequence of four photos (Source: FCRPA) : The Warbuton fire - Ash Wednesday, 16 February 1983

Photograph taken on 16/2/1983 from Powelltown -first photo in untimed sequence of four photos (Source: FCRPA) : The Warbuton fire - Ash Wednesday, 16 February 1983

Photograph taken in 1986 (Source: FCRPA) : Fuel reduction burn near Gellibrand

Photograph taken ca. 1970 (Source: FCRPA) : Ray Baker

Photograph taken in 1967 at the Delatite Nursery (FCRPA) : Ray Baker (l) and Jack Newton

Photograph taken in 1967 in the Delatite Plantation (FCRPA) : Ray Baker (l) and Leo Wentworth

Photograph taken ca. 1970 in Mansfield FD (Source: FCRPA) : Ray Baker with G Trevaskis (Storeman) in car

Photograph taken in Erica FD ca. 1977 (Source: FCRPA) : l to r - R Ashworth, L Colarusso, A(Ted) Anderson, W Woods

Photograph taken at the FCV Delatite Nursery in 1968 (Source: FCRPA) : A Murphy

Photograph taken at the FCV Delatite Nursery in 1968 (Source: FCRPA) : Bernie Anstee

Photograph taken at the FCV Delatite Plantation in 1967 (Source: FCRPA) : Dan Darcey

Photograph taken at the FCV Delatite Nursery in 1967 (Source: FCRPA) : l to r- C Koch, B Anstee, P Dale, L Wentworth, R Wilson, F Peachey, ? Jackson, E Revell, L Sutcliffe, ?, D Darcey, W Ward

Photograph taken in 1970 (Source: FCRPA) : The Delatite Plantation

Photograph taken at the FCV Delatite Nursery in 1967 (Source: FCRPA) : G Pollard

Photograph taken in 1970 (Source: FCRPA) : Hand planting the Blue Range Pine Plantation

Photograph taken in the Blue Range Plantation ca. 1970 (Source: FCRPA) : Leo Wentworth

Photograph taken ca. 1974 on Gunbower Island (Source: FCRPA) : Philip (Tom) Crosbie Morrison (l), Ray Baker

Photograph taken at Craig's Hotel, Ballarat in 1954 (Source: J Gittins) : l to r - P Brown, B Woodruff, J Gittins, W Honeychurch, B Gibson, R Baker, B Fryer

Photograph taken ca.1955 (Source: J Gittins) : l to r- B Gibson, P Brown, B Woodruff, S Berrigan, R Baker on VSF excursion

Photograph taken in 1954 (Source: J Gittins) : Standing (l to r) - W Honeychurch, B Woodruff, A Turnbull, S Berrigan. Sitting (l to r) - J Gittins, E Stuckey, P Brown, R Baker, B Gibson

Photograph taken at the VSF in 1954 (Source: J Gittins) : l to r - B Gibson, B Woodruff, W Honeychurch, P Brown

Photograph taken at the VSF in 1955 (Source: J Gittins) : l to r- W Keen, K Wareing, R Baker

Photograph taken at the VSF in 1956 (Source: J Gittins) : J Gittins

Photograph probably taken ca. 1955 (Source: J Gittins) : B Gibson (l), R Baker - soil testing at Waare Plantation

Photograph taken at the VSF ca. 1955 (Source: J Gittins) : B Woodruff

Photograph taken at the VSF in 1955 (Source: J Gittins) : Back (l to r) - M McDougall, K Wareing, A Banks. Front (l to r) - R Graham, O Saxton

Photograph taken in 1956 (Source: J Gittins) : J Gittins with the Olympic Torch

Photograph taken in June 2006 by G Wallace : Code's Pile - Barmah Forest

Photograph taken at the VSF on 9/6/1959 by G Wallace : Demolition of old dormitory and study rooms to make way for AVG House

Photograph taken on 17/10/1959 by G Wallace : FCV Nursery at Macedon - Roger Cowley in the foreground

Photograph taken on 11/12/1959 by G Wallace : Site Quality 1 Red Gum on Gunbower Island

Photograph taken on 27/10/1959 by G Wallace : l to r - J Newey, F Neumann, G Saddington

Photograph taken at the VSF on 27/10/1959 : H Dalpas (l) and J Newey

Photograph taken at the VSF on 6/10/1959 by G Wallace : K Wareing in the glasshouse

Photograph taken on 8 May 1959 by G Wallace : R Incoll (driving) and D McKittrick in the VSF forest

Photograph taken at the VSF in 1959 by G Wallace : F Neumann

Photograph taken at the VSF in November 1958 by G Wallace : L(Gus) Geary with Pogo

Photograph taken in November 1957 by G Wallace : l to r - B Evans, F Neumann, J Edgar, F Noble, R Beeching, E Backen

Photograph taken near the VSF on 3/11/1959 by G Wallace : l to r - E Backen and G Saddington with junior Creswick residents

Photograph taken at the VSF in 1959 (Source: G Wallace) : G Wallace - chilling out

Photograph taken at the VSF in 1959 by G Wallace : Cutting the annual firewood quota for VSF use. l to r - B Evans, F Noble, W(Bill) Keen, J Edgar

Photograph taken at the VSF in 1959 by G Wallace : R Stone

Photograph taken at the VSF ca. 1959 by G Wallace : R Beeching

Photograph taken on 10/8/1958 by G Wallace near Port Campbell : Bernie Evans (l) and Gus Geary.

Photograph taken on 10/8/1958 by G Wallace near Port Campbell : l to r - J Newey, D Hocking, B Evans, L(Gus) Geary.

Photograph taken at the VSF on 11/5/1959 by G Wallace : l to r- W Litster, L Malone and A Hodgson at site of new glasshouse.

Photograph taken on 5/3/1959 by G Wallace : FCV tower on Mt Sabine

Photograph taken on 5/2/1959 by G Wallace : MMBW tower at Strath Creek

Photograph taken on 4/2/1959 by G Wallace : Graduating VSF class of 1959 at the Taggerty Forest Office

Photograph taken on 30/1/1959 by G Wallace : MMBW tower at Flatrock Creek. Condemned 5 years earlier - hard to see why

Photograph taken on 21/10/1957 at Heyfield (Source: G Kennedy) : Rotary Club Meeting. Back ( l to r) - V Graham, J Collins, A Fitzpatrick, V Cleary, K Robbins, D Knight, M Schilg. Middle (l to r) - A Cox, W Ide, B Allman, B Campbell, A Gordon, S Vinell, E tryhorn, D Hansen. Front (l to r) - E Hug, E Cumming, A(Bert) Head, J Gannon, G Chappill, J Boucher, N Charles.

Photograph taken on 9/9/1959 by G Wallace at or near the VSF : B Evans searching for a sawlog in Hardenbergia sp.

Photograph taken in 1958/59 by G Wallace : l to r - J McCormack, J Edgar with Beresford Trailer Pump and Pacific Marine Pump

Photograph taken in 1959 by G Wallace at the VSF : A Beveridge

Photograph taken at the VSF in probably 1958/59 by G Wallace : F Noble (standing), J Edgar

Photograph taken on 27/10/1959 by G Wallace at or near the VSF: F Neumann running a gradeline

Photograph taken on 19/3/1958 by G Wallace : M Gardiner at Mt Cole

Photograph taken on 3/11/1959 by G Wallace at the VSF: G Saddington with TRP 1 radio

Photograph taken on 3/11/1959 by G Wallace near the VSF : l to r - R Beeching, G Saddington, E Backen

Photograph taken in 1975 (Source: FCRPA) : Kino tree at Yarran Creek, Cohuna

Photograph taken in 1975 (Source: FCRPA) : Kino tree at Spence's Bridge, Cohuna

Photograph taken at or near the VSF on 11 May 1959 by G Wallace : Frank Noble adhering to normal VSF OH&S standards

Photograph taken at Shepherd's Flat Plantation on 19 June 1958 by G Wallace : LA (Gus) Geary doing some high (very high) pruning

Photograph taken at or near the VSF on 4 August 1958 by G Wallace : Mensuration Practical - Frank Noble climbing a Pinus nigra

Photograph taken at or near the VSF on 4 August 1958 by G Wallace : Mensuration Practical - Andy Beveridge climbing a Pinus nigra

Photograph taken at or near the VSF on 4 August 1958 by G Wallace : Mensuration Practical - Bernie Evans climbing a Pinus nigra with height of 51ft

Photograph probably taken 1985-1986 (Souce: W Edgar) : Yarram CFL Regional Management Team - (l to r) R Niggl, I leversha, W Edgar, K King, R Hubbert

Photograph taken in 1993 at 240/250 Victoria Pde, East Melbourne (Source: D Holmes) : Forests Service managers (l to r) - Richard Rawson, David Flinn, David Holmes, Kevin Wareing

Photograph taken in the summer of 1984/85 - "Wake" for the FCV" (Photo: D Holmes) : Standing (l to r) - Joe Lamb, Carl Gustus, Merle Pearce, Ross Gillingham, Trevor Crowe, Kelvin Davies, Bob Allen, Rob Jolly, Frank Duke, Gordon Angus, Angus McKinnon, Tim Robinson, Gary Morrison, Ken Dickman,James Hutchinson, Ron Murray, Gary Christian. Sitting (l to r) - Nando Rosini, Archie Dickman, Kevin Broadbent, Bill Top, Clark Dawson, Bob Stevens

Photograph taken in 1983 by D Holmes - Beaufort FD : Picnic tables at Middle Creek Campground - built by Archie Dickman

Photograph taken in 1983 by D Holmes - Beaufort FD : a 'Mt Cole Hut' at Middle Creek Campground

Photograph taken in 1982 at Nando Rosini's retirement (Photo: D Holmes) : Nando Rosini (l), Archie Dickman (r)

Photograph taken in the summer of 1984/85 - "Wake" for the FCV (Photo: D Holmes) : l to r - Joe Lamb, Hec McConachie, Archie Dickman, Nando Rosini, Ron Murray, Carl Gustus, Merle Pearce, Dennis O'Connor

Photograph taken by D Holmes in 1982 at Nando Rosini's retirement function at Victoria Mill Scenic Reserve, Beaufort Forest District. Standing (l to r)- Gordon Angus (Forest Overseer), James O'Loughlan (behindAngus), Clark Dawson, Trevor Crowe, Bob Stevens, Ross Gillingham, Nando Rosini, Bronwyn Lyttle (Asst District Clerk), Frank Duke, Dianne Martin (District Clerk), Ron Murray (SW Division Fitter), Bob Allen (District Forester) - Sitting (l to r) Archie Dickman, Kelvin Davies, Gary Morrison, James Hutchinson, Kevin Broadbent

Photograph taken in September 1964 (Source: S Gillespie) : Inspection by Victorian ALP Executive of SCA Reefton Catchment experiment, East Armstrong Creek. B Fryer (2nd from left, ex FCV now MMBW), JD Gillespie (3rd from left, FCV)

Photograph probably taken in the 1930s. Location unknown (Source: FCRPA) : Red ironbark forest after improvement works involving thinning, removal of excess coppice and the production of firewood and other minor produce. The tractor is a Fordson Model F built in the USA in 1926 or 1927.

Photograph probably taken in the 1930s. Location unknown. (Source: FCRPA) : Box -ironbark forest after improvement works involving thinning, removal of excess coppice and the production of firewood and other minor produce.

Photograph probably taken in the 1930s. Location unknown. (Source: FCRPA) : Box -ironbark forest after improvement works involving thinning, removal of excess coppice and the production of firewood and other minor produce.

Photograph taken in 1976 or 1977. Report writing course at the VSF (Source: G Evans) : l to r - P Bray, I Lelliott (part hidden), G Evans, B Fry (part hidden), A Willett, G Griffin, J Blain, W Clifford, Cheryl Healy (Course leader), J Bates, G Saddington (part hidden), I Hemphill, G Wallace, G McIntyre (part hidden), T Morrison, I leversha, D O'Bryan, M Coulter

Photograph taken by N Cox about 1963 : Prefabricated fire tower on Mt Gordon

Photograph possibly taken in the 1940s (Source: FCRPA) : 18-30ft creosote-treated ironbark poles in the Rushworth forest.

Photograph possibly taken in the late 1930s/early 1940s. The location is unknown. (Source:FCRPA) : AV Galbraith on the right. Are the two on the left of the photo managers of a Boys Camp run by the FCV? Photo taken on the same day as vfh1069.

Photograph possibly taken in the late 1930s/early 1940s. The location is unknown. (Source:FCRPA) : AV Galbraith is seated in the second row, third from the left. The group may be participants in a Boys Camp run by the FCV. Photo taken on the same day as vfh1070.

Photograph possibly taken in the 1930s at the FCV's Wellsford eucalyptus oil plant (Source:FCRPA) : Charge of eucalyptus foliage for the still

Photograph taken in 1959 (Source: FCRPA) : Cutting sleepers with a broad axe - Mount Taylor

Photograph probably taken in the late 1950s - early 1960s (Source: FCRPA) : Len Laing

Photograph possibly taken in the 1930s near the FCV's Wellsford eucalyptus oil plant (Source:FCRPA) : Transport of eucalyptus foliage harvested for oil extraction

Photograph possibly taken in the 1930s near the FCV's Wellsford eucalyptus oil plant (Source:FCRPA) : Transport of eucalyptus foliage harvested for oil extraction

Photograph possibly taken in the 1930s near the FCV's Wellsford eucalyptus oil plant (Source:FCRPA) : Eucalyptus foliage harvesting for oil extraction

Photograph taken in January 1941 (Source: FCRPA) : 1939 salvage logging - TD35 in the Thomson Catchment

Photograph probably taken about 1945 (Source: FCRPA) : 1939 salvage logging

Photograph taken in March 1946 (Source:FCRPA): East Tanjil Catchment

Photograph taken in April 1941 (Source: FCRPA) : 1939 salvage logging - Walker's TD18 in the West Tanjil Catchment

Photograph taken in about 1940 (Source: FCRPA) : 1939 salvage logging

Photograph taken in about 1940 (Source: FCRPA) : 1939 salvage logging

Photograph taken in about 1986 (Source: B Marsden) : CFL Fire Protection Branch Staff

Photograph taken in 1969 by I Hastings : Mt Wills

Photograph taken in 1990 (Source: FCRPA) : Regeneration burn at Farm Spur

Photograph taken in 1952 (Source:FCRPA) : FCV Fire Trailer

Photograph taken in about 1970 (Source: B Rees) : Bell 47G, Jayrow, Phasmatid spraying, Pilot John Bitcon

Photograph taken in 1898 by the Australian Seasoned Timber Company (Source: FCRPA) : Red Gum Forest, Murray River, Yarrawonga

Photograph probably taken in the early to mid-1960s (Source: G Cleary) : Neil Carr and Val Cleary

Photograph taken in 1971 (Source: G Cleary) : Connors Plain Camp

Photograph taken in December 1966 (Source: G Cleary) : Connors Plain Camp

Photograph taken in 1971 (Source: G Cleary) : Connors Plain Camp

Photograph taken by NJ Caire in abt 1880 (Source: M McKinty) : Big Ben on the Black Spur

Photograph probably taken in the early 1900s (Source: M McKinty) : The Old Man Tree at Beech Forest - 92ft circumference

Photograph probably taken in the early 1900s (Source: FCRPA) : Mountain Ash on Mt Monda, north of Healesville.

Photograph probably taken in the mid-1990s (Source: J Cunningham) : Toolangi Forest Discovery Centre

Photograph probably taken in the 1960s (Source: G Kerr) : Harold (Stringy) Aldridge

Photograph probably taken in the early 1950s (Source: G Kerr) : Harold (Stringy) Aldridge

Photograph taken at the VSF in December 1935 (Source: FCRPA) : Students from the 1935, 1936 and 1937 Graduating Classes. l to r- T Loughrey, J Fitzpatrick, S Butler, G Dyer, G Jennings, W Caplehorn, J McKinty, H Semmens, A Coldicutt, J Cosstick, M Thompson

Photograph taken at Tremearne House, Creswick on 28 October 1910 (Source:FCRPA) : Opening of the Forestry School - Parliamentarians and guests

Photograph taken on the Toorongo Plateau in October 2019 by O Salkin : Shining Gum stand about 31 years after planting

Photograph taken about 1989 on the Toorongo Plateau (Source: O Salkin) : Dense stands of montane wattle (Acacia frigescens)

Photograph taken in Spring 1988 on the Toorongo Plateau (Source: O Salkin) : Mound ploughing ready for planting.

Photograph taken in Spring 1988 on the Toorongo Plateau (Source: O Salkin) : Mound ploughing ready for planting.

Photograph taken in Spring 1988 on the Toorongo Plateau (Source: O Salkin) : Mound ploughing ready for planting.

Photograph taken in Spring 1988 on the Toorongo Plateau (Source: O Salkin) : Mound ploughing ready for planting.

Photograph taken in Spring 1988 on the Toorongo Plateau (Source: O Salkin) : Mound ploughing ready for planting.

Photograph taken about 1989 on the Toorongo Plateau (Source: O Salkin) : A D7E and D7G windrowing scattered silver wattle.

Photograph taken about 1989 on the Toorongo Plateau (Source: O Salkin) : Montane wattle area cleared off the Toorongo Tower Track. The Toorongo fire tower at far right.

Photograph taken about 1989 on the Toorongo Plateau (Source: O Salkin) : Looking north toward Mt Toorongo over Vesper.

Photograph taken about 1989 on the Toorongo Plateau (Source: O Salkin) : Clearing, windrowing and burning of montane wattle, Mundic Road.

Photograph taken about 1988 on the Toorongo Plateau (Source: O Salkin) : a Nothofagus and willow frost hollow.

Photograph taken about 1988 on the Toorongo Plateau (Source: O Salkin) : Clearing a scrub site south of Cone Hill ? this area was sown with mountain ash.

Photograph taken about 1987 on the Toorongo Plateau (Source: O Salkin) : A typical landscape - looking north

Photograph taken about 1987 on the Toorongo Plateau (Source: O Salkin) : A typical landscape

Photograph taken about 1987 on the Toorongo Plateau (Source: O Salkin) : A typical landscape

Photograph taken about 1987 on the Toorongo Plateau (Source: O Salkin) : A typical landscape

Photograph taken about 1987 on the Toorongo Plateau (Source: O Salkin) : A typical landscape

Photograph taken about 1987 on the Toorongo Plateau (Source: O Salkin) : A typical landscape

Photograph taken about 1987 on the Toorongo Plateau (Source: O Salkin) : A typical landscape

Photograph taken about 1987 on the Toorongo Plateau (Source: O Salkin) : A typical landscape

Photograph taken about 1987 on the Toorongo Plateau (Source: O Salkin) : Frost hollow and remnant open grown shining gum.

Photograph taken about 1987 on the Toorongo Plateau (Source: O Salkin) : Wattle clearing had been undertaken in some areas by the FCV prior to 1987.

Photograph taken about 1987 on the Toorongo Plateau (Source: O Salkin) : Grassy frost hollows.

Photograph taken about 1987 on the Toorongo Plateau (Source: O Salkin) : Cone Hill ? tall silver wattle and remnant open grown mountain ash.

Photograph taken about 1987 on the Toorongo Plateau (Source: O Salkin) : Cone Hill ? tall silver wattle and remnant open grown mountain ash.

Photograph taken about 1987 on the Toorongo Plateau (Source: O Salkin) : Cone Hill ? tall silver wattle and remnant open grown mountain ash.

Photograph taken about 1987 on the Toorongo Plateau (Source: O Salkin) : Looking North East. Toorongo Tower track with 1970s fenced trial plots in midground.

Photograph taken in 1959 of the graduating year travelling to Heyfield on a VSF excursion (Photo: G Wallace) : l to r - R Campbell, G Saddington, A Beveridge, R Beeching (behind AB), B Evans (next to AB), J Edgar (back to), F Neumann, R Incoll, E Backen, R Stone, F Noble, lecturer?

