Alfred Oscar Lawrence
This note about Alf Lawrence comes from the:
Forest Recollection Series
Early Forest Utilisation
IFA. 1979
Alfred Lawrence entered the School of Forestry Creswick in 1919, and was nominated by the FCV in 1925 for entry to the Australian Forestry School, Canberra. He completed the B.Sc. Forestry Adelaide in 1928 and subsequently was awarded the Russell Grimwade Scholarship in 1932. He gained the Dip.For. Oxford in 1934. In 1939 he assisted the Royal Commission which enquired into the disastrous 1938/39 bushfires, and subsequent Royal Commissions enquiring into grazing on Crown Lands and the fires which disrupted SEC activities at Yallourn. He was appointed a Commissioner of the Forests Commission of Victoria in 1949 and Chairman in 1956, and held that position till his retirement in 1969. He has also been a member of the Soil Conservation Board, President of the Conservation Council of Victoria, Chairman of the Victorian Branch of the Timber Promstion Council and Assistant Chief Commissioner of the Boy Scouts Association. He has been awarded the OBE.

Alfred Oscar Lawrence
Mid 1960s
Source: FCRPA