Bibliography on fire behaviour and management in pine
plantations Sorted by author |
Year |
Authors |
Title |
Subject |
1990 |
Alexander |
Crown fire |
1992 |
Alexander |
Fire behaviour |
1992 |
Alexander |
Case study, fire behaviour |
1998 |
Alexander |
Crown fire
thresholds in exotic pine plantations of Australasia |
Fire behaviour, fire
management, crown fire |
2004 |
Fire management |
1995 |
Beck |
for the forest fire behaviour tables for Western Australia |
Fire behaviour prediction |
1990 |
Beer |
Wind profile, midflame
wind speed |
1979 |
Billing |
fire to reduce fuel accumulations after first thinning in radiata pine
plantations |
Fuel treatment, fire
effects |
1979 |
Billing |
Prescribed burn, fire
effects |
1980 |
Billing |
A low
intensity prescribed burning operation in a thinned radiata pine plantation |
Fire behaviour, fire effects |
1980 |
Billing |
aspects of the behaviour of the Caroline fire of February 1979 |
Case study, fire
behaviour |
1983 |
Billing |
Fire No. 22 1982/83: A case study of plantation protection |
Case study, fire
management, fire suppression |
1983 |
Billing |
Case study, fire
behaviour |
1985 |
Billing |
Case study, fire
behaviour |
1982 |
Billing, Bywater |
fire to reduce aerial fuels in first thinned radiata pine |
Prescribed burn, ladder
fuels |
1998 |
Botelho, Fernandes,
Loureiro, Rego |
response of maritime pine trees to high intensity prescribed fire |
Prescribed burn, fire
effects |
1998 |
Botelho, Fernandes, Ruas |
Prescribed burn, fire
effects |
1996 |
Botelho, Rego, Ryan |
mortality models for Pinus pinaster in
Northern Portugal |
Prescribed burn, Fire
effects |
1994 |
Vega, Fernandes, Rego |
fire behavior and fuel consumption in northern Portugal and Galiza maritime
pine stands |
Prescribed burn, fire
effects |
1980 |
Burrows |
Fuel load, fuel treatment,
fuel inventory |
1980 |
Burrows |
Fuel load, fuel
manipulation |
1988 |
Burrows, Smith, Robinson |
Burning Slash Fuels in Pinus radiata plantations in Western Australia |
Prescribed burn, fire
behaviour |
1991 |
Burrows, Sneeuwjagt |
Fire behaviour |
1988 |
Burrows, Ward, Robinson |
of fire behaviour and fire suppression in a Pinus pinaster plantation |
Fire behaviour, crown
fire |
2000 |
Burrows, Ward, Robinson |
Case study, fuel
dynamics, fire behaviour |
1989 |
Burrows, Woods, Ward,
Robinson |
low intensity fire to kill wilding in Pinus radiata plantations in Western Australia |
Prescribed burn, fire
behaviour |
1980 |
Byrne |
Fuel moisture, fuel
structure, prescribed burn, fire effects |
1982 |
Byrne, Just |
pine plantation prescribed burning using a helicopter |
Prescribed burn, aerial
ignition, fire behaviour |
1970 |
Cheney |
Fire management |
1985 |
Cheney |
Fire management |
1988 |
Cheney |
Fire management |
1988 |
Cheney, Coleman |
Fire management |
2004 |
Cruz, Alexander, Wakimoto |
the likelihood of crown fire occurrence in conifer forest stands |
Crown fire, fire
behaviour prediction |
2005 |
Cruz, Alexander, Wakimoto |
and testing of models fore predicting crown fire rate of spread in conifer
forest stands |
Crown fire, fire
behaviour prediction |
2007 |
Cruz, Fernandes,
Alexander |
of a model system to predict wildfire behaviour in pine plantations |
Fire behaviour, crown
fire |
2007 |
Cruz, Plucinski |
Case study, fire
behaviour |
1982 |
Case study, fire
management |
1964 |
characteristics of major fires in coniferous plantations |
Fire behaviour, fuel
dynamics |
1973 |
Fire suppression |
2004 |
Fernandes, Botelho |
of the prescribed burning practice in the pine forest of northwestern
Portugal |
Prescribed burn |
2002 |
Fernandes, Botelho, Loureiro |
Prescribed burn, fire
behaviour |
