Photograph taken on 7/4/1937 by P Crosby Morrison : J McKinty at Assessment Camp - Murrundindi River

Photograph taken in June 1937 (Source: J McKinty) : Jim Mckinty on Levis

Photograph taken on 22/12/1939 (Source: M McKinty) : Jim McKinty (l) and Bjarne Dahl

Photograph taken on 25/11/1939 (Source : M McKinty) : Moroka Assessment, moving camp. I to r, Bill Griffin (graduate forester USA), John Fitzpatrick (VSF 1935), Herb Scott (chainman), Ken Eunson (chainman), Joffre Steen (chainman), Jim McKinty (VSF 1934), Andy Estoppey (horses), Henry Redwood (chainman), Bjarne Dahl

Photograph taken on 3/11/1939 by J McKinty : Assessment Camp at Dairy Farm Flat

Photograph taken on 31/10/1939 by J McKinty : Moroka Assessment - heading out from Castleburn

Photograph taken in Jan 1940 by J McKinty (Source: M McKinty) : Bill Ah Chow on Nunniong

Photograph taken in 1940 (Source: M McKinty) : Nunniong Assessment, l to r, Jim McKinty (VSF 1934), Ken Eunson (chainman), Henry Redwood (chainman), John Fitzpatrick (VSF 1935), Herb Scott (chainman), Charlie Fleming (VSF 1937)

Photograph taken in Jan 1940 (Source: M McKinty) : Nunniong Assessment, l to r, Bill Griffin (graduate forester USA), Jim McKinty (VSF 1934), Henry Redwood (chainman), Herb Scott (chainman)

Photograph taken on 27/10/1940 by J Mckinty : Mt Skene Hut

Photograph taken on 20/2/1940 by J McKinty : Saddled up and heading for Bennison Plains

Photograph taken in 1948/49 (Source : B Williams) : Herb Caldwell and party at Six Mile Camp, Mt Pinnibar, summer of 1948/49

Photograph taken in 1951 (Source: N Fraser) : Jack Channon at Murderer's Hill Assessment Camp

Photograph taken in 1951 (Source: L Pederick) : The Blue Range assessment crew. Back (l to r) - Terry Gardiner, Jim Cummings, Peter Britton, Fred Whiting, Len Laing. Front (l to r) - Leon Pederick, Tom Delaney

Photograph taken about April 1953 (Source: L Pederick) : The Bullengarook assessment crew. Back (l to r) - Chris Collin, Dave Anderson, Phil King. Front (l to r) - Frank Gerraty, Geoff Dowler, Leon Pederick, Eric Bachelard, Bill Clifford

Photograph taken in summer 1953-1954 (Source: A Webb) : Sam Bruton (driving) and Arthur Webb on the Nunniong Plateau.

Photograph taken in 1955 (Source: B Fry) : Neil Carr, Ted Naggs and Ray Brash on Mt Skene

Photograph taken in Summer 1954/55 (Source: A Webb) : Arthur Webb (l) and ray Brash at Tali Karng

Photograph taken in Summer 1954/55 (Source: A Webb) : Stuart Hare with Dick and Rose

Photograph taken in Summer 1954/55 (Source: A Webb) : Ross May cooking at Little Round Plain Camp

Photograph taken in Summer 1954/55 (Source: A Webb) : Moroka Hut Camp

Photograph taken in Summer 1954/55 (Source: A Webb) : The Mess tent, Surveyors Creek Camp

Photograph taken in Summer 1954/55 (Source: A Webb) : Ray Brash (l) and Arthur Webb heading into Shanty Hollow

Photograph taken in Summer 1954/55 (Source: A Webb) : Arthur Webb cooking, Surveyors Creek Camp

Photograph taken in Summer 1955/56 (Source: A Webb) : Arthur Webb on the radio, Mt Selwyn

Photograph taken in Summer 1955/56 (Source: A Webb) : Lying down on the job

Photograph taken in Summer 1955/56 (Source: A Webb) : Bob Orr (front) and Ross May heading to Mt Selwyn

Photograph taken in about January 1957 - Assessing at Mt Useful (Source: FCRPA) : From left - Jack Gittins, Bob Allen, Frank Lloyd, Arthur Webb, Brian Woodruff, Bill Hardy, Phil King

Photograph taken about 1958 at Stanley Camp (Source: FCRPA) : l to r - RW Allen, R Brash,I Edwards, BJ Woodruff

Photograph taken in 1959 (Source: J Gittins) - North Jamieson Assessment : Doug Stevenson

Photograph taken in 1959 (Source: J Gittins) - North Jamieson Assessment : Bob Allen (l) and Doug Stevenson

Photograph taken in 1959 (Source: J Gittins) - North Jamieson Assessment : From left Ray Brash, Ken Osborne, Alan Walton, Doug Stevenson, Bob Allen

Photograph taken in 1959 (Source: J Gittins) - North Jamieson Assessment : Ken Osborne - Packman

Photograph taken in 1959 (Source: J Gittins) - North Jamieson Assessment : Crossing the Howqua River

Photograph taken in 1959 (Source: J Gittins) - North Jamieson Assessment : The camp

Photograph taken in 1959 (Source: J Gittins) - North Jamieson Assessment : Moving day

Photograph taken in 1959 (Source: J Gittins) - North Jamieson Assessment : Jack Gittins with pack horses

Photograph taken in 1959 (Source: J Gittins) - North Jamieson Assessment : Doug Stevenson with pack horses

Photograph taken in 1959 (Source: J Gittins) - North Jamieson Assessment : Front (l to r) Bob Allen, Jack Gittins, Doug Stevenson, Alan Walton

Photograph taken in 1959 (Source: J Gittins) - North Jamieson Assessment : Ray Brash (l) and Bob Allen in the mess hut

Photograph taken at Warrak Camp in 1959 (Source: FCRPA) : Assessment Crew at Mt Cole - (l to r) Peter Murray, Bill Hardy, Doug Stevenson, Chainman?, Peter Langley

Photograph taken in 1962 (Source: R Smith) : G Leitch at Pinnibar Hut camp during phasmatid survey

Photograph taken in 1962 (Source: R Smith) : Tea Tree Range Assessment. From left - Stan Rowley, Ian May, Roger Smith, with cap - unknown, Ken Harrop, Arnis Heislers, Keith Gidley (Note: A Heislers has a year of 1966 for this photo)

Photograph taken in 1966 (Source: R Smith) : Tea Tree Range Assessment. Roger Smith

Photograph taken in 1966 (Source: R Smith) : Tea Tree Range Assessment. Camp at Guys Hut. From left - Elmore Backen, Ian Church, Roger Smith. Ian May (sitting)

Photograph taken on 27/5/2000 (Source: DNRE) : L Turner on Mt McKinty

Photograph taken in October 2010 (Source: R Smith) : Forest Assessors Four (l to r) - Murray Paine, Arthur Webb, Ross May, Roger Smith at the VSF Centenary Celebration