Photograph of a postcard from about 1910 (Source: State Library Victoria) : Tremearne House et al about the time the VSF commenced

Photograph taken in 1915 (Source: FCRPA) : Tremearne House and the Victorian School of Forestry

Photograph probably taken betweem 1910 and 1920 (Source: P Langley) : FCV Creswick Nursery

Photograph probably taken betweem 1910 and 1920 (Source: P Langley) : FCV Creswick Nursery

Photograph taken in 1918 (Source: FCRPA) : The Victorian School of Forestry

Photograph taken about 1918 (Source: FCRPA) : Firetower on Mount Donna Buang

Photograph probably taken in the early 1920s (Source: FCRPA) : The VSF Chemistry Laboratory

Photograph taken ca. 1925 (Source:FCRPA) : FCV Nursery at Broadford

Photograph taken ca. 1925 (Source:FCRPA) : FCV Nursery at Broadford - the Manager's residence

Photograph taken ca. 1925 (Source:FCRPA) : FCV Nursery at Broadford - the Manager's residence

Photograph taken ca. 1925 (Source:FCRPA) : FCV Nursery at Broadford

Photograph taken ca. 1925 (Source:FCRPA) : FCV Nursery at Broadford - 2 year old street trees

Photograph taken ca. 1925 (Source:FCRPA) : FCV Nursery at Broadford - Pinus sp seedling beds

Photograph taken ca. 1925 (Source:FCRPA) : FCV Nursery at Broadford - Sugar Gum seedlings

Photograph taken ca. 1925 (Source:FCRPA) : FCV Nursery at Broadford

Photograph taken in 1928 (Source: FCRPA) : Creswick Nursery

Photograph taken in 1928 by EJ Semmens (Source:FCRPA) : FCV Eucalyptus oil distillery at Wellsford

Photograph taken at the VSF in about 1928 (Source: FCRPA) : Surveying Class - W Lister (Lecturer) at extreme left. There are many more students in this photo than were present at the VSF at this time. Perhaps this is a combined class with the School of Mines Ballarat

Photograph taken in 1932 (Source: P Langley) : The VSF

Photograph taken in 1934 (Source: R Graham via AL Benallack) : Noojee Boys Camp - approaching from Noojee

Photograph probably taken in the mid to late 1930s (Source: J O'Dowd) : FCV Boys Camp at Olangolah

Photograph taken in 1934 or 1935 (Source: R Graham via AL Benallack) : Noojee Boys Camp - Headquarters

Photograph taken in 1934 or 1935 (Source: R Graham via AL Benallack) : Noojee Boys Camp staff - R Mumford (Chief Cook), AL Benallack (Forester), D Williams (Foreman), F Noar ?? but caption on photo unclear, Asst cook, W Fisher (Senior Boy), B Fidler (Foreman)

Photograph taken in 1935 (Source: R Graham via AL Benallack) : Noojee Boys Camp - "Visitors to the place were legion" - AL Benallack & "4 old dears"

Photograph taken on 3/11/1939 by J McKinty : Assessment Camp at Dairy Farm Flat

Photograph taken in 1940 (Source: FCRPA) : Taggerty Forest Office

Photograph taken about 1940 (Source: Estate of G Jennings) : Tanjil Bren Forest Office and Quarters

Photograph probably taken in the early 1940's (Source: FCRPA) : FCV road construction camp at Toorongo for 1939 salvage

Photograph taken in 1940 (Source: FCRPA) : Norm Endacott at Little Boys Camp

Photograph taken at the VSF in 1940 (Source: G Cleary) : Charcoal kiln operations below the Physics and Chemistry Labs

Photograph taken in 1940 (Source: G Cleary) : FCV camp at Big River

Photograph taken by JD Gillespie about 1940 (Source: S Gillespie) : The Creswick Nursery

Photograph taken about 1941 (Source: FCRPA) : FCV constructing Kurth Kiln

Photograph taken about 1941 (Source: FCRPA) : FCV constructing Kurth Kiln

Photograph taken in January 1942 (Source: G Cleary) : The Mess Hut - FCV Little Boys Camp - salvage program in the Upper Thomson

Photograph taken in January 1942 (Source: G Cleary) : FCV Little Boys Camp, Upper Thomson

Photograph taken in January 1942 (Source: G Cleary) : The State Mill at Erica

Photograph taken in 1944 (Source: G Cleary) : FCV Fire Lookout at Mt Buller - "Ah, the serenity."

