The Victorian Forester

Although it may have started unofficially prior to 1900, in that year there were twenty-one members of the Foresters’ Association of Victoria who had all paid a subscription of five shillings. In 1986, what had by then become the Victorian State Foresters' Association wound up its affairs because of the dramatically changed nature of the arrangements for forest management in Victoria (see A Fraternity of Foresters, 1994).

In 1934 the Foresters’ Association published its first journal – The Victorian Forester – for the dissemination of semi-technical articles, reviews of publications and service news. Initially a roneoed publication, from December 1937 it was published as a stiff-covered magazine.  Copies of the entire series are now available and here is an Index to their contents.

The Editorial Committee of the 1940 issue expressed regret at the “unavoidable circumstances” causing the time-lapse after publication of the earlier issue – the outbreak of war and the fires in the summer of 1939.

Publication of The Victorian Forester ceased in 1941. Although the Association in 1946 considered renewal of a publication, the lack of contributions delayed action.

The Victorian Foresters Association Newsletter

At its Easter meeting in 1953, the Victorian State Foresters' Association decided to publish a Newsletter in roneoed form using Departmental facilities.  The first of what was to become a long series of The Victorian Foresters Newsletter was published in November 1953, with the initial editors being K. V. M. Ferguson, C. J. Irvine and Dr F. R. Moulds. After about issue No.30, the Association paid for the printing to be undertaken outside the Department. The last Newsletter, No.60, was published in December 1985.

Copies of the entire series of these Newsletters are available below. To help find articles of interest a list of Contents is available (Note that No.28 is an Index for Nos. 1-27). In the future it is hoped to provide a more user-friendly way to search for articles of interest.