Photograph probably taken in north-east Victoria about 1979 (Source: B Marsden) : FCV staff (l to r) - E Cole, L Tonkin, J Butchart, ?, W Clifford, ?, T Burt, J Millar, N Robinson,

Photograph probably taken in the mid-1990s (Source: M Leonard) : Toolangi Forest Discovery Centre

Photograph taken in the late 1930s-early 1940s (Source: I Hastings) : Allan Hastings (r) & cousin, Scrapper Osler - log preparation near Old Sale Rd, Shady Creek

Photograph taken by Ross Runnalls in the afternoon of 9 March 1983 : The second major Cann River fire - impact of incendiaries dropped on the Mallacoota Spit

Photograph taken by Ross Runnalls in the afternoon of 9 March 1983 : The second major Cann River fire - backburn from SEC easement north of Mallacoota

Photograph taken by Ross Runnalls in the morning of 9 March 1983 : The second major Cann River fire - Brian Walters (NPS) setting foot on the Great Southern Firebreak

Photograph taken by Ross Runnalls at 1100 hrs on 4 March 1983 : The second major Cann River fire - cumulus over the Drummer Road front

Photograph taken by Ross Runnalls at 1830 hrs on 4 March 1983 : The second major Cann River fire - spot fires near Reedy Creek Bridge

Photograph taken by Ross Runnalls on 5 February 1983 : The first major Cann River fire - RAAF Hercules with MAFFS working near the Thurra River

Photograph taken by Ross Runnalls on 10 March 1983 : The second major Cann River fire - NSCA Bell 212 operating with bucket east of Mallacoota Inlet

Photograph taken by Ross Runnalls on 10 March 1983 : The second major Cann River fire - RAAF Hercules with MAFFS working on a spotfire east of Mallacoota Inlet

Photograph taken by Ross Runnalls on 8 February 1983 : The first major Cann River fire - Jayrow helicopters at Noorinbee Airstrip

Photograph taken by Ross Runnalls on 7 February 1983 : The first major Cann River fire - Beaver firebomber landing at Noorinbee Airstrip

Photograph taken by Ross Runnalls on 6 February 1983 at 1700hrs : The first major Cann River fire - RAAF Hercules with MAFFS working on a spotfire east of Cann River

Photograph taken by Ross Runnalls on 5 February 1983 : The first major Cann River fire - RAAF Hercules with MAFFS working on a spotfire in the East Wingan

Photograph taken by Ross Runnalls on 5 February 1983 : The first major Cann River fire - Pawnee firebomber landing at Noorinbee Airstrip

Photograph taken by Ross Runnalls on 5 February 1983 : The first major Cann River fire - Beaver firebomber landing at Noorinbee Airstrip

Photograph taken by Ross Runnalls on 5 February 1983 : The first major Cann River fire - Noorinbee Airstrip

Photograph taken by Ross Runnalls on 1 February 1983 at 1435hrs : The first major Cann River fire - from Noorinbee Airstrip looking west north west

Photograph taken by Ross Runnalls on 1 February 1983 at 1430hrs : The first major Cann River fire - Cann Valley looking northeast.

Photograph taken by Ross Runnalls on 1 February 1983 at 1430hrs : The first major Cann River fire - Cann Valley looking northwest.

Photograph taken by Ross Runnalls on 1 February 1983 at 1215hrs : The first major Cann River fire - from Noorinbee Airstrip looking towards Walkers Creek, 45 minutes after the first spot fire observed there.

Photograph taken by Ross Runnalls on 1 February 1983 at 1150hrs : The first major Cann River fire - from Noorinbee Airstrip looking towards Walkers Creek, 20 minutes after the first spot fire observed there.

Photograph taken in 1982 (Source: P Farrell) : Petr Novotny getting samples for the Otway Water Quality Study, West Barham Catchment

Photograph taken about 1980 (Source: P Farrell) : Mulching Study at Rennick Nursery - spraying unmulched plot with Triquot

Photograph taken in 1982 (Source: P Farrell) : Petr Novotny on horseback while setting up sampling sites for the Otway Water Quality Study, West Barham Catchment

Photograph taken in Easter 1986 at the Rennick Nursery (Source: P Farrell) : l to r - B Napthine, K Farrell, P Farrell, N Crabtree

Photograph taken about 1935/1936 at Rubicon Boys Camp (Sources : R Hovenden Album, courtesy J & H Duncan - provided by A Layton) : l to r - Unknown, J Chinner (forester) , R Hovenden (Camp Supervisor), probably H Fitzroy (forest overseer)

Photograph probably taken in the 1990s (Source: Dave Vaskess) : Ignition of a logging coupe near Noojee using an Aerial Drip Torch

Photograph taken in 2020 (Photo: Wayne Morris) : Pre-dawn backburning during the Gippsland fires.

Photograph taken in 1985 (Source: P McHugh) : Loading fire crews into a Navy Wessex at Mt Murray

Photograph probably taken in 1940 in Australia before embarkation (Source: P McHugh) : Forestry Companies (2/1 and 2/2) - Royal Australian Engineers. The CO's of each Company were Capt CR Cole (2/1) and Capt AL Benallack (2/2). Both are thought to be in this photo.

Photograph probably taken in the mid to late 1980s (Source: H Stewart) : Soil testing on the site to become the Gelliondale Nursery. (l to r )- A Manderson, B Dexter, Unknown, D Flinn (bending over), P Hopmans (behind Flinn), R Hubbert, K King behind I Hemphill (with auger), R Niggl, A Hatch

Photograph probably taken in the early 1980s (Source: H Stewart) : George Minko on the microphone - FCV? field day at Benalla Nursery.

Photograph probably taken in the late 1800s to early 1900s (Source: FCRPA) : Stripping wattle bark

Photograph taken near Bendoc in about 1968 (Source: M Douglas) : Ian K Smith and Shining Gum

Photograph taken at the VSF in 1974 (Source: Bernard Young) : Bernard Young tutoring a future King

Photograph taken on 31/12/2019 (Source: DELWP) : Barmouth Fire -it burnt south 40km through to Bruthen, Sarsfield and Tambo Upper

Photograph taken in 1963 - VSF Geology Excursion (Photo: M McKinty) : From the top - T Sloan, H Girshik (with hat), T Rouse (elbow only), D Flinn (with hammer), J Cahill (with camera), Hec Yates (with hat - lecturer), G Pope, P Connell, G Squires, J Hill, M Wade

Photograph taken about 2 May 1916 (Source: AWM) : Charles William Watson - entered the VSF in 1913 but enlisted in the AIF in 1916 and did not graduate. Wounded in France. Returned home in February 1919. Resumed career with the FCV, retiring in 1960.

Photograph taken on 4 February 1968 - Mt Jack near Dederang (Source: G Cleary) : The first aerial ignition, using a helicopter and DAIDs, of a backburning operation - 3rd photo in sequence of 3

Photograph taken on 4 February 1968 - Mt Jack near Dederang (Source: G Cleary) : The first aerial ignition, using a helicopter and DAIDs, of a backburning operation - 2nd photo in sequence of 3

Photograph taken on 4 February 1968 - Mt Jack near Dederang (Source: G Cleary) : The first aerial ignition, using a helicopter and DAIDs, of a backburning operation - 1st photo in sequence of 3

Photograph taken in 1939 at the VSF - First year students (Source: S Gillespie) : l to r - JD Gillespie, AJ Threader, AJ Leslie, TH Chambers, LK Moore

Photograph taken in 1965 (Source: S Gillespie) : Barmah Forest Grazing Committee inspection of cattle damage. l to r - JD Gillespie, A Baxter (Farmer), BD Dexter, S Brown (Councillor)

Photograph taken in 1965 (Source: S Gillespie) : Barmah Forest Grazing Committee inspection of cattle damage. l to r - JD Gillespie, A Baxter (Farmer), AW Pearce (?), S Brown (Councillor), BD Dexter, K Jerome

Photograph taken in 1964 (Source: S Gillespie) : JD Gillespie with hand on flood level in Barmah Forest

Photograph taken in 1993 at Phil King's retirement (Source: FCRPA) : l to r - Sam Bruton, Doug Stevenson, Phil King, Ray Bennett, Norm Cox

Photograph probably taken in 1998 (Source: R Graham) : Hand trail crew resting in the alps north of Licola

Photograph probably taken in 1998 (Source: R Graham) : Hand trail crew in the Moroka River.

Photograph probably taken in 1998 (Source: R Graham) : Hand trail crew in the alps north of Licola

Photograph probably taken in 1998 (Source: R Graham) : Hand trail crew in the alps north of Licola

Photograph probably taken in 1998 (Source: R Graham) : Fireline construction north of Licola

Photograph probably taken in 1990s(Source: R Graham) : End of dozer trail. Daryl Scherger about to start hand trail crew. Otways

Photograph probably taken in 1990s (Source: R Graham) : Hand trail crew about to take over from dozer - Mt Darling

Photograph probably taken in the mid 1990s (Source: R Graham) : Hand trail crew near Mt Hotham

Photograph probably taken in the mid 1990s (Source: R Graham) : Mopping up a fire near Dargo

Photograph probably taken in the mid 1990s (Source: R Graham) : Mopping up a fire near Dargo

Photograph probably taken in the mid 1990s (Source: R Graham) : Mopping up a fire near Dargo

Photograph probably taken in the mid 1990s (Source: R Graham) : Mopping up a fire near Dargo

Photograph probably taken about late 1990s (Source: R Graham) : First Attack Dozer working in the Wombat Forest.

Photograph taken in the early 1990s (Source: R Graham) : Hand trail crew in the Grampians

Photograph taken in the early 1990s (Source: R Graham) : Hand trail crew in the Grampians

Photograph taken in 1985 (Source: R Graham) : Hand trail crew near Bright

Photograph taken about 1973 (Source: R Graham) : Tim Crawford on FCV dozer near the Haunted Stream

Photograph taken in 1963 (Source: R Graham) : Stan Gillet operating a contract dozer near the Humffray River

Photograph probably taken in the mid to late 1930s (Photo: A Layton; Source: P McHugh) : AV Galbraith, FG Gerraty, H FitzRoy (OIC Boys Camp at Rubicon).

Photograph date and location unknown but probably late 1800s to early 1900s (Source: P Langley) - Original owned by HD Ingle (former FCV Commissioner) passed on to FCV by his son HB Ingle (Forest Supervisor) : Mature Messmate.

Photograph taken in 1932 (Source: P Langley) : The VSF

Photograph taken in May 1932 (Source: P Langley) : FCV Forestry Refresher Course - probably Melbourne University.

Photograph date and location unknown but probably late 1800s to early 1900s (Source: P Langley) - Original owned by HD Ingle (former FCV Commissioner) passed on to FCV by his son HB Ingle (Forest Supervisor) : Mountain Ash.

Photograph date and location unknown but probably late 1800s to early 1900s (Source: P Langley) - Original owned by HD Ingle (former FCV Commissioner) passed on to FCV by his son HB Ingle (Forest Supervisor) : Splitting palings in Mountain Ash.

Photograph taken in 1898 (Source: P Langley) : "Mountain Ash, Warbuton."

Photograph taken in 1898 (Source: P Langley) : "Mountain Ash Forest, Big Pat's Creek, Warbuton, Mill Site No. 2."

Photograph taken in July 1898 (Source: P Langley) : "Log Yard, Yarrawonga."

Photograph taken at Khancoban in 1964 (Source: R Graham) : Bright and Beechworth FCV crews at Snowy Mountains Authority fire liaison day. l to r - E Krautschneider, I Carlson, P Wilkinson, J Parkes, D Sinclair behind R Graham , O Raymond, J Keating, K Gidley, F Gill

Photograph taken near Rennick in 1958 (Source: R Graham) : Dick Hawker preparing fireline to stop South Australia fire.

Photograph taken in the Grampians in 1958 (Source: R Graham) : FCV Blitz Tankers awaiting deployment

Photograph taken on 18/10/1961 by R Graham : Living quarters at Matlock (The Triangle) - FCV camp in background probably established post 1939 fires for salvage purposes. Still operating in 1961 for road construction. Derelict by 1969.

Photograph taken about April 1979 (Source: S Gillespie) : Jack Gillespie and Ken Sheldon (Div Forester and Asst Div Forester respectively) at the Horsham office.

Photograph taken in January 1983 near Cann River (Source: R Graham) : Welcome to Hell - near the head of the first major Cann River fire of the 1982/83 season

Photograph taken in January 1983 near Cann River (Source: R Graham) : Spotfires near the front of the first major Cann River fire of the 1982/83 season

Photograph taken in 1935 (Source: R Graham via AL Benallack) : Noojee Boys Camp - "Visitors to the place were legion" - AL Benallack & "4 old dears"

Photograph taken in 1934 or 1935 (Source: R Graham via AL Benallack) : Noojee Boys Camp staff - R Mumford (Chief Cook), AL Benallack (Forester), D Williams (Foreman), F Noar ?? but caption on photo unclear, Asst cook, W Fisher (Senior Boy), B Fidler (Foreman)

Photograph taken in 1934 (Source: R Graham via AL Benallack) : Noojee Boys Camp - approaching from Noojee

Photograph taken in 1934 or 1935 (Source: R Graham via AL Benallack) : Noojee Boys Camp - Headquarters

Photograph taken in 1898 (Source: P Langley) : Falling a Red Gum, Mulwala Forest, Yarrawonga

Photograph probably taken betweem 1910 and 1920 (Source: P Langley) : FCV Creswick Nursery

Photograph probably taken betweem 1910 and 1920 (Source: P Langley) : FCV Creswick Nursery

Photograph taken at the VSF in 1914 (Source: P Langley) : Forest Officer Conference - Back Row (l to r): J Johnston (Supt of Plantations), H R Mackay (Conservator of Forests), W Code, T Maguire, A A Bannerman, ?, T Hayson, ?, ?, J Stewart, T W Newton, D Ingle, R Code, J J Bail, W C Rushall, J Watson, G Maughan, J Ritchie, Stubbs. Front Row: (l to r) - J Higgins, AW or FH Grainger, GT Welsh(?), J Firth, M Griffen, J Semmens, H Young

Photograph probably taken in the early 1900s (Source : The Vern McCallum Collection) : Wattle bark mill between Percy and Richmond Streets, Portland

Photograph probably taken late 1800s - early 1900s (Source: FCRPA) : Wattle bark stripped to be used to produce tannin.

Photograph probably taken in the late 1960s - early 1970s (Source: G Kerr) : Dick Aldridge in the Annya forest next to a reserved messmate.

Photograph taken in 1954 at Thomas's sawmill in the Portland Shire (Source: G Kerr) : A 72ft long sawlog - believed to be the largest delivered to a mill in the Shire.

Photograph taken about 1940 (Source: G Kerr) : Tim Hodgetts

Photograph taken in 1973 (Source: G Kerr) : Tim Hodgetts - FCV Overseer with Gold Axe on retirement

Photograph probably taken in the early 1960s at Gorae (Source: G Kerr) : Tim Hodgetts - FCV Overseer

Photograph probably taken about 1908 ( Source: FCRPA) : Henry & Sons - sawn timber heading to the Forrest Railway Station.

Photograph probably taken between 1911 and 1919 (Source: FCRPA) : Henry & Sons - hauling a log "probably west of the Junction to the No. 2 mill. (N Houghton)

Photograph taken in 1908 (Source (FCRPA) : Henry & Sons - sawn timber heading to the Forrest Railway Station

Photograph probably taken about 1910 (Source: FCRPA) : Henry's No. 1 Mill, Eastern Otways

Photograph probably taken in the late 1920s (Source: FCRPA) : Incline from Hayden No.5 mill, Cumberland River, Eastern Otways.

Photograph taken in 1933 (Source: FCRPA): Tramway bridge over the Wye River - Wye River Sawmilling Co.

Photograph probably taken in the early 1900s (Source: FCRPA) : Sawn timber being hauled to Lorne Pier - St George River side of Teddy's Lookout.

Photograph probably taken in the eraly 1900s (Source: FCRPA) : Desolation near Beech Forest

Photograph taken about 31/08/1956 (Source: FCRPA) : One of two 100ft poles cut for the CRB from forest east of Orbost on Joe de Piazza's truck.

Photograph taken in 1935/36 (Source: D Pettman) : Charles Pettman (front, 3rd from left) at an FCV Employment Relief Camp near Burnt Bridge, Toorloo Arm, Lake Tyers

Photograph taken in 1935/36 (Source: D Pettman) : Charles Pettman (left) - probably near Burnt Bridge, Toorloo Arm, Lake Tyers

Photograph taken in 1935/36 (Source: D Pettman) : Charles Pettman (first standing row, 3rd from right) at an FCV Employment Relief Camp near Burnt Bridge, Toorloo Arm, Lake Tyers

Photograph taken in 1935/36 (Source: D Pettman) : Charles Pettman (back row, extreme left with dog) and FCV Employment Relief crew on the Old Buchan Road

Photograph taken on 28/04/1994 - National Medal presentation (Source: FCRPA) : l to r - M McDougall, JA McKinty, F May, H Caldwell, H Brown, G Coleman (Minister), R Incoll, H Beer, K Harrop, J Morley, G Ridgway, S Duncan

Photograph taken in 1978 (Source: P Fagg) : Forestour - Peter Fagg's nature walk near Lakes Entrance - Denis Read left of centre

Photograph taken in 1981 (Source: D Buntine) : David Buntine addresses Forestour group at Shelley firebombing base

Photograph taken in 1977 (Source: D Buntine) : Ray McCrae at the Forestour assembly point - Lakes Entrance

Photograph taken in 1977 (Source: D Buntine) : Brian Fry at the Forestour assembly point - Lakes Entrance

Photograph taken in 1977 (Source: D Buntine) : Forestour at Ramsdell's Sawmill, Nowa Nowa

Photograph taken at the VSF about 1947 (Source: JP Brisbane) : (l to r) - M Calsaferri, WGD Middleton, KG Harrop, IF Hibbins

Photograph taken at the VSF in 1947 (Source: JP Brisbane) : JK Jerome

Photograph taken at the VSF in 1946 (Source: JP Brisbane) : JP Brisbane (l) and HB Day

Photograph taken at the VSF in 1946 (Source: JP Brisbane) : WT Knight

Photograph taken about 2015 (Source: W Worrell) : Traditional drip torch in use for fuel reduction burning

Photograph taken about 1970 (Source: FCRPA) : HG (Gerry) Irvine's retirement function - Standing (l to r) AJ Threader, CW Elsey, BO Squire - Seated (l to r) FR Moulds, HG Irvine

Photograph probably taken about 1979 in Traralgon (Source: B Marsden) : FCV staff - (l to r) G Squires, D Stevenson, J Radic, R Pearce, C English (front), B Sharp (back), G Esnouf, J Slorach, N Bennett, B Madigan

Photograph probably taken between 1911 and 1916 (Source: Australian Forestry Journal circa 1920-22 via Mike Roche) : Owen Jones - perhaps while he was in Ceylon

Photograph probably taken in 1916 or 1917 (Source: Australian Forestry Journal circa 1920-22 via Mike Roche) : Owen Jones in his Royal Flying Corps Uniform

Photograph taken by B Fry in October 2021 : The Majorca sugar gum plantation

Photograph taken in 2017 (Source: B Marsden) : A Self Propelled Incendiary Flare storage case.

Photograph taken in 2011 (Source: B Marsden) : A Self Propelled Incendiary Flare (SPIF) in use.

Photograph taken in 2010 (Source: B Marsden) : Crew field trialling gel flamethrower. l to r - Peter Billing, Keith Stroud, Barry Marsden, Les Vearing, Rawdon Sthradher

Photograph taken at Orbost in the early 1950s by JA McKinty (Source: M McKinty) : "A demand for 100-foot poles for ... Woomera ... resulted in a search of the valleys near Mount Kuark. In a regrowth ... stand of E. muelleriana, two poles were cut - 110 feet and 120 feet - and ... taken ... to Woomera where they propped an atomic device in the air and were subsequently vaporised." Old Forests. JA McKinty, 1996.

Photograph taken at Orbost in the early 1950s by JA McKinty (Source: M McKinty) : "A demand for 100-foot poles for ... Woomera ... resulted in a search of the valleys near Mount Kuark. In a regrowth ... stand of E. muelleriana, two poles were cut - 110 feet and 120 feet - and ... taken ... to Woomera where they propped an atomic device in the air and were subsequently vaporised." Old Forests. JA McKinty, 1996.

Photograph taken at a Woodend Sawmill in September 2021 (Source: D Endacott) : Redwood sawlogs from the FCV Aire Valley plantings of the late 1920s - early 1930s. "Specialty timber products have been cut from Sequoia sawlogs for many years now starting with the 1929 plantings at Depplers Creek." Roger Smith, September 2021

Photograph probably taken in the early to mid 1960s (Source: FCRPA) : FCV planting radiata pine in the Delatite Plantation, which was largely developed on already cleared land.

Photograph probably taken in the early 1950s (Source: FCRPA) : "Three water tankers, each of 400 gallons capacity and built to the Commission's own specifications, were delivered and orders placed for three additional units. " FCV Annual Report 1951/52. The truck is an Austin.

Photograph probably taken in the early 1950s (Source: FCRPA) : "Three water tankers, each of 400 gallons capacity and built to the Commission's own specifications, were delivered and orders placed for three additional units. " FCV Annual Report 1951/52. The truck is an Austin.

Photograph taken at Glenmaggie Weir, FCV Heyfield FD on 26/11/1952 (Source: FCRPA) : District Forester Val Cleary (3rd from left, front) with FCV crew and sawmill employees at a pump school. The pumps are Pacific Marines.

Photograph of plaque recording the opening on the new Mildura Nursery on 13/7/1967

Photograph taken at the VSF in 1952 (Source: FCRPA) : John Downey

Photograph taken by N Cox at Neerim East in 1981 : Area prepared for planting with radiata pine as part of the PX program

Photograph taken by N Cox at Neerim East in 1981 : Area prepared for planting with radiata pine as part of the PX program

Photograph taken by N Cox in the Mirboo FD about 1968 : FCV Caterpillar D7s clearing for PX at Budgeree

Photograph taken in the Tanjil catchment on 4 April 1941 ( Source: FCRPA) : FCV Cletrac dozer (made by the Cleveland Tractor Company) involved with road construction post 1939 fires

Photograph taken by N Cox at Cann River in 1972 : FCV RLHC tankers and first attack dozers

Photograph taken by N Cox in 1968 : FCV Kenworth delivering new Cat D6 to Mirboo North FD

Photograph probably taken in the early 1960s. Location unknown. (Source: FCRPA) : FCV machine clearing native forest as part of the plantation extension (PX) program

Photograph probably taken in the early 1960s. Location unknown. (Source: FCRPA) : FCV machine clearing native forest as part of the plantation extension (PX) program

Photograph probably taken in the early 1960s. Location unknown. (Source: FCRPA) : FCV machine clearing native forest as part of the plantation extension (PX) program

Photograph probably taken in the early 1960s. Location unknown. (Source: FCRPA) : FCV machine clearing native forest as part of the plantation extension (PX) program

Photograph probably taken in the mid 1970s (Source: B Marsden) : FCV mechanical and engineering group. l to r - Rusty Stewart, Dave Chandler, Ian Matheson, ?, Ron Fox, Ron Briggs, Kevin Hogan, Geoff Wridgeway, Jim Haggart, "Snowy" Pack, ? hidden, Murray Molstead (probably), ?, Doug Ingram, ?