Photograph probably taken in the mid to late 1940s (Source: S Gillespie) : FCV Camp - Broadford No 2

Photograph taken in 1946 (Source: FCRPA) : FCV Camp in the Rubicon Forest - perhaps on Snob's Creek or on the Royston.

Photograph taken in 1946 by JA McKinty (Source: M McKinty) : FCV Erica's assistant quarters, office, old office

Photograph taken in 1946 by JA McKinty (Source: M McKinty) : State Sawmill at Erica

Photograph taken in 1946 by JD Gillespie (Source: S Gillespie) : FCV Little Boys Camp in the Upper Thomson

Photograph taken by R Ritchie in the mid to late 1940s : FCV Camp at Childers.

Photograph taken by R Ritchie in the mid to late 1940s : Wally Jordan delivering pine seedling to planting gangs - FCV Camp at Childers.

Photograph taken in 1947 by JA McKinty (Source: M McKinty) : FCV constructing bridge across the Timbarra river

Photograph taken in 1949 by J McKinty (Source: M McKinty) : Fire Tower on Mt Nowa Nowa, and a young M McKinty with his mother and an uncle

Photograph taken in 1951 (Source: B Fry) : Woods Point District Forest Office

Photograph taken in 1951 (Source: N Fraser) : Jack Channon at Murderer's Hill Assessment Camp

Photograph taken by Leon Pederick in 1951 (Source: FCRPA) : MMBW Firetower at Wallaby Creek

Photograph taken in 1952 (Source: FCRPA) : Macedon Forest Office

Photograph taken at Buckle Spur, Erica District in 1952 (Source: B Marsden) ; Canvas tent erected using timber spars

Photograpn taken in 1952 (Source: FCRPA) : FCV single man quarters, The Triangle

Photograph taken in 1952 by JD Gillespie (Source: S Gillespie) : FCV Fire School at the Kinglake West Camp.

Photograph taken by Leon Pederick in the early 1950s : FCV Warrak Camp

Photograph taken in 1953 by A Hodgson : Mt Nugong Tower under construction

Photograph taken at Noorinbee, assumed mid 1950's : Carvings by Dave Parnaby - pick the Commissioner?

Photograph taken in Summer 1954/55 (Source: A Webb) : Moroka Hut Camp

Photograph date unknown (Source: M McCarthy) : The State Mill at Erica

Photograph taken in 1954 by WG Middleton : Fire tower on Mt Matlock

Photograph taken in 1958 (Source: A Hodgson) : Mt Nugong Tower

Photograph taken in 1958 (Source: FCRPA) : Fire Tower in the Orbost Forest District Depot

Photograph taken in about 1958 (Source: FCRPA) : FCV Log Checking Station, Licola

Photograph taken in 1959 by R Smith (Source: R Smith, 2015) : Aire Valley Camp - 23 year old Redwoods with branches over huts

Photograph probably taken in the late 1950s (Source: B Fry) : John Wright at Surveyors Creek

Photograph probably taken in the late 1950s (Source : B Fry) : FCV camp at Bullarto South

Photograph taken on 30/1/1959 by G Wallace : MMBW tower at Flatrock Creek. Condemned 5 years earlier - hard to see why

Photograph taken on 4/2/1959 by G Wallace : Graduating VSF class of 1959 at the Taggerty Forest Office

Photograph taken on 5/2/1959 by G Wallace : MMBW tower at Strath Creek

Photograph taken on 5/3/1959 by G Wallace : FCV tower on Mt Sabine

Photograph taken at the VSF on 11/5/1959 by G Wallace : l to r- W Litster, L Malone and A Hodgson at site of new glasshouse.

