Early Remote Sensing for Fire Suppression

R Rawson

The use of Infra-red technology in aircraft to map wildfires had been considered since the 1960's, with a report on the technology prepared by Athol Hodgson in 1966. 

My memory is we first tried a line scanner in 1981/82 on a fire near Kilmore/Wallan - It was owned by CSIRO and operated from a Fokker F27 that was either owned by or leased by CSIRO. I don't remember a real time image being available in the aircraft.

In 1982/83 this same set up operated on the East Warbuton fire of 16 February 1983, and it uncovered a massive unburnt area that was not understood by fire planners. It assisted fire control line placement from that time.

The big push came in 1984/85 with the NSCA - as usual - providing top line equipment at bargain basement prices. (Fig. 1) It was used extensively over the North East fires and provided real time print outs that were interpreted onto maps in-flight by Bruce Dymond and Kevin Ritchie, and the maps were then, when necessary, dropped in tubes onto locations where they could be accessed by the teams managing the fires.

In the early 1980s the FCV also purchased a FLIR unit to help with mop-up and other fire operations. (Fig. 2)


Fig.1  NSCA Line Scanner in Beechcraft King Air
About 1983
Source: B Rees


Fig.2  Bryan Rees with the first FCV FLIR- in a Jayrow Bell Jetranger
Source: B Rees


Richard Rawson

Richard graduated from the VSF in 1968 and the University of Melbourne in 1971.

In 1969, and from 1971 to 1973 he worked in the Assessment Branch, FCV in both Head Office and the field.

From 1973 to 1985 he was a Fire Research Officer at Stawell and then the Fire Research Officer in the Division of Forest Protection.

In 1985 he moved to Traralgon as the Assistant Regional Manager, Public Lands Traralgon, and then the Central Gippsland, Region of CFL. He was the Regional Manager for a short period in Benalla in 1988,before becoming Regional Manager, Bairnsdale.

In 1991 he moved to Melbourne and from that time in the various agencies that followed CFL, he was head of the Forests Service until 1998, and during that time a Member of the LCC and the Board of the CFA.  From 1998 until retirement in mid-2001 he was Deputy Secretary, Operations in the Department of Natural Resources and Environment.

Richard Rawson

Richard graduated from the VSF in 1968 and the University of Melbourne in 1971.

In 1969, and from 1971 to 1973 he worked in the Assessment Branch, FCV in both Head Office and the field.

From 1973 to 1985 he was a Fire Research Officer at Stawell and then the Fire Research Officer in the Division of Forest Protection.

In 1985 he moved to Traralgon as the Assistant Regional Manager, Public Lands Traralgon, and then the Central Gippsland, Region of CFL. He was the Regional Manager for a short period in Benalla in 1988,before becoming Regional Manager, Bairnsdale.

In 1991 he moved to Melbourne and from that time in the various agencies that followed CFL, he was head of the Forests Service until 1998, and during that time a Member of the LCC and the Board of the CFA.  From 1998 until retirement in mid-2001 he was Deputy Secretary, Operations in the Department of Natural Resources and Environment.