Research Branch Report No. 155
Screening of herbicides for woody weed control in Pinus radiata plantations. D. W. Flinn, G. Minko and L. Barrand. July 1980. 9 pp. (unpubl.)
A field study is described which evaluated the efficacy of 2,4,5-T, hexazinone, triclopyr, and 3,6-dichloropicolinic acid applied as broadcast sprays for control of Acacia dealbata and various species of Eucalyptus in a two-year-old Pinus radiata plantation. The herbicides were applied in late winter, and both hexazinone at 4 kg ha-1 and 3,6-dichloropicolinic acid at 2 kg ha-1 were of similar effectiveness to 2,4,5-T applied at a standard rate of 1.1 kg ha-1. These two relatively new herbicides substantially reduced the A. dealbata population with minimum phototoxicity to the pine. The eucalypts were also moderately susceptible to hexazinone. The results indicate that further evaluation of hexazinone and 3,6-dichloropicolinic acid for selective woody weed control in young P. radiata plantations would be justified, particularly if 2,4,5-T is withdrawn from forestry use.
Also published:
Flinn, D.W. and Minko, G. (1980) Screening of herbicides for woody weed control in Pinus radiata plantations. For. Comm. Vic., For. Tech. Pap. 28: 12-17.