Selected Aust For Research Papers
This is a selection of articles related to Victorian forests or by Victorian authors taken, in July 2024, from this site.
- Effects of Canopy Closure and Pruning on Dothistroma septospora Needle Blight of Pinus radiata. GC Marks and IW Smith
- Flooding in the Barmah Forest and its relation to Flow in the Murray-Edward River System. LJ Bren, IC O'Neill and NL Gibbs
- The Occurrence and Effects of Armillaria luteobubalina following Partial Cutting in Mixed Eucalypt Stands in the Wombat Forest, Victoria. JD Kellas, GA Kile, RG Jarrett and BJT Morgan
- The Duration of Inundation in a Flooding River Red Gum Forest. LJ Bren
- Effect of Changes of Available Water and Nutrients on Growth, Root Development and Water Use in Pinus radiata seedlings. RO Squire, PM Attiwill and TF Neales
- Characteristics of the Wood of Young Fast-grown Trees of Eucalyptus nitens ... III. RJ McKimm and Y Ilic
- Effects of Nematode Control on Shoot, Root and Mycorrhizal Development of Pinus radiata Seedlings ... GC Marks, R Winoto-Suatmadji and IW Smith
- Relationships between Flood Frequency, Vegetation and Topography in a River Red Gum Forest. LJ Bren and NL Gibbs
- Effects of Moisture Stress in Eucalyptus sieberi on Growth of Lesions caused by Phytophthora cinnamomi. IW Smith and GC Marks
- Effect of Certain Features of a Stand of Pinus radiata on Dothistroma septospora Needle Blight. GC Marks and G Hepworth
- Effects of Crown Development, Branch Shed and Competition on Wood Defect in Eucalyptus regnans and E sieberi. GC Marks, WD Incoll and IR Long
- Hydrological Effects of Clearing Native Forest in North-east Victoria: The First Three Years. CJ Leitch and DW Flinn
- Effects of Commercial Pesticides in Seed-coats on Seeds and Germinants of Eucalyptus regnans, and their Potential as Seed Protectants in the Field. FG Neumann and FY Kassaby
- Nutrient Losses from Broadcast Burning of Eucalyptus Debris in North-east Victoria. HTL Stewart and DW Flinn
- Loss of Organic Matter and Elements from Decomposing Litter of Eucalyptus obliqua and Pinus radiata. TG Baker and PM Attiwill
- Characteristics of the Wood of Young Fast-grown Trees of Eucalyptus nitens with Special Reference to Provenance Variation. II... RJ Mckimm
- Characteristics of the Wood of Young Fast-grown Trees of Eucalyptus nitens I ... RJ Mckimm
- Hydrologic Effects of a Stretch of Forest Road. LJ Bren and CJ Leitch
- Variations in Mortality in Families of Eucalyptus regnans caused by Phytophthora cinnamomi up to 5 Years after Planting. JA Harris, FY Kassaby and IW Smith
- Studies on the Introduced Bark Beetle Ips grandicollis in Victorian Radiata Pine Plantations. FG Neumann and J Morey
- Seasonal Rainfall and Eucalyptus Dieback Epidemics Associated with Phytophthora cinnamomi in Gippsland, Victoria. Kenneth C Tregonning and Peter C Fagg
- Variation in Genotypic Response to Suspected Copper Deficiency in Pinus radiata. LA Pederick, P Hopmans, DW Flinn and ID Abbott
- Influence of Acacia spp. on the Control of Phytophthora cinnamomi Root Rot of Eucalytpus sieberi. IW Smith and GC Marks
- Factors Influencing Electrical Resistance in Stems of Eucalyptus obliqua, E globulus subsp. bicostata and E viminalis. GA Kile, JD Kellas and RG Jarrett
- Electrical Resistance in Relation to Crown Dieback Symptoms, Armillaria Infection and Growth in Eucalyptus obliqua and E globulus susp. bicostata. GA Kile, JD Kellas and RG Jarrett
- Aspects of Phosphorus Cycling in Radiata Pine on a Strongly Phosphorus-Adsorbing Soil. DW Flinn, JM James and P Hopmans
- Trunk Infection of Eucalyptus Species by Phytophthora cinnamomi. A Preliminary Report. GC Marks, IW Smith and FY Kassaby
- Armillaria luteobubalina: a Primary Cause of Decline and Death of Trees in Mixed Species Eucalypt Forests in Central Victoria. GA Kile
- Hydrology of a Small, Forested Catchment. LJ Bren
- Variation in Some Wood Characteristics of Eucalyptus nitens. JWP Nicholls and LA Pederick
- Beetle Communities in Eucalypt and Pine Forests in North-eastern Victoria. FG Neumann
- Simulating Growth and Yield of Mountain Ash Stands: a Deterministic Model. RG Campbell, IS Ferguson and JE Opie
- Natural Variation in Shining Gum (Eucalyptus nitens). LA Pederick
- Nutrient Loss from the Burning of Pinus radiata Logging Residue. DW Flinn, P Hopmans, PW Farrell and JM James
- Root Development in Pinus radiata Plantation in Relation to Site Index, Fertilizing and Soil Bulk Density. RO Squire, GC Marks and FG Craig
- Evaluation of Soil Testing Methods for Predicting Early Growth and Responses to Phosphatic Fertilizer of Pinus radiata at Heywood, Victoria. P Hopmans, DW Flinn and BC Aeberli
Symptom Development and Disease Escape in Eucalyptus obliqua Growing in Soils Infected with Phytophthora cinnamomi. GC Marks and JT Tippett
Insect Populations in Eucalypt and Pine Forests in North-eastern Victoria. FG Neumann
- Interacting Effects of Grass Competition, Fertilizing and Cultivation on the Early Growth of Pinus radiata. RO Squire
- Effects of Moisture Sress on Germination of Eucalyptus camaldulensis and E regnans. JG Edgar
- Reducing Growth Stress in Standing Trees. G Waugh
- Eucalyptus saxatilis a New Species fronm Eastern Victoria. JB Kirkpatrick and MIH Brooker
Spread of Armillaria spp in the Bark of Eucalyptus obliqua and E bicostata. GC Marks, CA Almond, JG Edgar, GA Kile
Phytophora cinnamomi in Dying Vegetation on the Brisbane Ranges, Victoria. FD Podger and DH Ashton
A Survey of Forest Fire Danger in Victoria (1937-1969). RG Vines