Photograph taken in 1963 (Source: FCRPA) : Machine planting radiata pine at Koetong

Photograph taken in 1963 (Source: FCRPA) : Machine planting radiata pine at Koetong

Photograph taken in 1963 (Source: FCRPA) : Machine planting radiata pine at Koetong

Photograph taken in July 1979 (Source: B Marsden) : l to r - Mike Blamforth, David Holmes, Kevin Monk, Richard Gijsbers, Norm Donehue, Laurie Armistead, Bob McNabb, Ray Mawson, Daryl Scherger

Photograph taken in 1975 by B Fry, Mirboo North FD : FCV float carrying an FCV clearing machine

Photograph probably taken in the 1960s. The location is unknown. (Source: FCRPA) : FCV machines clearing native forest as part of the plantation extension (PX) program

Photograph probably taken in the 1960s. The location is unknown. (Source: FCRPA) : FCV machines clearing native forest as part of the plantation extension (PX) program

Photograph probably taken in the 1960s. The location is unknown. (Source: FCRPA) : FCV machines clearing native forest as part of the plantation extension (PX) program

Photograph probably taken in the 1960s. The location is unknown. (Source: FCRPA) : FCV machine clearing native forest as part of the plantation extension (PX) program

Photograph probably taken near Benambra in 1965/66 (Source: B Rees) : "The first recorded instance of the operational use of aircraft to attack a wildfire in Australia was in 1967 when two Piper Pawnees dropped chemical fire retardant on a small fire in remote mountain country near Benambra in north-eastern Victoria". This is a test flight from the previous year.

Photograph taken about 1975 (Source: B Marsden) : FCV mechanical and engineering group at a structural welding course. l to r - Andy Cahill, Jim Haggart, ?, Eddy Lawson, Ken Hasler, Doug Pocnall, Barry Marsden, ?

Photograph taken in 1951 (Source: L Pederick) : The Blue Range assessment crew. Back (l to r) - Terry Gardiner, Jim Cummings, Peter Britton, Fred Whiting, Len Laing. Front (l to r) - Leon Pederick, Tom Delaney

Photograph taken about April 1953 (Source: L Pederick) : The Bullengarook assessment crew. Back (l to r) - Chris Collin, Dave Anderson, Phil King. Front (l to r) - Frank Gerraty, Geoff Dowler, Leon Pederick, Eric Bachelard, Bill Clifford

Photograph probably taken in the late 1880s (Source: East Gippsland Historical Society) : Inspector Howard Stoney - "The first forester in East Gippsland". See - MG Douglas (2007) in the Public Land Forestry & Fire Section - Site Library

Photograph probably taken in the late 1920s (Source: FCRPA) : Bruce Squire (2nd from left)

Photograph probably taken in the mid to late 1960s (Source: FCRPA) : Aerial seeding with a Pawnee

Photograph taken in 2008 (Source: B Rees) : First through-canopy rappel by Victorian fire crew

Photograph taken at Snowy Range airstrip in 1986 (Source: B Rees) : NSCA helicopters working on forest fires for CFL

Photograph taken in the early 1970s (Source: B Rees) : Aerial spraying of phasmatids

Photograph taken in 1953 (Source: FCRPA) : VSF students at the Smeaton Ball. l to r - John Downey, John Donovan, Arthur Webb. Great Expecations.

Photograph taken in 1976 (Source: JD Gillespie) : Swing saw fence post production in PX area, Heywood FD

Photograph taken by N Cox in 1963 : FCV Construction of the Big River Road - compacting the surface

Photograph taken by N Cox in 1963 : FCV Construction of the Big River Road - spreading surfacing material

Photograph taken by N Cox in 1963 : FCV Construction of the Big River Road - breaking up large surfacing material

Photograph taken by N Cox in 1963 : FCV Construction of the Big River Road - ripping and widening after breakout

Photograph taken by N Cox in 1963 : FCV Construction of the Big River Road - building a culvert

Photograph taken by N Cox in 1963 : FCV Construction of the Big River Road - breaking out after blasting

Photograph taken by N Cox in 1963 : FCV Construction of the Big River Road - after blasting

Photograph taken by N Cox in 1963 : FCV Construction of the Big River Road - Chook Hope connecting charged holes with cordtex

Photograph taken by N Cox in 1963 : FCV Construction of the Big River Road - Chook Hope placing gelignite into drill holes

Photograph taken by N Cox in 1963 : FCV Construction of the Big River Road - Ern Snell (left) drilling and Chook Hope

Photograph taken by N Cox in 1963 : FCV Construction of the Big River Road

Photograph taken by Leon Pederick in the early 1950s : FCV Warrak Camp

Photograph taken by N Cox in 1963 : FCV Construction camp - Big River Road

Photograph taken in 1970 at Snowy Range - FAO group with Heyfield MSC members at Twin Otter trials (Source: Dick Noble) : The three easily identifiable MSC members are: (l to r) David Hannah, Peter Eastaugh, Ross Foster

Photograph taken in 1969 at Connors Plain (Source: Dick Noble) : 'The Outlaws' - Back (l to r) Dave Hannah, Ross Foster, Peter Fitzpatrick, Brendan Lay, Craig Irvin. Front (l to r) Dick Noble, Dave Buckle

Photograph taken in 1970 (Source: Dick Noble) : Ross Foster

Photograph taken in 1969 at Mt Skene (Source: Dick Noble) : (l to r) Euan 'Wanga' Thompson, Tim Clark, Gary Clark (towerman), Dick Noble

Photograph taken in 1972 at Guy's Hut (Source: K Baines) : The Beard Gang. Standing (l to r) John Lewis, Ollie Parnaby, ?, Kester Baines, Nick Legge (behind KB), Mick Jolly. Crouching ?

Photograph taken in 1969 (Source: T Clark) : Alan Falkingham, FCV Mansfield, on secondment to Heyfield MSC

Photograph taken by John Wilson at Macalister Springs, Heyfield FD in 1969/70 (Source: Dick Noble) : Heyfield Mobile Support Crew. Back row seated (l to r) - John Baxter, Dave Hannah, Brian Jones, Tom Stone, Ollie Parnaby. Next row standing (l to r) - Andy Hannah, Kester Baines, Robin Young. Second front row (l to r) - Tony Maine, Tim Clark, Pete Eastaugh, Ross Foster. Front row (l to r) Gerry Fitzpatrick, Dick Noble, Peter Fitzpatrick, Dave Buckle, Ron Gold. Absent - Mike Lakeland, Peter Thomas (Cook)

Photograph taken at Connors Plains, Heyfield FD in 1968/69 (Source: Dick Noble) : Heyfield Mobile Support Crew. Standing (l to r) Dave Buckle, Kester Baines, John Wilson, Alan Falkingham (FCV Mansfield), Dick Noble, Peter Fitzpatrick, Euan 'Wanga' Thompson, Tim Clark, Kevin 'Wings' Holland (FCV Mansfield), Brendan Lay, Dave Hannah, Tim Hannah, Ian Walkley. Squatting (l to r) - Peter Thomas (Cook), Ray Trenfield (FCV Mansfield), Lex Wade (FCV Mansfield), Craig Irvin, Neville Horan (FCV Mansfield), Ross Foster, Robin Young

Photograph taken at the VSF, probably in 1965 or 1966 (Source: FCRPA) : Gary Waugh (l) and Roger Fyfe

Photograph taken by VP Cleary in 1950 (Source: G Cleary) : Log landing at a winch site on Wild Dog Creek Road, Otways

Photograph taken at the VSF in February 1966 (Source: A Eddy) : Photo of first year students used by VSF staff to help their failing memories identify "the Good the Bad and the Ugly". Over the three years, all students occupied each one of these categories at some stage

Photograph taken in 1966 (Source: FCRPA) : Broadford No. 1 Camp

Photograph taken by JD Gillespie in about 1965 (Source: S Gillespie) : Mountain Ash sawlogs at the VHC Sawmill in Powelltown.

Photograph taken on 13/7/1967 (Source: S Gillespie) : Opening of the new FCV Nursery at Mildura. l to r - ?, CRG Venville

Photograph taken on 13/7/1967 (Source: S Gillespie) : Opening of the new FCV Nursery at Mildura. l to r - FCV Commissioner CW Elsey, ED (Ted) Gill

Photograph probably taken about 1960 (Source: JD Gillespie & S Gillespie) : Timber Jack trials - Upper Yarra Forest District

Photograph probably taken about 1960 (Source: JD Gillespie & S Gillespie) : Timber Jack trials - Upper Yarra Forest District

Photograph taken in 1991 - trees and wastewater management (Source: H Stewart) : Approx. 10 year old poplar at the Wangaratta Sewage Farm

Photograph taken in 2004 - trees and wastewater management (Source: H Stewart) : Flooded Gum irrigated with saline wastewater from a PVC manufacturing plant,ICI, Laverton

Photograph taken in July 1992 - trees and wastewater management (Source: H Stewart) : Launch of the Trees for Profit program. Jim Witham (at the podium) and Minister Barry Pullen

Photograph taken in 1991 - trees and wastewater management (Source: H Stewart) : Hugh Stewart in Flooded Gum (age 15 years) at Kyabram

Photograph taken in 1990 - trees and wastewater management (Source: H Stewart) : Flooded Gum and Red Gum (6 years old) irrigated with fruit processing wastewater at Loxton, SA

Photograph taken in 1985 - trees and wastewater management (Source: H Stewart) : 3 year old River Sheoak at the Red Cliffs Sewage Farm

Photograph taken in 1984 - trees and wastewater management (Source: H Stewart) : John Tremain conducting root biomass studies at the Wodonga trial

Photograph taken in 1981 - trees and wastewater management (Source: H Stewart) : Tree water use studies at the Mildura Sewage Farm. Peter Baldwin (in the canopy) and Jim Morris

Photograph taken in 1981 - trees and wastewater management (Source: H Stewart) : 4 year old Flooded Gum at the Mildura Sewage Farm

Photograph taken in 1980 - trees and wastewater management (Source: H Stewart) : David Flinn at the Robinvale Sewage farm - iron deficiency in Blue Gum

Photograph taken in 1980 - trees and wastewater management (Source: H Stewart) : Bob McKimm at the Robinvale Sewage Farm

Photograph taken in 1980 - trees and wastewater management (Source: H Stewart) : Max James (l), David Flinn, Terry Hillman at a trial planting in Wodonga

Photograph taken in 1979 - trees and wastewater management (Source: H Stewart) : Peter Baldwin (l), Jim Morris, Max James, David Flinn, ?, at the Robinvale Sewage Farm

Photograph taken in 1978 - trees and wastewater management (Source: H Stewart) : Jim Edgar (l) and Hugh Stewart at the Mildura Sewage Farm.

Photograph taken in 1976 - trees and wastewater management (Source: H Stewart) : Andy Steiner (L) and Ross Bickford at the Kyabram Research Station

Photograph taken in 1965 (Source: JD Gillespie & S Gillespie) : FCV building the Loch River Bridge - Neerim Forest District

Photograph taken in 1918 (Source: CHG Pavey & S Gillespie) : VSF Students on Mt Beckworth. Back - McDonald, Niven, Galbraith, ?, ? Centre - ?, Hone. Front - Pavey, Wyllie, Torbet, Strachan, McMahon

Photograph probably taken in 1928 (Source: CHG Pavey & S Gillespie) : Log truck, possibly at Woohlpooer. Identified as Standard Sentinel steam wagon owned by Rowe's, sawmillers from Woohlpooer

Photograph taken in 1928 (Source: CHG Pavey & S Gillespie) : Falling mountain ash at Mt Horsfall. Paling splitters before there was any sawmill logging in the area. Note the "chip" taken out, above the cutter's heads, to prove the tree suitable for palings

Photograph taken at Daylesford in the early to mid-1990s (Source: D Endacott) : "Dr" Norm Endacott protesting at a Doctors for Native Forests meeting

Photograph taken in 2004 (Source: D Endacott) : Norm Endacott in the Wombat Forest at Paddy'sPoint

Photograph of the student body taken at the VSF in 1921 (Source: M McKinty) : Back (l to r) - ED Reilly (Yr 1), RT Seaton (Yr1), AL Benallack (Yr2), RM Cromb (Yr2), K McRae (Yr1), DF Kerr (Yr1). Seated (l to r) - AO Lawrence (Yr2), FS Incoll (Yr3), W Grigg (Yr3), AW Shillinglaw (Yr3), C Venville (Yr2). Front (l to r) - W Tingate (Yr1), CA Eales (Yr1)

Photograph taken in March 1980 (Source: S Gillespie) : JD Gillespie at a plantation of River Sheoak - probably irrigated by waste water from a Sunraysia winery.

Photograph taken on 13/7/1967 (Source: S Gillespie) : Opening of the new FCV Nursery at Mildura. Seated (l to r) - FCV Commissioner CW Elsey, FCV Commissioner FR Moulds, FCV Chairman AO Lawrence, ?,MS Whiting MLA (Mildura), FCV DFO I McLaughlin. Standing - AR Mansell MLC (North Western)

Photograph taken on 13/7/1967 (Source: S Gillespie) : Opening of the new FCV Nursery at Mildura. AR Mansell MLC (North Western) planting a Lemon Scented Gum. Onlookers (l to r) ?, FCV Chairman AO Lawrence, MS Whiting MLA (Mildura), FCV Commissioner CW Elsey

Photograph taken on 13/1/1967 (Source: S Gillespie) : Opening of the new FCV Nursery at Mildura. FCV Chairman AO Lawrence at left

Photograph taken on 13/7/1967 (Source: S Gillespie) : Opening of the new FCV Nursery at Mildura. From left - FCV Commissioner FR Moulds, FCV Chairman AO Lawrence.

Photograph taken on 13/7/1967 (Source: S Gillespie) : Opening of the new FCV Nursery at Mildura. L to r - FCV Chairman AO Lawrence, ? , MS Whiting MLA (Mildura), FCV Commissioner FR Moulds, FCV Commissioner CW Elsey, AR Mansell MLC (North Western), FCV DFO I McLaughlin

Photograph taken about 1920 (Sources : G Pavey & S Gillespie) : There is some uncertainty here but we think - Rear (l to r) - CHG Pavey, M McMahon. Front (l to r) ER Torbet and J Nugent. Pavey, Torbet & Nugent were 1920 Graduates. We have McMahon as a 1919 Graduate.

Photograph taken in 1889 by JD Peirce (Source: JA McKinty) : Mountain Ash known as "The Baron" : l to r - an assistant, GS Perrin, D Boyle, HW Fuller, an assistant

Photograph of a postcard sent to JA McKinty by JT Woolstencroft (Source: M McKinty) : Mountain Ash at Mount Horsfall. The photo was taken about 1920.

Photograph probably taken in the early 1970s (Source: The Calder family) : Stuart Calder

Photograph taken in about 1920 (Source: FCRPA & T O'Hehir) : FCV thinning/firebreak crew in the Wombat Forest near Bullarto. Front row 3rd from left - George O'Hehir.

Photograph probably taken in an Upper Yarra Forest District dugout in about 1960 (Source: S Gillespie) : l to r - JD Gillespie, ?, L Wicks (APMF), ?, W Knight (APMF), ?

Photograph taken by JD Gillespie about 1959 (Source: S Gillespie) : Log truck, Main Rd, Powelltown. In the photo is "Tim" Timoney who undertook storeman and log checking duties for the FCV in Powelltown

Photograph taken by JD Gillespie about 1959 (Source: S Gillespie) : Log truck, Main Rd, Powelltown. Logs like these were coming from areas unburnt in the 1939 fires within the Ada River catchment.

Photograph taken by JD Gillespie about 1958 (Source: S Gillespie) : George Green (l) and Arthur Webb (r) - FCV broadcast sowing Mt Ash at Blacksands Rd, Three Bridges, Upper Yarra Forest District

Photograph taken in 1959 by JD Gillespie (Source: S Gillespie) : Arthur Webb measuring spot-sown Mt Ash seedlings after a regeneration burn near the Ada River, Upper Yarra Forest District

Photograph of the Graduating Class taken at the VSF in about December 1941 (Source: S Gillespie) : l to r - JD Gillespie, LK Moore, AJ Leslie, AJ Threader, TH Chambers

Photograph taken by JD Gillespie about 1940 (Source: S Gillespie) : The Creswick Nursery

Photograph taken in 1941 by JD Gillespie (Source: S Gillespie) : Charcoal kilns near Beaufort

Photograph taken in May 2021 by I Brilliant : Yellow Gum (Eucalyptus leucoxylon) in Bryntirion State Forest

Photograph taken in 1962 by JD Gillespie (Source: S Gillespie) : FCV Nursery at Powelltown

Photograph taken in 1962 by JD Gillespie (Source: S Gillespie) : FCV Nursery at Powelltown

Photograph taken about 1950 by JD Gillespie at the State Mill in Erica : Norm Bird

Photograph taken on 15/12/1946 by JD Gillespie (Source: S Gillespie) : Logs ready to depart Little Boys, Erica Forest District

Photograph taken on 15/12/1946 by JD Gillespie (Source: S Gillespie) : Logs ready to depart Little Boys, Erica Forest District - (l to r) - Alan Kellow, George Armstrong

Photograph taken in 1946 by JD Gillespie (Source: S Gillespie) : View from Ezard's No. 2 Sawmill on the Thomson Valley Tramline

Photograph taken on 15/12/1946 by JD Gillespie (Source: S Gillespie) : Ezard's No. 2 Sawmill on the Thomson Valley Tramline, Erica Forest District

Composite of photographs taken in 1946 at the Erica Forest Office (Source: JD Gillespie) : Left image (l to r) - Carmel McCabe, Jack Gillespie, Gordon Anderson, Maureen McClelland. Right image (l to r) - Colin Anderson, Gordon Anderson, Carmel McCabe, Maureen McClelland

Photograph taken at the VSF in (probably) 1939 (Source: S Gillespie) : l to r - Unknown, JD Gillespie, T Chambers, AJ Threader, LK Moore?

Photograph taken by JD Gillespie, 1966-1968 (Source: S Gillespie) : The Barmah Muster

Photograph taken between December 1944 and July 1945 (Source: Australian War Memorial and J Tapiolas) : Italian POWs at the Kinglake West Camp - Cosimo Papadia is in the rear, 2nd from left.

Photograph taken in 1946 (Source: FCRPA) : Red Ironbark ( Eucalyptus sideroxylon) near Rushworth.

Photograph taken in 1946 (Source: FCRPA) : Yellow Box ( Eucalyptus melliodora) near Graytown.

Photograph taken in 1952 by JD Gillespie (Source: S Gillespie) : FCV Fire School at the Kinglake West Camp.

Photograph taken by JD Gillespie, 1942-1945 (Source: S Gillespie) : Firewood from Glynwylln State Forest at Stawell Railway Yards awaiting transfer to Melbourne.

Photograph probably taken in 1939 (Source: FCRPA) : Tanjil Bren - new FCV Office in mid-ground to the right.

Photograph taken in about 1941 (Source: FCRPA) : Strahan & Davies Sawmill, Tanjil Bren.

Photograph taken in about 1970 (Source: S Gillespie) : Jack Gillespie

Photograph taken in 1969 by I Hastings : FCV Camp at Koetong

Photograph by JD Peirce probably taken in the 1880s (Source: FCRPA; See also: NGA) : Mountain Ash, Stoney Ck, Narbethong State Forest - 303'6" tall, 25'7" girth at 6' above ground.

Photograph taken in 1969 (Source: G Cleary) : Bridge construction on the Yalmy Road, FCV, Orbost Forest District

Photograph probably taken in the early 1900s (Source: FCRPA) : Horse-drawn tramway at sawmill settlement - location unknown.

Photograph probably taken in the early 1900s (Source: FCRPA) : Typical bush sawmill

Photograph probably taken in the early 1900s (Source: FCRPA) : Splitting palings

Photograph taken on 18/3/2021 by R Rawson : Near entrance to Wail Nursery

Photograph taken on 18/3/2021 by R Rawson : Sugar Gum Plantation near Wail Nursery

Photograph taken on 18/3/2021 by R Rawson : Sugar Gum Plantation near entrance to Wail Nursery

Photograph taken in 2019 by I Brilliant : FCV Days-McCormack Deering Rail Tractor at Erica.

Photograph taken at the VSF in about 1965 (Source: FCRPA) : (l to r) I Wild, I Hemphill, G Waugh, I Leversha from the Graduating Class of 1966.

