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"After all the long days it has been a mental relief to all of us to have introduced delightful topics such as honey, bees, and Angora goats."
"There should be no spring burning. Burning is detrimental not only to the birds but to the bees."

Extracts : Locals
On the birds and the bees
Melbourne, Thursday 2 February 1939

An apiarist at Toolern Vale

[Mr. Gowans] You are here speaking on behalf of the Apiarists Association?
Yes, that is so. The particular classes of forests in which apiarists are interested are more particularly of the open forests type, and the dwarf species, as distinct from the mountain ash forests, where the great fires usually take place.

I wish to stress the view that there should be no spring burning. Furthermore, we should like to stress the importance of conserving bird life. The spring is the nesting period for birds, and we cannot afford to ignore the birds, because they are a national asset. Burning is detrimental not only to the birds but to the bees.

As regards mountain forest and commercial forests, such as mountain ash country, I consider that no burning whatsoever should be allowed. We cannot afford to burn mountain ash country.

[Mr. Gowans] Have you apiarists any suggestion to make which would minimize the danger from bush fires?
I would suggest the inclusion of the clause in all leases provided that in the event of an unauthorized fire the lease would automatically cease.

[The Commissioner] Unauthorised by whom?
By whoever may be in control of fire burning?

Under such a provision, an innocent man might be burned out by his enemy and might lose his lease. Someone with a grudge against him might set fire to his area to get rid of him? People come here and advance theories about jurisprudence, crime and punishment.

They should not, because they do not know what they are talking about. Do you suggest that because it is hard to convict a man we should make it easier to dispossess him? Do you say that in face of all our known canons of justice? I suggest that you witnesses ought to keep to your own department. You should talk about bees.

You do not know about human nature and what can be done under the law if it gets into the wrong hands. A man might be burned out and yet be quite innocent. The fashion for heavy punishment is rather disquieting in what one considers to be a sane society, especially the indiscriminate infliction of punishment - hit where you see a head.

It seems to me to be an outrageous suggestion. I do not want to get into an argument with you on that subject or about bees either, but I think it better for you to keep to bees and bushfires.

[The witness] And leave the birds out?
[The Commissioner] Bring the birds in if you like and discuss what effect they have on angora goats and vice versa.

There seems to have been a spirit of minor levity about these proceedings this afternoon. I hope I have not been responsible, but after all the long days we have had it has been a mental relief to all of us to have had introduced delightful topics such as honey, bees, and Angora goats.

The witnesses who mentioned those subjects must not think that we were laughing at them. I think we are all much too good mannered for that. It was such a delightful change from the talk about moss, misery and so on that we have heard during part of our previous trips.

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