Photograph taken on 17/10/1959 by G Wallace : FCV Nursery at Macedon - Roger Cowley in the foreground

Photograph taken at the VSF on 9/6/1959 by G Wallace : Demolition of old dormitory and study rooms to make way for AVG House

Photograph taken in about 1960 by G Wallace : Mt Skene Lookout

Photograph taken at the VSF in 1961 (Source: FCRPA) : Official opening of AVG House

Photograph taken on 18/10/1961 by R Graham : Living quarters at Matlock (The Triangle) - FCV camp in background probably established post 1939 fires for salvage purposes. Still operating in 1961 for road construction. Derelict by 1969.

Photograph taken in November 1962 (Source: G Cleary) : FCV Camp, Shelley

Photograph taken in 1962 by JD Gillespie (Source: S Gillespie) : FCV Nursery at Powelltown

Photograph taken in 1962 by JD Gillespie (Source: S Gillespie) : FCV Nursery at Powelltown

Photograph taken in 1963 (Source: B Fry) : Connors Plain Camp - on the Mt Skene Road above Licola

Photograph taken in 1963 (Source: R Smith) : Tea Tree Range Assessment. Camp at Guys Hut. From left - Elmore Backen, Ian Church, Roger Smith. Ian May (sitting)

Photograph taken in 1964 (Source: J Cahill) : Rennick FCV Camp

Photograph date probably 1960s (Source: EG Stuckey) : Stringers Knob Fire Tower

Photograph taken in 1965 (Source: JD Gillespie & S Gillespie) : FCV building the Loch River Bridge - Neerim Forest District

Photograph taken in 1966 (Source: FCRPA) : Broadford No. 1 Camp

Photograph taken in December 1966 (Source: G Cleary) : Connors Plain Camp

Photograph taken in 1971 (Source: G Cleary) : Connors Plain Camp

Photograph taken in about 1967 by N Cox : FCV radiata pine nursery at Narbethong - weeding

Photograph taken in about 1968 (Source: B Rees) : Benambra Firebombing Base

Photograph taken 1969 (Source: R Rawson) : The Triangle - Andrew Pook on bonnet of Land Rover

Photograph taken in November 1969 (Source: G Cleary) : Wail Nursery

Photograph taken in 1969 (Source: G Cleary) : Bridge construction on the Yalmy Road, FCV, Orbost Forest District

Photograph taken in 1969 by I Hastings : FCV Camp at Koetong

Photograph taken in 1969 by I Hastings : Mt Wills

Photograph taken about 1970 by N Cox at Yanakie Firebombing Base : Venturi retardant mixer

Photograph probably taken in the early 1970s (Source: FCRPA) : Firetower on Ben Nevis

Photograph taken in 1971 (Source: B Rees) : Snowy Range Airstrip

Photograph taken in 1971 (Source: B Rees) : Snowy Range Airstrip

Photograph taken in February 1971 (Source: G Cleary) : Jessop Firebombing Base

Photograph taken in 1971 (Source: G Cleary) : Connors Plain Camp

Photograph from "The Strzeleckis : a new future for the Heartbreak Hills", by W. S. Noble : Morwell River Prison Camp with Olsen's Bridge Nursery in the background

Photograph taken ca. 1975 (Source: FCRPA) : Mount Useful Fire Tower

Photograph taken in 1979 by N Cox : FCV Camp, Surveyors Creek

Photograph probably taken in the early 1980s (Source: H Stewart) : George Minko on the microphone - FCV? field day at Benalla Nursery.

Photograph taken in 1983 by D Holmes - Beaufort FD : a 'Mt Cole Hut' at Middle Creek Campground

Photograph taken in 1983 by D Holmes - Beaufort FD : Picnic tables at Middle Creek Campground - built by Archie Dickman

Photograph taken on 18/3/2021 by R Rawson : Near entrance to Wail Nursery