Photograph taken at the VSF in 1961 (Source: FCRPA) : Official opening of AVG House

Photograph taken in 1997 by W Worrell : First Attack Dozer - Cat D4C working from Olinda.

Photograph taken in 1993 by W Worrell : First Attack Dozer. John Deere - T104 on a Hino Tipper at Olinda.

Photograph taken in 1987 (Source: W Worrell) : First Attack Dozer being unloaded. John Deere (Model?) on a Dodge Tipper at Olinda.

Photograph taken about 1970 by N Cox at Cann River : First Attack Dozer. Fiat AT7

Photograph taken in the early to mid 1960s (Source: FCRPA) : First Attack Dozer. Cat D4E on a Bull Nose Bedford tray truck.

Photograph taken in the early to mid 1960s (Source: FCRPA) : First Attack Dozer. Cat D4E on a Bull Nose Bedford tray truck.

Photograph probably taken in the early to mid-1960s (Source: B Marsden) : First Attack Dozer. Allis Chalmers HD3 with V Blade.

Photograph taken in November 1962 (Source: G Cleary) : Fire Survival Tent trial in Trentham Forest District.

Photograph taken in 1951 (Source: N Fraser) : Jack Channon at Murderer's Hill Assessment Camp

Photograph taken in 1946 by JD Gillespie (Source: S Gillespie) : FCV Little Boys Camp in the Upper Thomson

Photograph taken in 1980 by G Evans (Walk into History - Powelltown) : Les Lasham (l) & Geoff Evans on a tramway "makeup" (as opposed to "trestle") style bridge NE of Starlings Gap

Photograph taken in 1980 (Source: G Evans) (Walk into History - Powelltown) : Powelltown FCV people at the site where 10 original bogies were found in 1980, after being "parked" for 41 years off Doweys Spur Rd.

Photograph taken in 1980 by G Evans (Walk into History - Powelltown) : Recreating the log carriage to be displayed in Powellton. Carriage complete with logs.

Photograph taken in 1980 (Source: G Evans) (Walk into History - Powelltown) : Recreating the log carriage to be displayed at Powelltown. Geoff Evans with the bogies placed on the site.

Photograph taken in 1980 by G Evans (Walk into History - Powelltown) : Recreating the log carriage to be displayed at Powelltown. First bogie being unloaded at the display site. l to r - Alan Cole, Eddie Andrews, Fred Newcombe, Bruce Cole.

Photograph taken in 1980 by G Evans (Walk into History - Powelltown) : Recreating the log carriage to be displayed in Powelltown. Fred Newcombe with the two rebuilt bogies at the Powelltown FCV Depot.

Photograph taken in 1980 by G Evans (Walk into History - Powelltown) : Recreating the log carriage to be displayed in Powelltown. Fred Newcombe, Bruce Cole, Eddie Andrews, Ron Jenkins & Alan Cole loading a rebuilt bogie at Powelltown FCV Depot.

Photograph taken in 1980 by G Evans (Walk into History - Powelltown) : Recreating the log carriage to be displayed in Powelltown. Construction by Fred Newcombe & Powelltown FCV crew. Sleepers cut by 91 Forestry Squadron.

Photograph taken in 1979 by G Evans (Walk into History - Powelltown) : First day of the project's construction. FCV crew clearing track with hand tools. l to r - Michael Monahan, Alan Cole, Eddie Andrews, Daryl Beattie.

Photograph taken at the VSF in about 1928 (Source: FCRPA) : Surveying Class - W Lister (Lecturer) at extreme left. There are many more students in this photo than were present at the VSF at this time. Perhaps this is a combined class with the School of Mines Ballarat

Photograph taken on 3/06/1944 (Source: FCRPA) : Newmans No. 3 Sawmill on the Toorongo Plateau

Photograph taken in 1928 by EJ Semmens (Source:FCRPA) : FCV Eucalyptus oil distillery at Wellsford

Photograph taken about 1941 (Source: FCRPA) : FCV constructing Kurth Kiln

Photograph taken about 1941 (Source: FCRPA) : FCV constructing Kurth Kiln

Photograph taken about 1941 (Source: FCRPA) : FCV constructing Kurth Kiln

Photograph taken in 1940 (Source: G Cleary) : FCV camp at Big River

Photograph taken at the VSF in 1940 (Source: G Cleary) : Charcoal kiln operations below the Physics and Chemistry Labs

Photograph taken at the VSF in 1940 (Source: G Cleary) : From left - I McDonald , E Ellwood, VP Cleary

Photograph taken at the VSF in 1940 (Source: G Cleary) : E Ellwod (l) & VP Cleary

Photograph taken in about 1941 (Source: FCRPA) : FCV D6 Caterpillar at Little Boys Creek, Upper Thomson

Photograph taken in 1947 by Prof EJ Hartung (Source: FCRPA) : Mountain Ash at Wallaby Creek

Photograph taken in 1947 by JA McKinty (Source: M McKinty) : FCV constructing bridge across the Timbarra river

Photograph taken in 1946 by JA McKinty (Source: M McKinty) : State Sawmill Erica cottages and mill supply dam

Photograph taken in 1946 by JA McKinty (Source: M McKinty) : State Sawmill at Erica

Photograph taken in 1946 by JA McKinty (Source: M McKinty) : Ezard's log rail tractors - J McKinty (l), A Coldicutt, G Dyer (r)

Photograph taken in 1946 by JA McKinty (Source: M McKinty) : FCV Erica's assistant quarters, office, old office

Photograph taken in 1946 by JA McKinty (Source: M McKinty) : FCV WD40 Rail Tractor & rake of logs

Photograph taken in 1946 by JA McKinty (Source: M McKinty) : FCV tramline repairs in the Thomson Valley. From l - Unknown, JA McKinty, A Coldicutt

Photograph taken in 2017 (Source: http://eatonfamily.net.au/reids-tramline-walk-powelltown/): "Opposite the FCV Powelltown office, on the Noojee Road, a wayside stop was created and, to this day, a rebuilt loaded carriage can be viewed."

Photograph taken in 1947 - Val Cleary leaving Mansfield District (Source: G Cleary) : Jim Westcott (l), Val Cleary ( middle)

Photograph taken in 1946 (Source : G Westcott) : Walter J Zimmer (l) and Jim Westcott at the Mansfield Forest Office.

Photograph taken in March 1950 (Source: G Cleary) : RAAF Sikorsky S.51 Dragonfly, A80-1 on Howitt Plains

Photograph taken in 1950 (Source: L Pederick) : The 1950 Creswick Football Club Premiership Team

Photograph taken about 1991 - National Medal Presentation (Source: L Robinson) : l to r - Keith Lyle, Rod Mildren, Graeme Swinton, Neville Robinson, Harry (Hank) Thomas - all Graduates from the 1966 Foreman School at Broadford.

Photograph probably from about 1908-1909 (Source: Stephen Watson - Moe Walhalla Railway Museum Collection, Erica) : Sleepers awaiting collection on the Walhalla Railway

Photograph probably from about 1908-1909 (Source: Stephen Watson - Moe Walhalla Railway Museum Collection, Erica) : Sleepers awaiting loading - Knotts Cutting

Photograph probably from late 1800s - early 1900s (Source: Stephen Watson - Moe Walhalla Railway Museum Collection, Erica): Carting Sleepers at Gould

Photograph taken on 19 Oct 2020 by I Brilliant : FCV Sugar Gum plantation established in 1954 at Bryntirion - thinned and used for firewood collection.

Photograph taken on 19 Oct 2020 by I Brilliant : FCV Sugar Gum plantation established in 1954 at Bryntirion - thinned and used for firewood collection.

Photograph taken in 1964 by M McKinty : (l to r) A Eddy (Senior Lecturer, VSF), M Boucher (Lecturer, VSF), M Stump (DFO), J McKinty (ADF) - VSF excursion to Wombat forest.

Photograph taken in 1962 by P Sheehan : A Mintern Seeder being used at the FCV Dando nursery near Gellibrand

Photograph taken in about 1967 by N Cox : FCV radiata pine nursery at Narbethong - lifting seedlings

Photograph taken in about 1967 by N Cox : FCV radiata pine nursery at Narbethong - seedling lifter

Photograph taken in about 1967 by N Cox : FCV radiata pine nursery at Narbethong - weeding

Photograph taken in about 1967 by N Cox : FCV radiata pine nursery at Narbethong - weeding

Photograph taken in 1964 (Source: FCRPA) : FCV Divisional Fire Conference at Ballarat

Photograph taken in 1964 (Source: FCRPA) : FCV Divisional Fire Conference at Ballarat

Photograph probably taken in the mid to late 1930s (Source: J O'Dowd) : FCV Boys Camp at Olangolah

Photograph taken in 1952 near Deddick (Source: M Douglas) : l to r- Sam Bruton, Ray Brash, Fred Minchin

Photograph taken in June 1984 on Errinundra (Source: Sun Herald) : l to r- Moray Douglas, Ewan Waller, Frank Morris

Photograph probably taken in the mid to late 1930s at the FCV Olangolah Boys Camp (Source: Jim O'Dowd) : Back left - Tom O'Dowd (FCV Leading Hand & uncle of Jim). Front right - Wally Prosser (Camp cook & a grandfather of Jim)

Photograph taken in June 1984 (Source: Sun Herald) : Frank Morris on Errinundra

Photograph taken at the VSF in about 1944 (Source: FCRPA) : BT Lasich

Photograph taken in 1957 (Source: M McKinty) : JA McKinty

Photograph taken on 27/5/2000 (Source: DNRE) : L Turner on Mt McKinty

Photograph taken in June 1937 (Source: J McKinty) : Jim Mckinty on Levis

Photograph taken on 20/2/1940 (Source: J McKinty) : Saddled up and heading for Bennison Plains (l to r) Bill Reeves, standing Reeves Snr with Angelique, Henry Redwood, Jim McKinty, Merton Chester

Photograph taken on 27/10/1940 by J Mckinty : Mt Skene Hut

Photograph taken on 31/10/1939 (Source: J McKinty) : Moroka Assessment - heading out from Castleburn (l to r) Don Fairweather, Andy Estoppey, Jim McKinty, Joffre Steen, Herb Scott

Photograph taken on 7/4/1937 by P Crosby Morrison : J McKinty at Assessment Camp - Murrundindi River

Photograph taken on 3/11/1939 by J McKinty : Assessment Camp at Dairy Farm Flat

Photograph taken in 1962 (Source: O Raymond) : Back (at far right) A Thornley - Middle (l to r) F Lawless, J Booth, G Wright, Unknown- Front (l to r) W Incoll, G Morrison, S Rowley, N McCracken, D Read, O Raymond, Unknown

Photograph taken in the summer of 1953/54 (Source: G Cleary) : Val Cleary on Mt Useful

Photograph taken at the VSF in December 1939 (Source: N Endacott) : Standing (l to r) C Fleming, A Threader, W Flentje, J Gillespie, A Leslie, L Moore, T Chambers, N Endacott, D Campbell - Kneeling (l to r) K O'Kane, D Parnaby

Photograph taken in 1959 (Source: G Geary) : Gus Geary on Mt Pinnibar - bush carpentry at its finest.

Photograph taken about 1938 at Powelltown (Source: J Flentje) : Back(l to r) W Litster, unknown, G Weste, C Fleming, K Simmonds - Front (l to r) K O'Kane, J Flentje

Photograph taken in 1950 at Graytown FCV Foreman's School (Source: W Flentje) : Bill Flentje (left) and CV Wyllie

Photograph taken in 1944 (Source: G Cleary) : FCV Fire Lookout at Mt Buller - "Ah, the serenity."

Photograph taken in 1970 (Source: G Cleary) : Gerry Griffin and Val Cleary

Photograph taken at Marysville in 1963 (Source: M McKinty) : FCV Fire Conference

Photograph taken by R Ritchie in the mid to late 1940s : Wally Jordan delivering pine seedling to planting gangs - FCV Camp at Childers.

Photograph taken by R Ritchie in the mid to late 1940s : FCV Camp at Childers.

Photograph taken in 2012 at Government House, Victoria (Source: B Marsden) : Athol Hodgson and Rocky Marsden after receiving, respectively, the AM and AFSM.

Photograph taken in summer 1953-1954 (Source: A Webb) : Sam Bruton (driving) and Arthur Webb on the Nunniong Plateau.

Photograph taken in 1946 by JA McKinty (Source: M McKinty) : Log dump under sprays in the Upper Thomson - Little Boys Camp in the background.

Photograph taken in 1968 (Source: G Cleary) : Charlie Reisinger operating VL3AA with Val Cleary.

Photograph taken in September 1969 (Source: G Cleary) : Shining Gum on the Errinundra Plateau. Roly Parke & JB Johnston in the photo,

Photograph taken by JD Gillespie in 1946 (Source: N Endacott) : South Cascade Bridge on the Thomson Valley Tramway

Photograph taken by JD Gillespie in 1946 (Source: S Gillespie) : Timber from Alstergren's Mill in the Upper Thomson on the South Cascade Bridge

Photograph probably from about 1946 (Source: N Endacott) : Ezard's loco on the South Cascade bridge

Photograph probably from around 1940 (Source: N Endacott) : FCV "Boys' Camp" at Powelltown

Photograph taken in November 1969 (Source: G Cleary) : Wail Nursery

Photograph of Mountain Ash thought to have been taken near Warbuton in 1912 (Source: Leon Bren) : There is further information about the origin of this photograph in the Forests gallery on this site.

Photograph probably from about 1908-1909 (Source: Stephen Watson - Moe Walhalla Railway Museum Collection, Erica) : Locomotive 1A collecting sleepers on the Walhalla Railway

Photograph probably from about 1908-1909 (Source: Stephen Watson - Moe Walhalla Railway Museum Collection, Erica) : Sleepers cutters with the tools of their trade

Photograph probably from about 1908-1909 (Source: Stephen Watson - Moe Walhalla Railway Museum Collection, Erica) : 200 sleepers awaiting collection on the Walhalla Railway

Photograph probably taken about 1959/62 (Source: G Kennedy) : Breaking out the Tamboritha Road

Photograph probably taken about 1959/62 (Source: G Kennedy) : Breaking out the Tamboritha Road

Photograph probably taken about 1959/62 (Source: G Kennedy) : Breaking out the Tamboritha Road

Photograph probably taken about 1959/62 (Source: G Kennedy) : Breaking out the Tamboritha Road

Photograph probably taken about 1959/62 (Source: G Kennedy) : Breaking out the Tamboritha Road

Photograph probably taken about 1959/62 (Source: G Kennedy) : Breaking out the Tamboritha Road

Photograph probably taken about 1959/62 (Source: G Kennedy) : Breaking out the Tamboritha Road

Photograph taken in about 1951 by Leon Pederick : Tanjil Bren from the Forest Office

Photograph taken in 1946 (Source: FCRPA) : FCV Camp in the Rubicon Forest - perhaps on Snob's Creek or on the Royston.

Photograph taken in 1974 (Source: G Cleary) : USA Tour by Russian Forestry Delegation. Eric Ellwood in rear, third from right. Fifth from left is John McGuire, Chief USDA Forests Service.

Photograph taken in January 1942 (Source: G Cleary) : The State Mill at Erica

Photograph date unknown (Source: M McCarthy) : The State Mill at Erica

Photograph taken in May 1979 at the VSF - attendees at a road construction course (Source: FCRPA) : l to r - N Donahue, J Carey, H Balcombe, B Madigan, F Malsem, R Bennett, L Lubeek, C English, B Worseldine, Unknown, K Jones, G Angus, Unknown, L Lasham

Photograph taken in February 1971 (Source: G Cleary) : Jessop Firebombing Base

Photograph of the Graduating Class taken at the VSF in 1947 : l to r - RJ Gorman, WT Knight, M Jack, HB Prewett, KG Harrop, RG Hodges, M Calsaferri, LB Williams, WR Jones, HJ Caldwell, H Miller, IF MCLaughlin, BF McNeil

Photograph taken in 1969 (Source: B Rees) : Snow Commander - AG Airwork - Grampians

Photograpn taken in 1952 (Source: FCRPA) : FCV single man quarters, The Triangle

Photograph probably taken in the late 1950s (Source : B Fry) : FCV camp at Bullarto South

Photograph probably taken in the late 1950s (Source: B Fry) : John Wright at Surveyors Creek

Photograph taken in 1940 (Source: FCRPA) : Norm Endacott at Little Boys Camp

Photograph probably taken in the early 1920s (Source: FCRPA) : The VSF Chemistry Laboratory

Photograph taken in about 1960 by G Wallace : Mt Skene Lookout

Photograph taken in 1979 by N Cox : FCV Camp, Surveyors Creek

Photograph taken in about 2003 by J Scott (Source: B Marsden) : Aerial ignition from helicopter in North East Victoria

Photograph taken in about 2003 by J Scott (Source: B Marsden) : Aerial ignition from helicopter in North East Victoria

Photograph taken in 1926 in the grounds of the VSF (Source: M McKinty) : Creswick Football Club, Premiers 1926

Photograph taken in about 1958 (Source: FCRPA) : FCV Log Checking Station, Licola

Photograph of the Graduating Class taken at the VSF in 1980 : back left standing - R Alder, P Bone - back seated (l to r) R Honeyman, M Jenkins, N McCarthy, S Burke - middle seated (l to r) C Pennington, A Campbell, A Harrison, J Adams, I Pendlebury - front seated (l to r) P Turnbull, D Rawet, B Edgar - right (on ledge from top) B Nicholson, R Lees, L Wilkinson (Note that because illness delayed his final examinations, R Lees graduated in February 1981)

Photograph taken in Bruthen FD in July 1972 (Source: G Cleary) : l to r - V Cleary, K Gidley, Roly Parke, L Laing, B Naylor, R Bennett, N Fraser

Photograph taken in 1940 by JD Gillespie (Sources: S Gillespie & G Cleary) : FCV Creswick Nurseryman - l to r - Mick, Artie, Yank, Dodger (George Herbert Dean), Albert

Photograph taken at the VSF in 1974 (Source: M Niven) : l to r - G Portman, R Steiner, G Rowland, D Tainsh, S Murphy, Prince Charles, G Morgan

Photograph of the VSF Graduating Class taken in 1931 : l to r - HR (Roly) Parke, JC Westcott, KM Gibson, AL Gordon

Photograph taken in November 1927 (Source : FCRPA) : Harman locomotive for Tyers Valley tramway, being delivered from manufacturer in Port Melbourne. (Light Railways No.42)

Photograph taken in the mid 1920's (Source : FCRPA) : Loch Valley tramway, Noojee.

Photograph taken in 1917 (Source : EG Stuckey) : Victorian Hardwood Milling and Seasoning Co. No.3 logging winch. East end of Bump Incline. (Arsenic and Molasses p48)

Photograph taken in 1898 (Source : FCRPA) : Wandong Railway Station.

Photograph taken in 1898 (Source : FCRPA) : Best (Sunday Creek) bridge, Australian Seasoned Timber Co. Mt Disappointment.

Photograph taken in 1898 (Source : FCRPA) : Baldwin locomotive on Australian Seasoned Timber Co. tramline, Mt Disappointment. Probably Devils Elbow Creek (now Harpers Creek)

Photograph taken in 1898 (Source : FCRPA) : Australian Seasoned Timber Company; Comet Mill and Bump Incline; Mt Disappointment

Photograph taken in January 1942 of FCV staff at the Erica Office (Source: G Cleary) : Back (l to r) C Elsey, G Dyer - Front (l to r) J Arthur, J McKinty, C McCabe, G Anderson, S Ryan

Photograph taken in Summer 1955/56 (Source: A Webb) : Bob Orr (front) and Ross May heading to Mt Selwyn

Photograph taken in Summer 1955/56 (Source: A Webb) : Lying down on the job

Photograph taken in Summer 1955/56 (Source: A Webb) : Arthur Webb on the radio, Mt Selwyn

Photograph taken in Summer 1954/55 (Source: A Webb) : Arthur Webb cooking, Surveyors Creek Camp

Photograph taken in Summer 1954/55 (Source: A Webb) : Ray Brash (l) and Arthur Webb heading into Shanty Hollow

Photograph taken in Summer 1954/55 (Source: A Webb) : The Mess tent, Surveyors Creek Camp

Photograph taken in Summer 1954/55 (Source: A Webb) : Moroka Hut Camp

Photograph taken in Summer 1954/55 (Source: A Webb) : Ross May cooking at Little Round Plain Camp

Photograph taken in Summer 1954/55 (Source: A Webb) : Stuart Hare with Dick and Rose

Photograph taken in Summer 1954/55 (Source: A Webb) : Arthur Webb (l) and ray Brash at Tali Karng

Photograph taken in April 1968 (Source: EG Stuckey) : Boiler and winch near Starlings Gap

Photograph taken in 1956 (Source: EG Stuckey) : Powelltown Tramway; standard 4-wheel timber truck

Photograph taken in 1956 (Source: EG Stuckey) : 6-wheel Malcom Moore Tractor at Powelltown mill.

