"Demby ran to warn Barling. That was the last time that either was seen alive. Their bodies were found the next day."
The forerunner of the large fires which devastated the forests of the Great Dividing Range in 1939 began quietly enough on New Years Day. The fire was noticed by Forest Officer John Alexander Blackmore from his post at Toolangi a little after midday, and he investigated immediately. The fire appeared to have originated on private property on the banks of No.3 Mountain Creek near Kinglake. A north wind drove the fire, slowly at first, in the direction of Mt Slide.
For the next seven days a small group of Forests Commission employees under the control of Forests Commission Overseer Charlie Demby fought to contain the outbreak without success. On 7 January the Forests Commission's Fire Protection Officer, Reginald Torbet, arrived on the scene and added his efforts and those of Forester John Hartley Barling to the men already working on the fire. That evening the men were pulled out of the forest to rest and eat. The party of ten returned to the bush at 7.00 am on Sunday 8 January. The weather was hot but the wind had abated somewhat. At 1.00 pm Barling, who was suffering from a heavy cold, left the main party and went to check on how another part of the fire was progressing.
Almost immediately a strong wind rose from the south-west and Demby ran to warn Barling. That was the last time that either was seen alive. Their bodies were found the next day. Demby had apparently been carrying Barling on his shoulders and was heading for Gutter Creek and the safety of water when they were overcome by the flames. Barling's watch had stopped at 1.20 pm.