Site Library

This on-line library of historical documents and publications is available to view and download, BUT please respect any copyright that may apply. Whilst the collection is extensive, it is by no means complete, and added to as documents are discovered in various archives and personal collections.

For ease in searching the library, documents and publications have been thematically grouped. Please take the time to look at the Collection notes, where provided, as they provide a brief background and historical context.


For relevant Victorian Parliament documents not available on this site then use the link below.

Looking for historic Victorian legislation?

Some FCV references from the State Library Victoria



Annual Reports/Years Books

All available VicForest Annual Reports are in the Site Library. For the years 2006-07 to 2014-15, and the year 2017-18 we have added Sustainability Reports, that were originally published separately, to the end of the relevant Annual Report. Sustainability Reports were not produced in either 2015-16 or 2016-17.

Annual Reports