Photograph taken in the early 1940s (Source: R Brash) : Thomson Valley Tramway (Ref - Tall Timbers and Tramlines, p53)

Photograph taken about 1940 (Source: FCRPA) : Building tramway near Tanjil Bren

Photograph taken about 1940 (Source: FCRPA) : FCV Climax locomotive at Collins Siding

Photograph taken about 1940 (Source: S Cowling) : FCV Climax locomotive at Collins Siding

Photograph taken in 1939 (Source: R Brash) : Hermon near Warbuton

Photograph taken in 1932 (Source: FCRPA) : Foot of the High Lead incline; near Powelltown (Ref - Powelltown Tramway Centenary, p27)

Photograph taken in 1932 (Source: FCRPA) : Victorian Hardwood Company; Powelltown; Baldwin locomotive

Photograph taken in 1932 (Source: EG Stuckey) : Russell's Tramway near Gembrook; Day geared locomotive

Photograph taken in 1928 (Source: EG Stuckey) : Tyers Valley Tramway; Harman locomotive near Collins Siding

Photograph taken in 1928 (Source: EG Stuckey) : Federal Tramway, Big Pats Creek

Photograph taken in 1928 (Source: EG Stuckey) : Federal Tramway; Big Pats Creek (Reference: Mountains of Ash. p222)

Photograph taken in 1927 (Source: EG Stewart) : Ada No.2 mill (formerly No.3) 1927 (Ref - Powelltown, p94)

Photograph taken in December 1925 (Source: EG Stuckey) : High Lead Incline, near Powelltown

Photograph taken in 1925 (Source: FCRPA) : Foot of High Lead Incline, Ada River, near Powelltown

Photograph taken in 1925 (Source: FCRPA) : High Lead Incline and Lowering Gear, Ada River, near Powelltown

Photograph taken in 1925 (Source: EG Stuckey) : Victorian Hardwood Company; Kerr Stuart locomotive; Powelltown??

Photograph taken in 1924 (Source: EG Stewart) : High Lead Incline near Ada Mill

Photograph taken in 1924 (Source: EG Stewart) : High Lead Incline near Ada Mill

Photograph taken in 1924 (Source: EG Stewart) : High Lead Incline near Ada Mill

Photograph taken about 1923 (Source: FCRPA) : Baldwin locomotive on Loch Valley tramway; Noojee. (Ref - Light Railways, No.212)

Photograph taken about 1923 (Source: FCRPA) : Baldwin locomotive on Loch Valley tramway; Noojee (Ref - Tall Timber and Tramlines, p49)

Photograph taken in 1921 (Source: EG Stuckey) : Baldwin locomotive (ex-Sorrento tramway) on Loch Valley Tramway; Noojee

Photograph taken on 30/04/1919 (Source: FCRPA) : First Train to Noojee

Photograph taken about 1919 (Source: FCRPA) : Noojee railway construction

Photograph taken about 1919 (Source: FCRPA) : Noojee railway construction

Photograph taken about 1919 (Source: FCRPA) : Noojee railway construction

Photograph taken in 1917 (Source: EG Stuckey) : West side of Bump Incline; Powelltown. (Ref - Arsenic and Molasses, p37)

Photograph taken in 1907 (Source: EG Stuckey) : Transferring timber at Millgrove Railway Station; (Ref - Mountains of Ash, p31)

Photograph taken in the late 1800's to early 1900s (Source: FCRPA) : Incline to Elliott River mill, Apollo Bay. 1886-1911 (Ref - Sawdust and Steam, pp185-191)

Photograph taken about 1900 (Source: FCRPA) : Long Tunnel Mining Company; firewood tramway bridge over Thomson River at Poverty Point. (Ref - Firewood Tramways of the Walhalla Mines, p46)

Photograph taken in 1898 (Source: FCRPA) : Australian Seasoned Timber Company; Perrin (White Elephant) Bridge; Mt Disappointment

Photograph taken in 1898 (Source: FCRPA) : Australian Seasoned Timber Company; Mt Disappointment

Photograph taken in 1898 (Source: FCRPA) : Australian Seasoned Timber Company; Comet Mill; Mt Disappointment

Photograph taken in 1898 (Source: FCRPA) : Extending tramway; Mt Disappointment

Photograph taken in 1898 (Source: FCRPA) : Wandong Station

Photograph taken in 1898 (Source: FCRPA) : Australian Seasoned Timber Company; Wandong

Photograph taken in 1898 (Source: EG Stuckey) : Australian Seasoned Timber Company; Baldwin locomotive; Mt Disappointment

Photograph taken in 1898 (Source: EG Stuckey) : Australian Seasoned Timber Company; Loading logs onto train hauled by Baldwin locomotive; Mt Disappointment [Possibly Engine Camp]

Photograph taken in 1898 (Source: EG Stuckey) : Australian Seasoned Timber Company; Baldwin locomotive; Mt Disappointment

Photograph taken in 1898 (Source: EG Stuckey) : Australian Seasoned Timber Company; Loading logs onto train hauled by Baldwin locomotive; Mt Disappointment

Photograph taken in 1898 (Source: EG Stuckey) : Australian Seasoned Timber Company; Planet Mill; Mt Disappointment

Photograph taken in 1898 (Source: EG Stuckey) : Australian Seasoned Timber Company; Loading logs onto train hauled by Baldwin locomotive; Mt Disappointment

Photograph taken in 1898 (Source: EG Stuckey) : Australian Seasoned Timber Company; Train hauled by Baldwin locomotive crossing Craig Bridge (now Harpers Creek); Mt Disappointment

Photograph taken in 1973 at Moondarra Camp (Source: FCRPA) : FCV Supervisors School

Fire Pump: Grazcos 30B/ 7 HP Howard L Series motor; RLHC Bedford tanker (Rope start); Delivers 80 GPM at 80 PSI; Operation - 1950s to 1970s (Source: B Marsden)

Fire Pump: Davey Fire Fighter 93106/5.5HP Honda GX160; Universal and slip on use; Delivers 450 LPM; Operation - 1980s (Source: B Marsden)

Fire Pump: GAAM Mk 125/Ruggerini MD191(17.7 HP) diesel engine; Main pump on Isuzu tankers; Delivers 450 LPM at 700 kPa; Operation - 1998 to 2010 (Source: B Marsden)

Fire Pump: 3 inch Finsbury pump/18 HP Vanguard motor; Fire retardant and water transfer pump; 450 LPM at 400 PSI; Operation - from 2009 (Source: B Marsden)

Fire Pump: 2 inch Davey two stage pump/9 HP Honda motor; Universal use; Delivers 200 GPM open flow; Operation - from 1999 (Source: B Marsden)

Fire Pump: Coventry Climax, Model FWMP; Electric start; Portable trailer pump; Delivers 250 GPM at 100 PSI; Operation - 1951 to 1990 (Source: B Marsden)

Fire Pump: 1.5 inch Rex 3M; Universal use; Delivery not recorded; Operation -1940s to 1960s (Source: B Marsden)

Fire Pump: Coventry Climax, Model FSM; Crank start; Portable trailer pump; Delivers 214 GPM at 60 PSI; Operation - 1940 to 1980s (Source: B Marsden)

Fire Pump: Coventry Climax, Model FWMP; Electric start; Portable trailer pump; Delivers 250 GPM at 100 PSI; Operation - 1951 to 1990 (Source: B Marsden)

Fire Pump: 1.5 inch Rex 3M; Universal use; Delivery not recorded; Operation -1940s to 1960s (Source: B Marsden)

Fire Pump: 1.5 inch Rex 3M; Universal use; Delivery not recorded; Operation -1940s to 1960s (Source: B Marsden)

Fire Pump: 9 HP Wajax Mk3/4 stage pressure pump; for reaching tree tops and for extended hoseline work; Delivers 64 GPM at 100 PSI; Operation - from 1950s (Source: B Marsden)

Fire Pump: 9 HP Wajax Mk3/4 stage pressure pump; for reaching tree tops and for extended hoseline work; Delivers 64 GPM at 100 PSI; Operation - from 1950s (Source: B Marsden)

Fire Pump: Simac Lever Action; RLHC Bedford backup; Operation - 1950s to 1970s (Source: B Marsden)

Fire Pump: Johnson Tremblay Pedestal/6 HP at 3000 RPM; for hoseline work up to 1200 ft; Delivers 85 GPM at 65 PSI; Operation - 1940s to 1950s (Source: B Marsden)

Fire Pump: 3 inch Alcon/10 HP Briggs and Stratton motor; Fireline filler pump (trailer mounted); Delivers 225 GPM open flow; Operation 1960s to 1990s (Source: B Marsden)

Fire Pump: Pacific Marine/Type Y; Pressure pump for reaching tree tops and for extended hoseline work; Delivers 63 GPM at 100 PSI; Operation - 1950s to 1980s (Source: B Marsden)

Fire Pump: 9 HP Wajax Mk3/4 stage; Pressure pump for reaching tree tops and for extended hoseline work; Delivers 64 GPM at 100 PSI; Operation - from 1950s (Source: B Marsden)

Fire Pump: GAAM Mk 100 GX/10 HP Honda motor; Tanker pump; Delivers - 125 GPM at 25 PSI; Operation - 1970s to 1980s (Source: B Marsden)

Fire Pump: GAAM 30B/10 HP Honda G400 motor; Tanker pump; Delivers 80 GPM at 80 PSI; Operation - 1980s to 1990s (Source: B Marsden)

Fire Pump: GAAM 30B/7 HP, Wisconsin motor ( Electric start); Tanker pump; Delivers 80 GPM at 80 PSI; Operation - 1960s to 1980s (Source: B Marsden)

Fire Pump: 1.5 inch Alcon/3 HP Briggs and Stratton motor; Universal pump; Delivers 60 GPM open flow; Operation -1960s to 1980s (Source: B Marsden)

Fire Pump: 3 inch Alpha/11 HP Honda motor; Delivers 400 LPM; Operation - 1980s to 2000 (Source: B Marsden)

Fire Pump: GAAM Mk 100 GX/10 HP Honda motor; Tanker pump; Delivers - 125 GPM at 25 PSI; Operation - 1970s to 1980s (Source: B Marsden)

Fire Pump: 9 HP Wajax Mk3/4 stage pressure pump; for reaching tree tops and for extended hoseline work; Delivers 64 GPM at 100 PSI; Operation - from 1950s (Source: B Marsden)

Fire Pump: 1.5 inch Alpha/5 HP Briggs and Stratton motor; Universal pump; Delivers 60 plus GPM open flow; Operation - 1980s to 1990s (Source: B Marsden)

Fire Pump: 1.5 inch Alpha/4HP Briggs and Stratton motor; Universal pump; Delivers 60 GPM open flow; Operation - 1980s to 1990s (Source: B Marsden)

Fire Pump: Johnson Tremblay Pedestal/6 HP at 3000 RPM; for hoseline work up to 1200 ft; Delivers 85 GPM at 65 PSI; Operation - 1940s to 1950s (Source: B Marsden)

Fire Pump: Magirus/VW four stroke motor; For long hose lays and filling; Delivers 2000LPM at 1500 kPa; Operation -1990 to 2005 (Source: B Marsden)

Fire Pump: 1.5 inch Rex 3M; Universal use; Delivery not recorded; Operation -1940s to 1960s (Source: B Marsden)

Fire Pump: 2 inch Lista transfer pump; Operation - probably 1950's (Source: B Marsden)

Fire Pump: 3 inch Wacker,Model PT3A/7.9 HP Honda motor; Fireline filler pump; Delivers - 383 GPM open flow; Operation - from 1990s (Source: B Marsden)

Fire Pump: Pacific Marine/Type Y; Pressure pump for reaching tree tops and for extended hoseline work; Delivers 63 GPM at 100 PSI; Operation - 1950s to 1980s (Source: B Marsden)

Fire Pump: Grazcos/7 HP Howard L Series motor; RLHC Bedford tanker (Rope start); Delivers 80 GPM at 80 PSI; Operation - 1950s to 1970s (Source: B Marsden)

Fire Pump: Regent Fire Buster Mk2/20 HP Honda motor; Provides water to retardant eductor system; Delivers 640 LPM at 400 kPa; Operation - from 2006 (Source: B Marsden)

Fire Pump: 3 inch Powermac /18 HP Honda motor; Retardant transfer pump; Delivers 450 LPM at 400 PSI; Operation - 2004 to 2010 (Source: B Marsden)

Fire Pump: GAAM Mk 125/Ruggerini MD191(17.7 HP) diesel engine; Main pump on Isuzu tankers; Delivers 450 LPM at 700 kPa; Operation - 1998 to 2010 (Source: B Marsden)

Photograph taken in about 1978 on the Licola-Jamieson Road, near South Road, Heyfield FD by N Cox : Information about Alpine Ash regeneration in the area

Photograph taken in about 1978 in the Tamboritha Saddle - Mt Arbuckle area, Heyfield FD by N Cox : Three year old Alpine Ash seedlings after slash burning and aerial seeding- near access road into logging coupe off the Tamboritha road

Photograph taken in about 1978 in the Tamboritha Saddle - Mt Arbuckle area, Heyfield FD by N Cox : Three year old Alpine Ash seedlings after slash burning and aerial seeding- near access road into logging coupe off the Tamboritha road

Photograph taken in about 1978 in the Tamboritha Saddle - Mt Arbuckle area, Heyfield FD by N Cox : Alpine Ash seedlings in Spring, after being under winter snow following aerial seeding in April, 1977. Note the remnants of the burnt slash seed-bed.

Photograph taken in about 1978 in the Tamboritha Saddle - Mt Arbuckle area, Heyfield FD by N Cox : Alpine Ash seedlings in Spring, after being under winter snow following aerial seeding in April, 1977. Note the remnants of the burnt slash seed-bed.

Photograph taken in about 1978 in the Tamboritha Saddle - Mt Arbuckle area, Heyfield FD by N Cox : Three year old Alpine Ash seedlings after slash burning and aerial seeding

Photograph taken in about 1978 in the Tamboritha Saddle - Mt Arbuckle area, Heyfield FD by N Cox : Three year old Alpine Ash seedlings after slash burning and aerial seeding

Photograph taken in about 1978 in the Connors Plain- South Road area, Heyfield FD by N Cox : Alpine Ash regrowth following slash burning and aerial seeding

Photograph taken in January 1942 (Source: G Cleary) : FCV Little Boys Camp, Upper Thomson

Photograph taken in January 1942 (Source: G Cleary) : Ingram's Mill in the West Tyers, near Erica

Photograph taken in about 1988 (Source: B Marsden) : CFL Fire Protection Branch Staff

Photograph taken about 1985 (Source: B Marsden) : CFL Fire Protection Branch Staff

Photograph taken about 1985 (Source: B Marsden) : Fire Protection Branch Staff

Photograph taken in about 1978 by N Cox - aerial seeding of Alpine Ash, Heyfield District FCV : Seed Hopper attached to wing

Photograph taken in about 1978 by N Cox - aerial seeding of Alpine Ash, Heyfield District FCV : Close up of under wing hopper

Photograph taken in about 1978 by N Cox - aerial seeding of Alpine Ash, Heyfield District FCV : Seed Hopper under wing

Photograph taken in about 1978 by N Cox - aerial seeding of Alpine Ash, Heyfield District FCV : Dye added to kaolin-coated seed

Photograph taken in about 1978 by N Cox - aerial seeding of Alpine Ash, Heyfield District FCV : Kaolin being added to add bulk to seed

Photograph taken in about 1978 by N Cox - aerial seeding of Alpine Ash, Heyfield District FCV : Glue being added to coat seed

Photograph taken in 1970 at the retirement of Max Jacobs (Source: FCRPA) : l to r - EJ Semmens, AR Eddy, AJ Threader

Photograph taken about 1958 at Stanley Camp (Source: FCRPA) : l to r - RW Allen, R Brash,I Edwards, BJ Woodruff

Photograph taken on 8/12/2009 at the North Altona Fire Equipment Development Centre (Photo: N Fraser) : Barry (Rocky) Marsden

Photograph taken in 1976 during the AUSTIS Conference in Mt Gambier (Source: FCRPA) : l to r - Arthur Webb, Gus Geary, Malcolm McDougall

Photograph taken in 1972 at Lorne : FCV Fire Course - Advanced Fire Control

Photograph taken in 1970 at the retirement of Max Jacobs (Source: FCRPA) : l to r - AJ Threader, FR Moulds, M Jacobs, CW Elsey

Photograph taken at the VSF in 1945 - four students of the First Year Class (Source: FCRPA) : l to r - BF McNeil, RJ Gorman, M Calsaferri, RG Hodges

Photograph taken in 1976 during the AUSTIS Conference in Mt Gambier : l to r - Don Downes, Jack Gillespie, Gus Geary, Malcolm McDougall

Photograph taken at the VSF in 1928 (Source: FCRPA: negative from CJ Fraser) : l to r - Harry, Fairhall, JH Willis, W Litster (lecturer). There is no indication that either Harry or Fairhall graduated.

Photograph taken in January 1942 (Source: G Cleary) : l to r - VP Cleary and EL Ellwood. The trolley driver is unknown. Salvage program in the Upper Thomson.

Photograph taken in January 1942 (Source: G Cleary) : The Mess Hut - FCV Little Boys Camp - salvage program in the Upper Thomson

Photograph taken in January 1942 (Source: G Cleary) : l to r - EL Ellwood, the locomotive driver's girlfriend, and VP Cleary - FCV Little Boys Camp - salvage program in the Upper Thomson

Photograph of the First Year Class taken at the VSF in 1961 by R Spencer: Back (l to r) Hec Yates (Geology Lecturer from SMB), RJ McHugh, DG Buntine, A Ditchburn, PG Sheehan - Middle and standing at right - IR Kennedy - Front and seated (l to r) RS Newton, WF Clifford (back), GW Hollingsworth (front), ME Zelman

Photograph of the Graduating Class taken at the VSF in 1949 : Back (l to r) K Sheldon, N Birch, K Morrison, JK Jerome, M Hall - Middle (l to r) M Douglas, J Wyllie, FJ May, R Handmer, M Goudie - Front (l to r) HJ (Joe)Adams, C Almond, N Carr, R Grose, DB (Mick) Adams

Photograph probably taken in the early 1960's during a Parliamentary Committee inspection of logging in Upper Yarra catchments (Source: FCRPA) : A (Ben) Benallack, person behind perhaps AV Galbraith, K Ferguson, Unknown, F Moulds, R Delane (from the SCA), Unknown, AH (Herb) Beetham

Photograph probably taken in the early 1960's during a Parliamentary Committee inspection of logging in Upper Yarra catchments (Source: FCRPA) : l to r - K Ferguson, F Moulds (two behind unknown), J Youl (with pipe), J Gillespie, Unknown, A Lawrence (foreground), Unknowns, B Fryer (far right)

Photograph taken in 1918 (Source: EG Stuckey) : Knott's Mill haulage incline rising from Hotel Creek, north of Erica See also - Trestle Bridges and Tramways, M McCarthy, 1983

Photograph probably taken in 1942 (Source: FCRPA). Description from Trestle Bridges and Tramways, M McArthy, 1983: One of Ezard's rail tractors crossing the Narrow's Trestle on the Thomson Valley Tramway

Photograph taken in October 1942 by LR Williams. Description from Tall Timbers and Tramways, LRRSA, 1974 (Source: FCRPA) : Ezards log train descending the Thomson Valley Tramway.

Photograph taken in October 1942 by LR Williams. Description from Tall Timbers and Tramways, LRRSA, 1974 (Source: FCRPA) : Ezards log train descending the Thomson Valley Tramway.

Photograph taken about 1938 (Source: FCRPA) : Shay locomotive near Powelltown - l to r - WM Flentje, KN Simmonds, KR O'Kane, CRG Fleming

Photograph assumed to be taken in 1928 - at the VR Workshops, Newport (Source: EG Stuckey) : FCV-owned Climax Locomotive - Builders Number 1694

Photograph taken in 1918, probably near Erica (Source: FCRPA) : Logs heading to Knott's Mill

Photograph taken about 1910. Description from Tall Timbers and Tramlines, LRRSA,1974 (Source: FCRPA) : Beyer-Peacock 0-4-0 well-tank loco No. 7 at Passing Point on Henry's tramline south of his No. 1 Mill, Mt Sabine, in about 1910. Driver A. McLaws.

Photograph assumed to be taken around the late 1890's to early 1900's near Millgrove. Description from Tall Timbers and Tramlines, LRRSA,1974 (Source: FCRPA) : The cable haulage incline on Currie's tramway, which carried logs from Ben Cairn on the Mount Donna Buang range down to a sawmill at Millgrove

Photograph taken by the Australian Seasoned Timber Company, Wandong in 1898. Description from Tall Timber and Tramlines, LRRSA, 1974 (Source: FCRPA) : Loads of timber descending by gravity towards Wandong cross the Westcott Creek Bridge

Photograph taken by the Australian Seasoned Timber Company, Wandong in 1898. (Source: FCRPA) : Viaduct - on The Bump Haulage Incline

Photograph taken by the Australian Seasoned Timber Company, Wandong in 1898. (Source: FCRPA) : Locomotive and Log Train crossing Craig Bridge

Photograph taken by the Australian Seasoned Timber Company, Wandong in 1898. Description from Tall Timber and Tramlines, LRRSA, 1974 (Source: FCRPA) : Making up a train at a log landing, near Comet Mill

Photograph of the Coffee Pot probably around 1920 (Kerr Stuart No. 643) on the big bridge east of Powelltown (see Arsenic and Molasses p35) : Logs heading to the sawmill

Photograph taken by the Australian Seasoned Timber Company, Wandong in 1898. Description from Tall Timber and Tramlines, LRRSA, 1974 (Source: FCRPA) : Truck heading up the incline on the Wandong side of The Bump Mill

Photograph taken in about 1898 by the Australian Seasoned Timber Company at Wandong (Source: FCRPA) : The Company's Tramline - Perrin Bridge (also known as the White Elephant Bridge)

Photograph taken in about 1898 by the Australian Seasoned Timber Company at Wandong (Source: FCRPA) : The Company's Tramline - Perrin Bridge (also known as the White Elephant Bridge)

Photograph taken in about 1898 by the Australian Seasoned Timber Company at Wandong (Source: FCRPA) : The Company's Tramline - Best Bridge (named after the Minister of Lands, RW Best)

Photograph taken about 1910 (Source: FCRPA). Description from Tall Timber and Tramlines, LRRSA, 1974 : Beyer Peacock 0-4-0 locomotive on JH Henry's 3ft6in gauge tramway near his Barwon Mill, south of Forrest.

