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"At two o’clock it was as dark as pitch."
The Narracan Shire Advocate

Tanjil Bren Disaster
20 January 1939

Mr [J] Saxton said that the fire came up the western branch of the Tanjil River, from the direction of Noojee. At the time, a gale was blowing at between 70 and 80 miles an hour. At two o’clock it was as dark as pitch, and men with lanterns and torches were going round collecting tools and gear, putting it in dug-outs, and burying some of it.

At three o’clock, the fire came over the hill opposite, lighting up a tree. In a few seconds, there started several small fires. It was three or four minutes before the main fire struck them.

[NSA, 20/1/39]

Produced with the assistance of the ABC - Film Victoria Multimedia Production Accord
ABC Online HomeFilm Victoria