2008 |
Fernandes, Botelho, Rego,
Loureiro |
Prescribed burn, fire
behaviour |
2004 |
Fernandes, Loureiro,
Botelho |
behaviour and severity in a maritime pine stand under differing fuel
conditions |
Fire behaviour, crown
fire , fuel dynamics |
2007 |
Fernandes, Rigolot |
Fire management, fire
effects, fuel management |
1998 |
Fire management |
2007 |
Fire management, fire
behaviour, fuel dynamics |
1984 |
Fire Protection Branch |
Case study, fire
behaviour |
1996 |
Fire management |
1996 |
Fogarty |
Case study, fire
behaviour, fire suppression |
Fire management |
1999 |
Fire management |
1976 |
Prescribed burn, surface
fire |
1981 |
burning in exotic pine plantation – operations manual |
Prescribed burn, surface
fire |
1969 |
Forrest, Ovington |
matter changes in an age series of Pinus
radiata plantations |
Fuel load, canopy fuel |
1981 |
Geddes, Pfeiffer |
Case study, fire
behaviour |
1965 |
Hatch |
Prescribed burn, surface
fire |
1995 |
Hunt, Hamwood,
Ollerenshaw |
Case study, fire
behaviour |
1987 |
Hunt, Crock |
Prescribed burn, fire
behaviour |
1985 |
Hunt, Simpson |
of low intensity prescribed fire on the growth and nutrition of a slash pine
plantation |
Prescribed burn, fire
effects |
1965 |
McArthur |
behaviour characteristics of the Longford fire, 17th November 1962 |
Case study, crown fire,
fire behaviour |
1966 |
McArthur, Douglas, Mitchell |
The Wandilo Fire, 5 April 1958:
Fire behaviour and associated meteorological and fuel conditions |
Case study, crown fire,
fire behaviour |
2004 |
McCaw, Round-Turner |
district fire 18, Bridgetown, 27 December 2003, Fire narrative |
Case study, fire
behaviour |
1973 |
McCormick |
Fuel load, fuel inventory |
1976 |
McCormick |
of maritime pine (Pinus pinaster)
after severe crown scorch |
Prescribed burn, fire
effects |
1987 |
Fire management |
1966 |
Cheney |
of experimental and wildfires in pine plantations on wood characteristics |
Surface fire, fire
behaviour |
1985 |
management in radiata pine following heavy first thinning |
Fuel dynamics, fuel
management, prescribed burn |
2003 |
Fire management |
1993 |
Pook |
Fuel moisture |
1993 |
Pook, Gill |
Fuel moisture |
1990 |
Pratt |
Case study, fire
behaviour |
1983 |
Rawson, Billing, |
Case study, fire
behaviour |
1990 |
RWG6 |
Fire management, fuel
management, crown fire |
2004 |
risk and the application of appropriate fire protection standards in pine
plantation areas |
Fire management |
1992 |
Smith |
Myalup wildfire April 1991; observed fire behaviour and damage |
Case study, fire
behaviour, fire effects |
1985 |
Sneeuwjagt, Peet |
Fuel moisture, Fire
behaviour prediction, fire effects |
2004 |
Sullivan |
Case study, fire
behaviour |
1978 |
Thomson |
intensity prescribed burning in three Pinus
radiata stand types |
Fuel dynamics, fire
behaviour, fire effects |
1977 |
Van Wagner |
Crown fire |
1993 |
Van Wagner |
of crown fire behavior in two stands of jack pine |
Fire behaviour, surface
fire, crown fire |
1988 |
Ward, Walsh |
Fuel management, fuel
dynamics |
1983 |
Watson, Morgan, Rolland |
Case study, fire
behaviour |
1989 |
of fuel weight and prediction of fire behaviour in slash pine plantations |
Fuel dynamics, fuel
management, prescribed burn |
1976 |
Williams |
Fuel dynamics, fuel management |
1978 |
properties before and after thinning in young radiata pine plantations |
Fuel complex structure,
fuel treatment |
1982 |
Woodman |
Fuel moisture |
1982 |
Woodman |
properties before and after second thinning in radiata pine |
Fuel load, fuel
treatment, fuel inventory |
1982 |
Woodman, Rawson |
Fuel dynamics, prescribed
fire, fire behaviour |
1978 |
Woods and Forests SA |
Case study, fire
behaviour |