Photograph taken in 1966 at Melbourne University (Source: FCRPA) : John Chinner, Head of Forestry

Photograph taken in 1981 at Mangalore Airport (Source: B Marsden) : FCV truck carrying large air compressor used to pressurise MAFFS after retardant loaded

Photograph taken in 1981 at Mangalore Airport (Source: B Marsden) : Retardant mixing crew inspecting the system

Photograph taken in 1981 at Mangalore Airport (Source: B Marsden) : Flight crew checking MAFFS retardant levels during loading

Photograph taken in 1981 at Mangalore Airport (Source: B Marsden) : MAFFS being loaded with retardant - l to r G Griffin, J Granter (Minister), USDA FS representative, A Threader

Photograph proably taken in the mid-1960s (Source: FCRPA) : AO Lawrence, FCV Chairman 1956 to 1969

Photograph taken about 1915 (Source: FCRPA) : Reginald Lindsay - one of the first six students enrolled at the VSF

Photograph taken about 1972 by N Cox : Areas reforested by strip clearing and planting

Photograph taken about 1972 by N Cox : Morwell River Prison surrounded by reforested areas

Photograph taken in June 1944 (Source: FCRPA) : APM Mill - Toorongo Plateau

Photograph taken in 1942 (Source: FCRPA) : Mackeys log dump and Comm No. 2 winch - East Tanjil

Photograph taken in 1942 (Source: FCRPA) : Log dump with sprays - near Bells Creek, Thomson Valley

Photograph taken in 1942 (Source: FCRPA) : Cable logging near Paxton's Mill - a hayrack boom loader

Photograph taken in December 1940 (Source: FCRPA) : Winch operation in the East Tanjil

Photograph probably taken in the early 1940s (Source: FCRPA) : Preparing a spar for cable logging - location unknown

Photograph probably taken in the early 1940s (Source: FCRPA) : Tractor harvesting - East Tanjil

Photograph taken in 1939 (Source: FCRPA) : After the fires - mill dugout - location unknown

Photograph taken in 1939 (Source: FCRPA) : After the fires - mill dugout - location unknown

Photograph taken in 1939 (Source: FCRPA) : After the fires - location unknown

Photograph taken in 1939 (Source: FCRPA) : After the fires - location unknown

Photograph taken in 1939 (Source: FCRPA) : After the fires - location unknown

Photograph taken in 1941 (Source: FCRPA) : Mundic Creek Dam under construction on the Toorongo Plateau

Photograph taken in 1941 (Source: FCRPA) : Mundic Creek Dam under construction on the Toorongo Plateau

Photograph taken in July 1944 (Source: FCRPA) : Newmans No.3 Sawmill - on the Toorongo Plateau

Photograph probably taken in 1948, at Collins Siding near Erica (Source: FCRPA) : FCV-owned Climax Locomotive - Builders Number 1694. l to r - H Whitehead, Unknown

Photograph probably taken in 1948, at Collins Siding near Erica (Source: FCRPA) : FCV-owned Climax Locomotive - Builders Number 1694. l to r - H Whitehead, Unknown

Photograph probably taken in 1948, at Collins Siding near Erica (Source: FCRPA) : FCV-owned Climax Locomotive - Builders Number 1694. l to r - H Whitehead, Unknown

Photograph probably taken in 1948 at Tyers Junction near Erica (Source: FCRPA) : FCV-owned Climax Locomotive - Builders Number 1694

Photograph probably taken in 1948, at Collins Siding near Erica (Source: FCRPA) : FCV-owned Climax Locomotive - Builders Number 1694

Photograph probably taken in 1948 at Tyers Junction near Erica (Source: FCRPA) : FCV-owned Climax Locomotive - Builders Number 1694. Leaving Tyers Junction on the last trip. l to r - F Cronin, AW Maxwell, H Whitehead, J Vennell, Unknown

Photograph probably taken in the early 1970s (Source: FCRPA) : FR Moulds, FCV Chairman 1969 to 1978

Photograph taken in 1942 (Source: FCRPA) : Log dump under sprays - West Tanjil

Photograph taken in 1942 (Source: FCRPA) : Water take off for log dump sprays - West Tanjil

Photograph taken about 1976 (Source: B Marsden) : To improve communications during firefighting in flat terrain a dirigible was developed to suspend a radio-relay high above ground.

Photograph taken about 1976 (Source: B Marsden) : To improve communications during firefighting in flat terrain a dirigible was developed to suspend a radio-relay high above ground.

Photograph taken about 1976 (Source: B Marsden) : To improve communications during firefighting in flat terrain a dirigible was developed to suspend a radio-relay high above ground.

Photograph taken about 1970 by N Cox : Aerial view of strip planting in the Strzelecki Ranges

Photograph taken about 1970 by N Cox : Aerial view of strip planting in the Strzelecki Ranges

Image taken from the film - The Hand of Man : Mature Mountain Ash forest blown over by the 1939 firestorm

Photograph probably taken in the mid-1940's (Source; FCRPA) : Thomson Valley tramway, South Cascade bridge

Photograph taken in 1945 (Source: FCRPA) : Fire-killed Mountain Ash being topped in the East Tanjil to set up cable logging

Photograph probably taken in the early 1940's (Source: FCRPA) : High lead logging, Thomson Valley

Photograph probably taken in the early 1940's (Source: FCRPA) : High lead logging, Thomson Valley

Photograph probably taken in the early 1940's (Source: FCRPA) : Mountain Ash stand torn apart by the 1939 fires

Photograph taken in January 1945 (Source: FCRPA) : JD Walker felling dead Mountain Ash, West Tanjil

Photograph taken in 1942 (Source: FCRPA) : West Tanjil log dump

Photograph taken in 1942 (Source: FCRPA) : Alstergren's No. 3 log dump

Photograph taken in 1942 (Source: FCRPA) : East Tanjil log dump

Photograph taken in about 1941 (Source: FCRPA) : Fire-killed Mountain Ash

Photograph taken in 1941 (Source: FCRPA) : Mundic Dam log dump on the Toorongo Plateau

Photograph taken in 1941 (Source: FCRPA) : Thomson Valley log dump

Photograph taken by W Flentje in 1940 (Source: FCRPA) : 4,000,000 s ft of logs in the Mundic Dam dump, Toorongo Plateau.

Photograph taken about 1970 by N Cox at Yanakie Firebombing Base : Venturi retardant mixer

Photograph taken in the mid 1950's : Graeme Hallett, 1954 VSF Graduate

Photograph of the student body taken at the VSF in 1943 (Source; M Paine) : Rear (l to r) BT Lasich, GR Pollard - Next (l to r) RV Smith, EV Crisp, GH Crowther - Next (l to r) RJ Ritchie, G Griffin, WG Meadows, WG Vears - Front (l to r) DWM Paine, SF Duncan, IF Berwick, AL Bruton, TF Chettle, GK Treloar, AB Moore - Standing (l to r) W Litster (Lecturer), EJ Semmens Principal)

Photograph of the student body taken at the VSF in 1942 (Source: M Paine) : Back (l to r) VP Cleary, I McDonald, EL Ellwood, KJ Simpfendorfer, WM McKenzie - Middle (l to r) DWM Paine, EV Crisp, GR Pollard, Smith, WG Vears - Front (l to r) BT Lasich, WG Meadows, G Griffin, SF Duncan, RJ Ritchie, GH Crowther

Photograph of the Graduating Class taken at the VSF in 1942 (Source; M Paine) : I McDonald, VP Cleary, EL Ellwood, KJ Simpfendorfer, WM McKenzie

Photograph taken in 1941 at the VSF - First year students (Source: M Paine) : l to r - Smith, GR Pollard, EV Crisp, DWM Paine, WG Vears

Photograph taken in 1941 at the VSF - First year students (Source: M Paine) : l to r - Smith, GR Pollard, EV Crisp, DWM Paine, WG Vears

Photograph taken in 1941 by W Flentje (Source: N Flentje) : Mundic Creek Dam under construction

Photograph taken in 1941 by W Flentje (Source: N Flentje) : Mundic Creek Dam under construction

Photograph of newspaper article from 1942 (Source: R Smith) : F Smith at the newly-established nursey at Loch Valley with Mt Ash seedlings

Photograph taken in September 1952 at Fernshaw (Source: FCRPA) : Mountain Ash planted after the 1939 fires

Photograph taken in September 1952 at Fernshaw (Source: FCRPA) : Mountain Ash planted after the 1939 fires

Photograph taken in 1941 (Source: FCRPA) : Mundic Dam under construction on the Toorongo Plateau

Photograph taken in about 1944 by F Smith (Source: R Smith) : Mountain ash seedlings established on the Toorongo Plateau

Photograph taken in about 1944 by F Smith (Source: R Smith) : Mountain ash seedlings established on the Toorongo Plateau

Photograph taken in about 1942 by F Smith (Source: R Smith) : Mountain ash seedlings at Loch Valley Nursery.

Photograph probably taken about 1937 (Source: FCRPA) : A Mt Ash in the Cumberland Valley- height 301 ft. 6 in. AV Galbraith in the foreground. Referenced in his 1937 publication about Mt Ash

Photograph probably taken in the 1930's (Source: FCRPA) : The Sample Acre of Mountain Ash in the Cumberland

Photograph probably taken in the 1930's (Source: FCRPA) : A Typical Mountain Ash - This photo is the frontispiece in AV Galbraith's 1937 publication about Mt Ash

Photograph taken in 1961 (Source: FCRPA) : Roger Smith counting Phasmatid (Didymuria violescens) eggs

Photograph taken in about 1976 by N Cox : Plaque re Opening of the Tamboritha Road

Photograph taken at Cann River Forest Office in 1972 by N Cox : Bedford RLHC tankers and Bedford trucks with First Attack Dozers

Photograph of the Graduating Class taken at the VSF in 1927 : Back (l to r) R Mather, C Irvine, C Elsey, R Powles - Front (l to r) F Smith, A Hedley, B Squire

Photograph probably taken in the 1890's at the School of Mines, Ballarat : Thomas S Hart - in 1913 he will become the first VSF Principal.

Photograph taken in the early 1950's (Source: M Cecil) : Ex- Military Cooker owned by the FCV

Photograph probably taken in the 1940's : EJ Semmens, VSF Principal

Photograph taken in the VSF Botany Lab in 1948 or 1949 (Source: FCRPA) : l to r - JR Macdonald, HJ Adams, JR Channon

Photograph taken at Matlock in January 1939 (Source: FCRPA) : Dugout at Yelland's Mill

Photograph of the 1934, 1935, 1936 Graduating Classes taken at the VSF in 1934 : Back (l to r) J Newey, H (Bert) Semmens, W Caplehorn, D Beale, J Cosstick, R Bond, C Fletcher - Front (l to r) R Uren, M Thompson, S Ryan, A Coldicutt - Absent J Mckinty - R Uren did not graduate.

Photograph taken in Ballarat in 1967 (Photo: I Hastings) : W Litster (VSF Principal) in front, R Marshall (VSF Lecturer) on the left.

Photograph taken at the VSF in 1968 (Source: FCRPA) : W Litster, Principal

Photograph taken in the Chemistry Lab at the VSF in 1915 : Students from the graduating classes of 1915 and 1917 - (l to r) FG Gerraty, D Walker (Ballarat School of Mines - Lecturer), C Smith, A Small, T Hart (Principal), C Watson, R Ingle, P Sims, W Trainor, W Zimmer, M Campbell, G McEwan

Photograph taken at the VSF in 1952 (Source: FCRPA) : Dr Frank J Moulds - VSF Principal

Photograph taken at the VSF in 1952 (Source: FCRPA) : Dr Frank J Moulds - VSF Principal

Photograph probably taken in the 1890's (Source: FCRPA) : Dr John Tremearne

Photograph taken in 1918 (Source: FCRPA) : The Victorian School of Forestry

Photograph taken in about 1987 (Source: B Marsden) : Ablutions unit - 2 shower cubicles, 6 hand basins; electric water pump, lpg gas heater

Photograph taken in about 1987 (Source: B Marsden) ; Mobile Ablutions Unit sited at a fire camp

Photograph taken in 1983 by B Marsden : Ex- Military Mobile Toilet Units ready for deployment from the Altona FEDC

Photograph taken in 2008 (Source: B Marsden) : Tents inside a Marquee with air conditioning for day crews

Photograph taken in 2008 (Source: B Marsden) : Side-lift container loader

Photograph taken in 2005 (Source: B Marsden) : Shower pod being unloaded from a tilt tray

Photograph taken about 1975 by B. Marsden : FCV Mobile Cool Room

Composite photo prepared in 2020 : Meat safes - widely used before refrigeration

Composite photo prepared in 2020 : Camp "food" - still around in early 1960s and maybe later

Photograph taken in 2010 by B Marsden at the North Altona Fire Museum : Tilley Kerosene Lantern

Photograph taken in 2010 by B Marsden at the Altona Fire Museum : Canvas Shower Bag - used in the 1950's and 1960's

Photograph taken in 2010 by B Marsden at the North Altona Fire Museum : Hurricane Kerosene Lantern

Photograph taken in 2010 by B Marsden at the North Altona Fire Museum : Large hanging canvas waterbag

Photograph taken in 2005 by B Marsden : Hand washing stations purchased for use in fire camps

Photograph taken in 1995 by B Marsden : 4.5 litre drinking water backpack with replaceable bladder

Photograph taken in 1989 by B Marsden at North Altona : Laundry Van developed at the North Altona Workshop in 1989

Photograph taken in 1985 by B Marsden : Early lightweight canvas tent used as a kitchen - introduced 1982

Photograph taken in East Gippsland in 1985 by B Marsden : Heavy duty canvas tents at a fire camp

Photograph taken in 1984 by B Marsden : A Brimarco Industries Mobile Kitchen

Photograph taken in 1985 by B Marsden : 8 KVA Power Generator - introduced in 1985

Photograph taken in 1984 by B Marsden : Hessian "privacy" walls at a camp toilet

Photograph taken in about 1983 (Source: B Marsden): Two Aldershot ovens and copper in use at a fire camp

Photograph taken in 1982 by B Marsden : Large trailer mounted refrigerator ex. Military, purchased in 1982

Photograph taken in 1982 by B Marsden : Catering trailer setting up at a fire camp

Photograph taken in 1982 at North Altona by B Marsden : Heavy duty canvas mess tent with fly wire walls - introduced 1982

Photograph taken in 1981 at North Altona by B Marsden : An early Mobile Trail Kitchen Van

Photograph taken in 1979 by B Marsden : Franklin Mobile Kitchen

Photograph taken in 1979 by B Marsden : Standard canvas water bags on tanker

Photograph taken probably mid 1970's (Source: B Marsden) : Basic cooking set up for a small crew.

Photograph taken at Buckle Spur, Erica District in 1952 (Source: B Marsden) ; Canvas tent erected using timber spars

Photograph taken in 1951 (Source B Marsden) : FCV Crew being fed from a Wiles Mobile Cooker at Carpendeit

Photograph taken in November 1971 at Paynesville : FCV Fire Course - Basic Fire Control

Photograph taken in 1972 at Lorne : FCV Fire Course - Basic Fire Control

Photograph taken at the VSF in 1941 : The Athletics team. Back (l to r) - VP Cleary, WG Vears, W Litster (Lecturer), EL Ellwood, LK Moore - Front (l to r) - DWM Paine, AJ Threader, AJ Leslie, WM McKenzie,

Photograph of the Graduating Class taken at the VSF in December 1974 : Back (l to r) RJ Steiner, RW Gijsbers, DP Tainsh, AM Lyons - Front (l to r) BW Young, A Eddy (Principal), GK Rowland, M Woodman

Photograph taken in 1972 at Lorne : FCV Fire Course - Basic Instructor

Photograph taken in 1972 at Lorne : FCV Fire Course - Fire Boss

Photograph taken in 1972 at Lorne : FCV Fire Course - Advanced Instructor

Photograph taken at the VSF in 1928 : Forester Refresher Course

Photograph taken in 2020 (Source: Dimboola Courier) : The Reserve is the full length of the section of the 'Five Chain Road' road reserve between the Dimboola-Jeparit Road and Collard Road to the west.

Photograph of the Graduating Class taken at the VSF in December 1946 : l to r - BG Molland, LJ Walker, JB Jack, GG Shepherd (rear, partly hidden), WC Hosking (front, squatting), IL Gherashe (middle of group), HT Gittins, WJ Edgar (rear), EK Gidley, RG Forsythe (back), FT Woodward (front, squatting), HB Day

Photograph of the student body at the VSF in 1922 : Back (l to r) - Unknown,Unknown, RT Seaton,Unknown,KF McRae, CA Eales, DF Kerr ; Middle (l to r) ED Reilly, AOP Lawrence, AL Benallack, Bill Gay (Master), RM Cromb, CRG Venville; Front (l to r) - WP Tingate, Unknown

Photograph taken in 1978 - Reunion of Erica District Foresters : l to r - J Youl (1928-1934), C Elsey (1936-1942), A Shillinglaw (1934-1936), W Edgar (1958-1962), H Brown (1969-1971), M Boucher (1966-1969), R Baker (1975-1983), B Williams (1958), N Birch (1971-1975), A Threader (1953-1958), S Duncan (1962-1966), J McKinty (1949-1951) - Not Present: LT Strahan (1924-1928), HG Irvine (1942-1949), JD Gillespie (1951-1953). Note : DS Thomson was DFO from 1983-1985

FCV Poster from about the mid 1970s : Mountain Ash

FCV Poster from about the mid 1970s : Mountain Stream

FCV Poster from about the mid 1970s : Gippsland Grey Box

FCV Poster from about the mid 1970s : Snow Gum

FCV Poster from about the mid 1970s

Photograph taken in 2019 by P McHugh : Statue of John La Gerche on the La Gerche Walk, Creswick Regional Park. Made from a 112 year old Redwood believed to have been planted by John Johnstone.

Photograph taken in 1976 by B Marsden : Mick Nicoloudio on his last day at North Altona

Photograph taken at North Altona on 29/3/1977 (Source: B Marsden) : K Sheahan , L Bell, L Dickson, L Petranich, B Marsden, R Grant, J Suban on the day of Lodovico Petranich's retirement

Photograph taken in 1992 by B Marsden : John Murphy with the Mack Float

Photograph taken in 1976 by B Marsden : Fred Elms, Stores Officer, on retirement day

Photograph taken in 1973 at North Altona (Source: B Marsden) : J Suban, B Burns, L Bell, L Dickson, B Marsden

Photograph of the First Year Class taken at the VSF in 1940 : l to r - I McDonald, VP Cleary, EL Ellwood, KJ Simpfendorfer, WM Mckenzie

Photograph probably taken in the early 1980s (Source: L Dexter) : RJ Grose

Fire Pump: Quick Quench Fire Fighter/1.8 HP at 3000 RPM, Rope start; Fireline operation; Delivers 40 GPM at 10 PSI; Operation - 1950s (Source: B Marsden)

Photograph taken in 1968 (Source: M McKinty) : Victorian Plantation within the Disputed Territory on the Vic - SA border

Photograph thought to be taken in 1897 (Source: A Taylor) : John La Gerche, Creswick

Photograph taken in July 2019 by B Marsden : CSIRO Incendiary Machine

Photograph taken in July 2019 (Source: R Ritchie) : Russ Ritchie, 1944 VSF Graduate

Photograph taken in about 1998 by B Marsden : Lightweight Aerial Drip Torch ready to transport ( 68kg empty)

Photograph taken in about 1998 by B Marsden : Lightweight Aerial Drip Torch ( 68kg empty)

Photograph taken in about 1992 (Source: B Marsden) : Aerial Drip Torch in operation (160kg empty)

Photograph taken in about 1992 by B Marsden : Aerial Drip Torch ready to transport (160kg empty)

Photograph taken in about 1992 by B Marsden : Aerial Drip Torch (160kg empty)

Photograph taken in about 1980 by B Marsden : The new Aerial Ignition Machine

Photograph taken in about 1980 by B Marsden : The new Aerial Ignition Machine

Photograph taken in about 1978 by B Marsden : An early iteration of the new Aerial Incendiary Machine - superceded hopper

Photograph taken in about 1978 by B Marsden : An early iteration of the new Aerial Incendiary Machine - superceded hopper

Photograph from about 1977 (Source: B Marsden) : The Canadian Premo Aerial Ignition Machine purchased by the FCV

Photograph taken in about 1980 by B Marsden : The new Aerial Ignition Machine

Photograph taken by David Malady in June 2011 : Remains of the wall of Mundic Dam built for 1939 salvage, Toorongo Plateau

Photograph taken by David Malady in June 2011 : Remains of the wall of Mundic Dam built for 1939 salvage, Toorongo Plateau

Photograph taken by David Malady in June 2011 : Remains of the wall of Mundic Dam built for 1939 salvage, Toorongo Plateau

Photograph taken in 1982 (Source: B Rees) : FCV Rappel Supervisors - P Dowler, P Lind, McDonald, Giblin, R Woolan, Lind

Photograph taken in 1992 (Source: B Rees) : Rappel from Bell 212 and Bell 412 near Snowy Range

Photograph taken in 1992 (Source: B Rees) : Rappel from a Bell 212 near Snowy Range

Photograph taken in 2000 (Source: B Rees) : Rappel demonstration at Ballarat - B Rees, Smith, Culhane, Ragg, Kingston, Manchee

Photograph taken in 1996 (Source: B Rees) : Rappel from a Bell 205 near Snowy Range

Photograph taken in 1985 (Source: B Rees) : First CFL Rappel Crews for Benalla & Stawell

Photograph taken in 1964 at Snowy Range (Source: B Rees) : Rappel trial with Bell 47G, Hugh Brown on the rope?

