Forests Act 1918 (No. 2976.)

At the Executive Council Chamber, Melbourne, the twenty fourth day of September, 1919.
PRESENT: His Excellency the Lieutenant-Governor of Victoria, Mr Lawson, Mr Campbell, Mr Hutchinson
UNDER the power in that behalf conferred by the Forests Act 1018 (No. 297E) His Excellency the Lieutenant-Governor of the State of Victoria, by and with the advice of the Executive Council thereof, doth hereby appoint Wednesday, the first day of October, 1919,at the hour of Eleven o'clock in the forenoon at the Public Offices, Treasury Gardens, Melbourne, as the time and place when and where the first appointed Commissioners of the Forests Commission or the major part of them shall hold their first meeting.
And the honorable William Hutchinson, His Majesty's Minister of Forests, shall give the necessary directions herein accordingly.
FW MABBOTT, Clerk of the Executive Council.
Source: Victorian Government Gazette. No 140. September 26, 1919. Page 2204