Photograph taken in 1997 (Source: B Rees) : Conair CL215 - Essendon

Photograph taken in 1988 (Source: B Rees) : Conair NSCA F27 - Gippsland

Photograph taken in 1998 (Source: B Rees) : Erickson Aircrane working on a fire near Macedon

Photograph taken in 1984/85 (Source: B Rees) : NSCA Bell 205 - Buckland Valley

Photograph taken in 1985 (Source: B Rees) : NSCA Bell 205 filling at Lake Catani on the Buffalo Plateau

Photograph taken in 1966 (Source: R Smith) : Tea Tree Range Assessment. Camp at Guys Hut. From left - Elmore Backen, Ian Church, Roger Smith. Ian May (sitting)

Photograph taken in 1966 (Source: R Smith) : Tea Tree Range Assessment. Roger Smith

Photograph taken in 1962 (Source: R Smith) : Tea Tree Range Assessment. From left - Stan Rowley, Ian May, Roger Smith, with cap - unknown, Ken Harrop, Arnis Heislers, Keith Gidley (Note: A Heislers has a year of 1966 for this photo)

Photograph taken in 1962 (Source: R Smith) : G Leitch at Pinnibar Hut camp during phasmatid survey

Photograph taken in 1982/83 (Source: B Rees) : Superspread Beavers - Mallacoota - Portable Retardant Mixer

Photograph taken in 1971 (Source: B Rees) : Snowy Range Airstrip

Photograph taken in 1971 (Source: B Rees) : Snowy Range Airstrip

Photograph taken in 1980 (Source: B Rees) : Western Aerial Beaver - Victoria Valley

Photograph taken in 1982 (Source: B Rees) : Bull Thrush Retardant Drop Trials - CFA, Fiskville

Photograph taken in about 1968 (Source: B Rees) : Benambra Firebombing Base

Photograph taken in 1980 (Source: B Rees) : Beaver, Western Aerial, Victoria Valley

Photograph taken in 1981 (Source: B Rees) : Bryan Rees with the first FCV FLIR- in a Jayrow Bell Jetranger

Photograph taken in 1983 (Source: B Rees) : NSCA Line Scanner in Beechcraft King Air

Photograph taken in about 1995 (Source: B Rees) : Aerial Seeder on Jayrow Bell 206 - Dan Darcy at Noojee

Photograph taken in autumn 1965 by G Self (Source: B Dexter) : Cessna 180 sowing red gum in Barmah Forest

Image by A Rawady from about 1965 (Source: B Dexter) : Piper Pawnee off to aerial seed native forest after harvesting

Photograph taken in autumn 1965 (Source: B Dexter) : Aircraft being calibrated for sowing river red gum seed, Black Swamp, Barmah Forest. Ron Grose (3 from left), Barrie Dexter (kneeling)

Cartoon from about 1965 (Source: B Dexter) : Ben Buckley and aerial seeding in the early days, Swifts Creek

Photograph of the Graduating Class taken at the VSF in December 1977 : On wall (b to f) GR Salmon, PJ McHugh, AG Hayes, ID Abbott - Back (l to r) IO Cook, PT Grose, PG McEwen, M Parsons - Middle (l to r) - AS Baxter, R Jolly, G Matters, EA Ferguson, IR Long - Front (l to r) - JL Sanders, SJ Pollett, MP Smoljo, LR Jeremiah, MW Poynter, G Featherston

Photograph of the Graduating Class taken at the VSF in December 1975 : l to r - SC Murphy, ID Christie, RL Russell, PG Devonshire (front), GI Portman (back), TJ Burt, GW Morgan, RG Runnalls, AG Bartlett, TW McAliece

Image of Toorongo Plateau based on 1987 Landsat data (Source: O Salkin) : Initial reforestation focused on the 250ha of grassland inside the red square.

Photograph taken on 21/4/1920 (Source: P McHugh) : Delegates to Forestry Conference in Hobart

Photograph of the Graduating Class taken at the VSF in December 1971 : l to r - GG Stewart, EI Stabb (front), GC Evans (back), PC Elliott, KA Maplestone, A Eddy (Principal), JA Chalmers, BA Kilgour, IM Coulter, CA Suggate

Photograph of the Graduating Class taken at the VSF in December 1970 : l to r - M Stewart, SP Dwyer, DJ O'Bryan, PG Baulch, A Eddy (Principal), GS Barnes, CH Reynolds, TW Ritchie, R Penny, JD Morris, RD Safstrom

Photograph taken on 23/4/2019 by B Marsden : Delayed Action Incendiary Devices (DAIDs)

Photograph taken in 1978 (Source: B Rees) : The first trial of the Premo Aerial Ignition Machine

Photograph taken in NE Victoria in 1968 (Source: B Rees) : Bell47G equipped to use DAIDs

Photograph taken in NE Victoria in 1968 (Source: B Rees) : Bell47G equipped to use DAIDs

Photograph taken in NE Victoria in 1968 (Source: B Rees) : Bell47G equipped to use DAIDs

Photograph of the Graduating Class taken at the VSF in December 1950 : Back (l to r) JP Slater, JR Channon, JR Macdonald, LA Pederick, KE Nicholls - Middle (l to r) A Hodgson, PER McDonald, LJ Laing, RG Niggl, AR Tolsher - Front (l to r) DW Paterson, JB Johnston

Photograph of the Graduating Class taken at the VSF in December 1956 : Back (l to r) JP Brown, BH Fryer, R Baker, AR Turnbull - Front (l to r) SJ Berrigan, WJ Gittins, FR Moulds (Principal), BJ Woodruff, BF Gibson

Photograph of the Graduating Class taken at the VSF in December 1955 : Back (l to r) DD Spriggins, RGM Yorston, PM Attiwill, IL Franklin, ICA Weir - Front (l to r) RW Allen, FR Moulds (Principal), RL Paul

Photograph of the Graduating Class taken at the VSF in December 1976 : l to r - KG Tolhurst, AJ Buckley, RT Harper, BM Walsh, GE Wood, PA Novotny, GA Esnouf, MBA Niven, KE Rumba, RI Willersdorf

Photograph of the Graduating Class taken at the VSF in December 1957 : l to r - KJ Wareing, JP Wright, CH Wood, RC Graham, ME McDougall, EG Stuckey, AL Banks

Photograph of the Graduating Class taken at the VSF in December 1963 : Back (l to r) DG Buntine, RJ McHugh, GW Hollingsworth, RD Spencer - Front (l to r) IR Kennedy, PG Sheehan, ME Zelman, WF Clifford, RS Newton

Photograph of the Graduating Class taken at the VSF in December 1962 : Back (l to r) JS Booth, AA Thornley, DP Read, FP Lawless, ST Rowley - Front (l to r) : JN McCracken, GL Morrison, OH Raymond, RO Squire, WD Incoll, GM Wright

Photograph of the Graduating Class taken at the VSF in December 1960 : Back (l to r) A Heislers, RA Sebire - Front (l to r) RD Cowley, HJ Kosmer, DJ McKittrick, RH Fulton, RD Dixon, AF Showers

Photograph of the Graduating Class taken at the VSF in December 1964 : Back (l to r) AD Manderson, MD Clark, RM Youl, PA Meyer, JH Taylor - Front (l to r) GMA (Jim) Waayers, LG Pope, PJ Young, IH Lelliot, RN Seymour

Photograph of the Graduating Class taken at the VSF in December 1973 : Back (l to r) RT Caddell, RP Brinkman, Alan Eddy (Principal), KW King, BC Young - Front (l to r) PW Farrell, PJ Evans, E Waller, NH Crabtree

Photograph of the Graduating Class taken at the VSF in December 1961 : Back (l to r) GV Beilby , BD Fry, MT Gardiner, PR Lawson, BG Vernon, RJ McKimm - Front (l to r) IK Smith, RB Smith, JR Blain, GFA Leitch, DS Thomson, AC Tolsher

Photograph taken in 1928 (Source: FCRPA) : Creswick Nursery

Photograph of the Graduating Class taken at the VSF in December 1954 : Back (l to r) VG Griffin , JA Morrow, FG Craig, RJ Waugh, HG Brown, AJ Sims - Front (I to r) JG Hallett, BD Dexter, FR Moulds (Principal), GD McIntyre

Photograph of the Graduating Class taken at the VSF in December 1972 : Back (l to r) H Stewart , P Billing, G McCarthy, A Eddy (Principal), S Shaw, K Monk, M Leonard - Front (I to r) D James, J McDonald, J Butchart, J Walls

Photograph taken about 1973 by O Raymond : Windsor Tree Harvester conducting first thinning in Pinus radiata

Photograph taken about 1967 (Source: O Raymond) : Timberjack skidder with a load of 6 foot (1.8m) pine billets

Photograph taken in November 1985 ( Source: O. Raymond) : Lako Harvester head, de-limbing knives removed, removing bark from pulpwood in E. sieberi/E. obliqua forest, Silver Creek Tree Farm.

Photograph taken about 1980 by O Raymond : Logma T310 Processor

Photograph taken about 1980 by O Raymond : Logma T310 Processor

Photograph taken in November 1985 by O. Raymond : Lako Harvester head, de-limbing knives removed, removing bark from pulpwood in E. sieberi/E. obliqua forest , Silver Creek Tree Farm.

Photograph taken about 1981 by O Raymond : Kato excavator with Waratah Head working in Pinus radiata

Photograph taken on 15 March 1983 by O Raymond : Caterpillar harvester delimbing trial near Loy Yang, Gippsland

Photograph taken in 1990 (Source: L Pederick) : Ian Bail & Leon Pederick in a second generation selection in a 23-year-old progeny trial in the Warrenbayne Plantation

Photograph taken in 1988 (Source: L Pederick) : Nick Collett doing controlled pollination in the breeding arboretum at Creswick

Photograph taken about 1985 by L Pederick : A pollarded tree in the Lal Lal seed orchard

Photograph taken in September 1966 by L Pederick : The seed orchard near Korweinguboora at an early age

Photograph taken in 1959 by L Pederick : The first year's potted grafts start to grow

Photograph taken in 1959 by L Pederick : Climbing a plus tree to collect scions for grafting

Photograph taken in 1961 by L Pederick : Marysville District Forester, Frank May, with a "Plus Tree" selected in the Narbethong plantation

Photograph taken in 2008 (Source: B Marsden) : Large camp layout with individual sleeping quarters

Photograph taken in 2008 (Source: B Marsden) : Two cache containers are located at each site and staffed

Photograph taken in 2008 (Source: B Marsden) : Transport by container trailer

Photograph taken in 2008 (Source: B Marsden) : Large containerised kitchen with a hydraulic fold out expansion wall

Photograph of the First Year Class taken at the VSF in February 1976 : Back Row (l to r) M Woodward, ? Mollison, D Miller, G Pike, G White, F Hamilton - Second from Back Row (l to r) P Keppel, P Woodgate, A Hatch, M Morley, A Coleman, A Edgar - Second from Front Row (l to r) S Lowther, D Gallacher, F Cumming, B Wehner, M Varty - Front Row (l to r) P Stoddart, A Taylor, ? Mollison,

Photograph taken at the VSF, probably about February 1940. It looks to be of the Senior and Intermediate Classes of that year only : Back (l to r) The first two in lab coats are unknown (staff?), JD Gillespie, AJ Threader, DM Campbell, Unknown, RH Larnach - Front (l to r) LK Moore, ND Endacott, DK Parnaby, LR Dudley, AJ Leslie, TH Chambers

Photograph of the student body taken at the VSF in February 1931 : Back (l to r) JH Chinner, HR Parke, Chapman, RH Needham - Middle (l to r) JC Westcott, HH Beer, Thomas, AL Gordon, RM Jones - Front (l to r) AE Head, CC Gibson, W Litster (Vice-Principal), EJ Semmens (Principal), K Gibson, FR Moulds. It appears that Chapman and Thomas did not graduate.

Photograph taken in about 1940 (Source: Rohan Galbraith) : Alfred Vernon Galbraith, FCV Chairman

Photograph taken at the Nug Nug Fire on 19/2/1983 (Source: B Evans) : Myrtleford FCV crew awaiting pickup by Chinook at end of shift

Photograph taken at the Nug Nug Fire on 19/2/1983 (Source: B Evans) : RAAF Chinook on helipad, with Army personnel from Bandiana

Photograph taken at Erica in 1949 by JD Gillespie (Source: S Gillespie) : RAAF Sikorsky Helicopter Demonstration - Murray Paine on the winch line?

Photograph taken at Erica in 1949 by JD Gillespie (Source: S Gillespie) : RAAF Sikorsky Helicopter Demonstration

Photograph taken in February 1983 (Source: B Rees) : RAAF Chinook at the Nug Nug fire, Mt Buffalo complex

Photograph taken at VSF in 1961 (Source: FCRPA) : Alan White, Physics & Chemistry Lecturer on Secondment from the Education Department

Photograph taken on 13/01/1939 (Source: M McKinty) : Jim McKinty at East Warbuton

Photograph probably taken in February 1958 (Source: L Bren) : Roger Cowley heading to the VSF as a new student

Photograph of the Graduating Class taken at the VSF in December 1959 : Back Row (l to r) - RA Incoll, BT Evans, AL Beveridge, JG Edgar, EP Backen, GB Saddington, GD Wallace - Front Row (l to r) - RJC Stone, FGK Neumann, FW Noble, RA Beeching, RG Campbell

Photograph of the Graduating Class taken at the VSF in December 1958 : l to r - LA (Gus) Geary, SJ Cowling, DJ Hocking, DF Stevenson, DP Gribble, DC Spence, JF McCormack, PA Langley, NG Cox

Photograph of the Graduating Class taken at the VSF in December 1966 : L to R - ID Sebire, RM Fyfe, C Muller, RF Borschmann (b), IS Hemphill (f), IW Wild, PL Bray, HW Bond, JVD Bywater, IF Leversha, G Waugh

Photograph of the Graduating Class taken at the VSF in December 1965 : Back (l to r) TK Rouse, GJ Pope, TL Sloan, DW Flinn, PJ Greig - Front (l to r) JR Cahill, JR Hill, PL Connell, GJ Squires, MH McKinty, MD Wade

Photograph probably taken in the early 1940's (Source: FCRPA) : FCV road construction camp at Toorongo for 1939 salvage

Photograph probably taken in the early 1940's (Source: M Christian) : 1939 salvage log in the Noojee area

Photograph probably taken in the early 1940's (Source: M Christian) : 1939 salvage log in the Noojee area

Photograph probably taken in the early 1940's (Source: M Christian) : 1939 salvage log in the Noojee area - Margaret Christian with her father

Photograph taken in 1948 (Source: FCRPA) : Bill Flentje in the Castlemaine Forest Office

Photograph taken in 1966 (Source: FCRPA) : FCV Foreman's School Class at Broadford

Photograph taken in 1962 (Source: FCRPA) : FCV Foreman's School at Broadford No. 1 Camp

Photograph taken in 1950 (Source: FCRPA) : FCV Foreman's School Class at Kinglake West

Photograph date unknown (Source: EG Stuckey) : Stringers Knob Fire Tower

Photograph taken in the mid 1950's (Source: Heather Batchelor) : Mark Stump

Photograph taken in May 1957 (Source: Heather Batchelor) : Mark Stump on his wedding day

Photograph taken in 1974 at VSF (Source: FCRPA) : Alan Eddy, VSF Principal with Prince Charles

Photograph taken in 1977 at VSF (Source: FCRPA) : Alan Eddy, VSF Principal

Photograph taken in 2012 (Source; A Hodgson) : Athol Hodgson after being awarded the AM

Photograph taken in about January 1957 - Assessing at Mt Useful (Source: FCRPA) : From left - Jack Gittins, Bob Allen, Frank Lloyd, Arthur Webb, Brian Woodruff, Bill Hardy, Phil King

Photograph taken by B Fry at Gunbower in 1959 : Cutting red gum sleepers with a barrow saw. Facing (from left): J Newey, S Ryan, ? , L Newman, A Hodgson, B Evans, A Eddy, A Sebire, H Kosmer, R Incoll

Photograph taken in 1959 by R Smith (Source: R Smith, 2015) : Aire Valley Camp - 23 year old Redwoods with branches over huts

Photograph taken at Warrak Camp in 1959 (Source: FCRPA) : Assessment Crew at Mt Cole - (l to r) Peter Murray, Bill Hardy, Doug Stevenson, Chainman?, Peter Langley

Photograph taken in 1963 (Source: B Fry) : Connors Plain Camp - on the Mt Skene Road above Licola

Photograph taken at VSF about 1947 : Jeff Brisbane, 1948 Graduate

Photograph taken in 1959 (Source: J Gittins) - North Jamieson Assessment : Ray Brash (l) and Bob Allen in the mess hut

Photograph taken in 1959 (Source: J Gittins) - North Jamieson Assessment : Front (l to r) Bob Allen, Jack Gittins, Doug Stevenson, Alan Walton

Photograph taken in 1959 (Source: J Gittins) - North Jamieson Assessment : Doug Stevenson with pack horses

Photograph taken in 1959 (Source: J Gittins) - North Jamieson Assessment : Jack Gittins with pack horses

Photograph taken in 1959 (Source: J Gittins) - North Jamieson Assessment : Moving day

Photograph taken in 1959 (Source: J Gittins) - North Jamieson Assessment : The camp

Photograph taken in 1959 (Source: J Gittins) - North Jamieson Assessment : Crossing the Howqua River

Photograph taken in 1959 (Source: J Gittins) - North Jamieson Assessment : Ken Osborne - Packman

Photograph taken in 1959 (Source: J Gittins) - North Jamieson Assessment : From left Ray Brash, Ken Osborne, Alan Walton, Doug Stevenson, Bob Allen

Photograph taken in 1959 (Source: J Gittins) - North Jamieson Assessment : Bob Allen (l) and Doug Stevenson

Photograph taken in 1959 (Source: J Gittins) - North Jamieson Assessment : Doug Stevenson

Photograph of the Graduating Class taken at the VSF in December 1969 : Back (l to r) J Slorach, B Ward, J Macpherson, R Macaulay, P Lavery, G Beach - Front (I to r) I Hastings, D Williams, A Eddy (Principal), J Kellas, P Ford

Photograph of the Graduating Class taken at the VSF in December 1967 : (l to r) JE Harris, KA Ritchie, IS Thompson, RA Jones, AA Pook, JD Ferrier, PC Fagg, KG Rubeli, PF Collier, LJ Bren

Photograph of the Graduating Class taken at the VSF in December 1968 : Back (l to r) HEC Krans, JM Cunningham, AM Willett, GC Suckling, JL Bates, RP Rawson - Front (l to r) JR Nankervis, RF Hateley, W Litster (Principal), I Brilliant, EA Chesterfield

Photograph taken about 1912 (Source: A Faithfull, 2014) : The Originals - from left: WH Horn (student), RG Lindsay (student), H. Felstead (nursery), NL Boston (nursery), J Sampson (student), A Ken (nursery), A Warren (student)

Photograph taken about 1940 : WM (Bill) Flentje, VSF Graduate 1939

Photograph taken in 1970 (Source: B Rees) : Twin Otter Drop Trials - Snowy Range

Photograph taken in 1970 (Source: B Rees) : Twin Otter Drop Trials - Snowy Range - Val Cleary in the foreground

Photograph taken in 1964 (Source: B Rees) : FCV Retardant Trial at Ballarat - a Ceres Aircraft using thickened water. (l to r) Athol Hodgson, Val Cleary, Ted Gill

Photograph taken in 1964 (Source: B Rees) : FCV Retardant Trial at Ballarat - a Ceres Aircraft using thickened water

Photograph taken in 1964 (Source: B Rees) : FCV Retardant Trial at Ballarat - a Ceres Aircraft using thickened water

Photograph taken in 1964 (Source: B Rees) : FCV Retardant Trial at Ballarat - a Ceres Aircraft using thickened water

Photograph taken in 1964 (Source: B Rees) : FCV Retardant Trial at Ballarat - a Ceres Aircraft using thickened water. Athol Hodgson on the wing

Photograph taken in 1964 (Source: B Rees) : FCV Retardant Trial at Ballarat - a Ceres Aircraft using thickened water

Photograph taken in 1982/83 (Source: B Rees) : RAAF C130 Hercules with MAFFS - Mount Stapylton, Grampians

Photograph taken in 1982/83 (Source: B Rees) : RAAF C130 Hercules with MAFFS - Cann River

Photograph taken on 8/2/1982 (Source: B Rees) : RAAF C130 Hercules with MAFFS - Mt Hickey

Photograph taken on 8/2/1982 (Source: B Rees) : RAAF C130 Hercules with MAFFS - Mt Hickey

Photograph taken in 1938 (Source: FCRPA) : FCV Sign at Cumberland Falls

Photograph taken in 1949 (Source: FCRPA) : Tom & Ken Morrison at the VSF

Photograph taken in 1949 : VSF Football Team competing in the Clunes League

Photograph taken in 1948 : VSF Football Team competing in the Clunes League

Photograph taken in 1947 : VSF Football Team competing in the Clunes League

Photograph taken about 1963 (Source: A Hodgson) : Food supply dropping box

Photograph taken by F Smith in about 1942 (Source: R Smith) : The Toorongo Plateau

Photograph taken by F Smith in about 1942 (Source: R Smith) : The Toorongo Plateau

Photograph taken at the VSF in 1976 - the first female students (Source: FCRPA) : l to r - A Coleman, M Varty (front), F Hamilton (rear), S Lowther

Photograph taken by F Smith in about 1942 (Source: R Smith) : The Toorongo Plateau

Photograph taken by F Smith in about 1942 (Source: R Smith) : The Toorongo Plateau

Photograph taken by F Smith in about 1942 (Source: R Smith) : The Toorongo Plateau

Photograph taken by F Smith in about 1942 (Source: R Smith) : The Toorongo Plateau

Photograph taken in November 1962 (Source: G Cleary) : FCV Camp, Shelley

Photograph probably taken at VSF in 1927 (Source: R Smith) : Classes that would graduate in 1927 & 1928. Back (l to r) - CW Elsey, FJ Halloran, AR Jones (did not graduate), AHA Beetham; Middle (l to r) - CJ Irvine, CR Mather, FJ Smith, RH Luke (did not graduate), DT Kitchener; Front (l to r) - JA Incoll, BO Squire, A Hedley, CE Carter (Principal), KVM Ferguson (Lecturer), A Weetman, R Powles

Photograph, probably taken in 1927, at VSF (Source: R Smith) : Class that would graduate in 1928: Back (l to r) - RH Luke (did not graduate), AR Jones (did not graduate), FJ Halloran, AHA Beetham; Front (l to r) - A Weetman, DT Kitchener, JA Incoll

Photograph, probably taken in 1927, at VSF (Source: R Smith) : Graduates of 1927: Back (l to r) - CJ Irvine, CW Elsey, CR Mather, FJ Smith; Front (l to r) - R Powles, BO Squire, A Hedley

Poster prepared in about 1945 : Part of the Save the Forests Campaign managed by the FCV

Photograph taken in January 1939 (Source: FCRPA) : Woods Point after the fire

Photograph taken in January 1939 (Source: FCRPA) : Woods Point after the fire

Photograph taken in January 1939 (Source: FCRPA) : Woods Point after the fire

Photograph taken in January 1939 (Source: FCRPA) : Woods Point after the fire

Photograph taken in January 1939 (Source: FCRPA) : Fire fighters in Woods Point

Photograph taken in January 1939 (Source: FCRPA): Woods Point during the fire

Photograph taken in 1958 (Source: FCRPA) : Fire Tower in the Orbost Forest District Depot

Photograph taken in 1949 by J McKinty (Source: M McKinty) : Fire Tower on Mt Nowa Nowa, and a young M McKinty with his mother and an uncle

Photograph taken in 1970 by M McKinty : District Forester, Keith Jerome, on Lake Eildon

Photograph possibly taken in 1943 : Hero towing firewood billets for the FCV on the Murray River

Photograph taken in October 2010 (Source: R Smith) : Forest Assessors Four (l to r) - Murray Paine, Arthur Webb, Ross May, Roger Smith at the VSF Centenary Celebration

Photograph taken in 1936 (Source: R Smith) : Frank Smith, VSF Graduate 1927

Photograph taken in 1953 by A Hodgson : Bill Ah Chow

Photograph taken in 1958 (Source: A Hodgson) : Mt Nugong Tower

Photograph taken in 1953 by A Hodgson : Allis Chalmers grader on the track to Mt Nugong with Jim Westcott (left) & Bill Ah Chow

Photograph taken in 1953 by A Hodgson : Mt Nugong Tower under construction

Photograph taken in 1933 (Source: FCRPA) : Foresters Refresher Course for FCV Staff, University of Melbourne

Photograph taken about 1966 (Source: 1965/66 FCV Annual Report) : Geoff Weste at VL3AA

Photograph prepared in May 2018 : Taken from "Ordeal by Fire. The Week a State Burned Up." WS Noble (1977)

Photographs taken about 1939 : Extracted from "Ordeal by Fire. The Week a State Burned Up." Published in 1977

Photographs taken in January 1939 : Extracted from "Ordeal by Fire. The Week a State Burned Up." Published in 1977

Photographs taken in January 1939 : Extracted from "Ordeal by Fire. The Week a State Burned Up." Published in 1977

Photographs taken in January 1939 : Extracted from "Ordeal by Fire. The Week a State Burned Up." Published in 1977

Photographs taken in January 1939 : Extracted from "Ordeal by Fire. The Week a State Burned Up." Published in 1977

Photographs taken in January 1939 : Extracted from "Ordeal by Fire. The Week a State Burned Up." Published in 1977

Photographs taken in January 1939 : Extracted from "Ordeal by Fire. The Week a State Burned Up." Published in 1977

Photographs taken in January 1939 : Extracted from "Ordeal by Fire. The Week a State Burned Up." Published in 1977

Photograph taken in 1957 (Source: N Fraser) : The FCV's first Land Rover at Club Terrace, Reg V4429

Photograph taken in 2008 (Source : M Leonard) : FCV's FEAR Branch staff reunion

Photograph taken in 1948/49 (Source : B Williams) : Herb Caldwell and party at Six Mile Camp, Mt Pinnibar, summer of 1948/49

Photograph taken on 25/11/1939 (Source : M McKinty) : Moroka Assessment, moving camp. I to r, Bill Griffin (graduate forester USA), John Fitzpatrick (VSF 1935), Herb Scott (chainman), Ken Eunson (chainman), Joffre Steen (chainman), Jim McKinty (VSF 1934), Andy Estoppey (horses), Henry Redwood (chainman), Bjarne Dahl

Photograph taken in Jan 1940 (Source: M McKinty) : Nunniong Assessment, l to r, Bill Griffin (graduate forester USA), Jim McKinty (VSF 1934), Henry Redwood (chainman), Herb Scott (chainman)

Photograph taken in 1940 (Source: M McKinty) : Nunniong Assessment, l to r, Jim McKinty (VSF 1934), Ken Eunson (chainman), Henry Redwood (chainman), John Fitzpatrick (VSF 1935), Herb Scott (chainman), Charlie Fleming (VSF 1937)

Photograph taken on 22/12/1939 (Source: M McKinty) : Jim McKinty (l) and Bjarne Dahl

Photograph taken in Jan 1940 by J McKinty (Source: M McKinty) : Bill Ah Chow on Nunniong

Photograph taken mid to late 1960's (Source: FCRPA) : The Forest phone FP-1, a WR Philpot creation

Photograph taken about 1963 at Laverton RAAF Base : ED (Ted) Gill (centre), Chief, Division of Forest Protection and Geoff Weste (r), Communications Officer

Photograph taken at Noorinbee, assumed mid 1950's : Carvings by Dave Parnaby - pick the Commissioner?

Photograph taken at Noorinbee, assumed mid 1950's : Carvings by Dave Parnaby - pick the Commissioner?

Photograph taken about 1939 (Source: Estate of G Jennings) : George Jennings (l) and ER Torbet (r), FCV staff, in a dugout at the site of Saxton's Mill, Tanjil Bren

Photograph taken about 1940 (Source: Estate of G Jennings) : Tanjil Bren Forest Office and Quarters

Photograph taken in 1947 by J McKinty (Source: M McKinty) : FCV Fire Protection Branch Scout Car (JP401) at Open Grounds, Mt Steatham (Nunnet)

Photograph taken in 1948 by J McKinty (Source: M McKinty) : Fire Protection Launch and "Blitz" Buggy at Nowa Nowa

Photograph taken about 1944 (Source: Estate of G Jennings) : FCV Inspector Torbet's car on the Tanjil-Toorongo Road

Photograph taken about 1941 (Source: Estate of G Jennings) : 1939 Salvage, loading logs at Saxtons Mill

Photograph taken about 1941 (Source: B Fry) : 1939 Salvage on the Toorongo Plateau, a Washington Steam Winch in operation

Photograph taken in 1941 (Source: B Fry) : 1939 Salvage on the Toorongo Plateau, Mundic Dam under construction

Photograph taken in 1941 by J McKinty (Source: M McKinty) : Charcoal Retort at Daltons Bridge

Photograph taken by John Woolstencroft about 1920 (Source: B Fry) : Mountain Ash at Mount Horsfall

Photograph taken in 1934 (Source: M McKinty) : Students at VSF (l to r) Jim McKinty, Rupert Uren, Bert Semmens, Allan Coldicutt, Jack Cosstick

Photograph taken about 1930 (Source: B Fry): FCV transport at Mildura

Photograph taken about 1924 (Source: FCRPA) : FCV Ford Model TT with C Cab

Photograph taken in 1952 (Source: FCRPA) : Macedon Forest Office

Photograph taken in 1940 (Source: FCRPA) : Taggerty Forest Office

Photograph from 1961 (Source: B Fry) : John Ansis Heislers in Childers Plantation

Photograph taken in 1965 (Source: B Fry) : Frank Whitelaw, Overseer, in the Briagolong Office during fires in Gippsland

Photograph taken in 1955 (Source: B Fry) : Neil Carr, Ted Naggs and Ray Brash on Mt Skene

Photograph taken in 1920 (Source: B Fry) : Botany lessons at the VSF. From left, Beetham, Semmens, Halloran, ED Gill, A Jones

Photograph taken in 1951 (Source: B Fry) : Woods Point District Forest Office

Photograph taken 1969 (Source: R Rawson) : The Triangle - Andrew Pook on bonnet of Land Rover

Photograph supplied by Arnis Heislers : John Heislers in 1991

Photograph taken in 1938 (Source - B Fry) : Forests Commission Victoria, Head Office Staff, 1938 (Original with index added)

Photograph taken by B Fry in 1975: Scrub area at Boolarong ready for planting

Photograph taken by B Fry in 1974 : Planting works, Jacksons Track. Ted Roberts (l), Stew Evans (c), Gordon Wilkins (r)

Photograph taken by B Fry in 1974 : E regnans seedlings at Olsens Bridge Nursery

Photograph from "The Strzeleckis : a new future for the Heartbreak Hills", by W. S. Noble : John Mercer planting tubed seedling using a John Heisler developed ?Pogo Stick? planting device

Photograph from "The Strzeleckis : a new future for the Heartbreak Hills", by W. S. Noble : Clearing scrubland ready for planting with E regnans seedlings

Photograph from "The Strzeleckis : a new future for the Heartbreak Hills", by W. S. Noble : Morwell River Prison Camp with Olsen's Bridge Nursery in the background

Photograph from "The Strzeleckis : a new future for the Heartbreak Hills", by W. S. Noble : E regnans seedlings being raised in the nursery and ready for planting

Photograph of Beechworth FCRPA Museum : Date Unknown, Source FCRPA

Photograph of unknown origin (Source - M McKinty) : Charcoal retort in red gum forest

Photograph taken in 1963 at Thorpdale (Source - B Fry) : Mike Gardiner and Conrad Wood on Sirex Duty

Photograph taken on 27/5/1941 by J McKinty (Source - M McKinty) : Outrigger barge of red gum sawlogs, Murray Valley Sawmills

Photograph taken in 2008 (Photo: B Marsden) : Assembled slip-on units complete with all ancillary fittings

Photograph taken in 2008 (Photo: B Marsden) : 400 litre slip-on without suction hoses and work light

Photograph taken in 2000 (Photo: B Marsden) : 400 litre poly slip-on with a coil of slotted agricultural hose used to reduce water surge in the tank

Photograph taken in 1996 (Photo: B Marsden) : 400 litre slip-on fitted with a compressor for Compressed Air Foam

Photograph taken in 1992 (Photo: B Marsden) : 400 litre slip-on fitted with foam technology and a Dosatron foam injector

Photograph taken in 1989 (Photo: B Marsden) : Some slip-on units were stored in purpose built shelters and suspended by block and tackle

Photograph taken in 1989 (Photo: B Marsden) : In the early days a number of slip-on units were stored in the open due to lack of undercover storage

Photograph taken in 1988 (Photo: B Marsden) : 400 litre slip-on prototype

Photograph taken in 1975 (Photo: B Marsden) : Modified heating oil tank first used as a slip-on to replace rubber bladder version

Photograph taken about 1969 (Source: P McHugh) : Toyota Land Cruiser tray supporting a laden 400 litre rubber tank

Photograph taken about 1969 (Source: B Marsden) : Collapsed 400 litre rubber tank. Note - tie down points

Photograph taken about 1967 (Source: B Marsden) : Slip-on version of a 180 gallon Furphy water tank

Photograph taken in the early 1960s (Source: B Marsden) : Towable Furphy water cart (long version)

Photograph taken in 1999 by B Marsden : 1500 litre slip-on module mounted to a Bacchus Marsh Mitsubishi Canter 4x4 dual cab tray vehicle with no crane installed

Photograph taken in 1999 by B Marsden : Standard slip-on toggle mount installed at one corner of a mid-range slip-on module

Photograph taken in 2004 by B Marsden : 1200 litre slip on module mounted on an Isuzu NPS 300 4x4 single cab tray; crane installed front left hand corner of tray. Curbside view

Photograph taken in 2004 by B Marsden : 1200 litre slip-on module mounting position on an Isuzu NPS 300 single cab tray, also fitted with a Hi-AB crane installed forward of the tank. Driver side view.

Photograph taken in 2004 by B Marsden : 1200 litre slip on module showing D1 16 Dosatron foam injector, control panel and air compressor

Photograph taken in 1993 by B Marsden : 1000 litre slip-on module mounted on a Mitsubishi Canter 4x4 with crane fitted

Photograph taken in 1993 by B Marsden : Mitsubishi Canter 4x4 Crane installing a 1000 litre slip-on module on its tray

Photograph taken in about 2004 by B Marsden : Two 11000 litre Fireflex floating-collar tanks supporting a retardant mixing operation

Photograph taken in about 1992 by B Marsden : A variety of Fireflex PVC collapsible water tanks on display at North Altona Equipment Centre

Photograph taken in about 1989 by B Marsden : Fireflex 11000 litre Pumpkin Tank, small opening

Photograph taken in about 1986 (Source: B Marsden) : Framed relay-tank being used as a water storage for a âwash-downâ operation

Photograph taken in about 1984 (Source: B Marsden) : On-site ablutions unit and relay tank being positioned for use

Photograph taken in about 1984 (Source: B Marsden) : Relay tank manufactured from pvc

Photograph taken in about 1981 (Source: B Marsden) : A framed relay-tank erected next to an ablutions unit at a remote camp

Photograph taken in about 1999 (Source: B Marsden) : 450 litre portable water storage dam

Photograph taken in about 1959 (Source: B Marsden) : Water being transferred to a small canvas relay tank by a Pacific Marine pump

Photograph taken in about 1959 (Source: B Marsden) : A small canvas relay tank anchored to the ground with steel pegs at each corner and secured with guy ropes for stability

Photograph taken in 1968 (Source: B Marsden) : Fire Awareness Week pump demonstration, using a canvas relay-tank as a water source

Photograph taken about 1962 (Source: B Marsden) : An early self-supporting canvas relay tank complete with protective cover

Photograph taken in 1984 (Source: B Marsden) : 1500 litre internal paddle retardant mixer
- fixed base

Photograph taken in 2000 by B Marsden : 200 GPM Eductor Mixer

Photograph taken in 2006 by B Marsden : 15000 litre ex. milk tanker converted to a bulk retardant mixing unit c/w 150 GPM eductor

Photograph taken in 2004 by B Marsden : 150 GPM eductor mobile retardant mixer at North Altona Equipment Centre

Photograph taken in 2001 (Source: B Marsden) : Mansfield Fire Bombing Base

Photograph taken in 2000 by B Marsden : 200 GPM eductor mixer testing at North Altona Equipment Centre

Photograph taken in 1998 by B Marsden : 3000 litre mobile retardant mixer c/w Isuzu diesel engine and support trailer

Photograph taken in 1998 by B Marsden : 3000 litre fixed-base retardant mixer c/w Volkswagen engine

Photograph taken in 1984 (Source: B Marsden) : 1500 litre internal paddle mobile retardant mixer

Photograph taken in 1978 (Source: B Marsden) : Prototype 1700 litre internal paddle retardant mixer

Photograph taken in 1970 (Source: B Marsden) : Venturi retardant mixing on site

Photograph taken in 1970 (Source: B Marsden) : Venturi retardant mixing on site

Photograph taken in the late 1960's (Source: B Marsden) : Retardant mixing operation - site unknown

Photograph taken in 1976 (Source: B Marsden) : Ford D1213 4x2 Tanker, Petrol

Photograph taken in 1972 (Source: B Marsden) : International C1300 4x4 Tanker, Petrol

Photograph taken in 2004 by B Marsden : Isuzu FTS 750 4x4, Diesel. Vehicle-mounted spray protection system installed

Photograph taken in about 1960 (Source: B Marsden) : Bedford RLHC 4x4 Tanker, Petrol

Photograph taken in 2014 by M Appleton : Mercedes Benz Unimog HD Tanker

Photograph taken in Septembert 2009 by B Marsden : Isuzu FTS 800 4x4 Tanker, Diesel. RATS Tracking System

Photograph taken in April 2006 by B Marsden : Isuzu FTS 750 Dual 4x4 Tanker, Diesel. Central Tyre Inflation Technology Trial

Photograph taken in about 1997 (Source: B Marsden) : Isuzu FTS 750 4x4 Tanker, Diesel. Featuring a high pressure stainless steel monitor

Photograph taken in about 1994 (Source: B Marsden) : Isuzu FTS 700 4x4 Tanker, Diesel. Manual cabin lift replaced with a hydraulic cabin lift mechanism

Photograph taken in about 1983 by B Marsden : Isuzu JCS 4204x4 Tanker, Diesel. Similar design to earlier builds

Photograph taken in about 1983 by B Marsden : Mercedes Benz 911B 4x4 Tanker, Diesel

Photograph taken in 1977 by B Marsden : Bedford "M Series 4x4 Tanker, Petrol. With retardant mixing technology

Photograph taken in about 1975 by B Marsden : Bedford "M Series 4x4 Tanker, Petrol. With V bottom tank

Photograph taken in about 1972 by B Marsden : Bedford "M Series 4x4 Tanker, Petrol. Based on a CFA design

Photograph taken in about 1950 (Source: B Marsden) : Blitz 4x4 Tanker

Sketch by David Parnaby, VSF Graduate, 1940

Sketch by David Parnaby, VSF Graduate, 1940

Photograph taken at Noorinbee, assumed mid 1950's : Carvings by Dave Parnaby - pick the Commissioner?

Photograph taken at Noorinbee, assumed mid 1950's : Carvings by Dave Parnaby - pick the Commissioner?

Sketch by David Parnaby, VSF Graduate, 1940

Sketch by David Parnaby, VSF Graduate, 1940

Sketch by David Parnaby, VSF Graduate, 1940

Sketch by David Parnaby, VSF Graduate, 1940

Sketch by David Parnaby, VSF Graduate, 1940

Sketch by David Parnaby, VSF Graduate, 1940

Sketch by David Parnaby, VSF Graduate, 1940

Sketch by David Parnaby, VSF Graduate, 1940

Sketch by David Parnaby, VSF Graduate, 1940

Sketch by David Parnaby, VSF Graduate, 1940

Sketch by David Parnaby, VSF Graduate, 1940

Sketch by David Parnaby, VSF Graduate, 1940

Sketch by David Parnaby, VSF Graduate, 1940

Sketch by David Parnaby, VSF Graduate, 1940

Sketch by David Parnaby, VSF Graduate, 1940

Sketch by David Parnaby, VSF Graduate, 1940

Sketch by David Parnaby, VSF Graduate, 1940

Sketch by David Parnaby, VSF Graduate, 1940

Sketch by David Parnaby, VSF Graduate, 1940

Sketch by David Parnaby, VSF Graduate, 1940

Sketch by David Parnaby, VSF Graduate, 1940

Sketch by David Parnaby, VSF Graduate, 1940

Sketch by David Parnaby, VSF Graduate, 1940

Sketch by David Parnaby, VSF Graduate, 1940

Sketch by David Parnaby, VSF Graduate, 1940