Simon Murphy

Simon graduated from the VSF in 1976, and gained a BScF from the University of Melbourne in 1979.


2012-2014     Senior Research Fellow, Carbon Assessment - Department of Forest & Environmental Science, University of Melbourne.
2010-2012    Senior Policy Analyst (Native Forests), LandCarbon Project, Environmental Policy and Climate Change - Department of Sustainability and Environment (DSE).
2006-2009    Senior Forest Researcher, Forest Ecology and Growth – Department of Forest and Ecosystem Science, University of Melbourne.
2004-2006    Senior Research Fellow, Native Forest – School of Forest and Ecosystem Science, University of Melbourne.
2001-2004    Team Leader, Native Forest – Forest Science Centre (NRE).
1996-2001    R&D Co-ordinator, Native Forest - Centre for Forest Tree Technology, Department of Natural Resources and Environment (NRE).
1986-1996    Coordinator, Silvicultural Systems Project (SSP), Management Research & Development, Department of Conservation Forests and Lands.
1978-1986    Various Positions - Forests Commission Victoria - Forest Products, Forest Education and Recreation, Resource Assessment.

Major Achievements
  • Delivery of research against the Comprehensive Carbon Assessment Program, including collaborative journal publications, management implications for DEPI (successor to DSE) and development of standard operating procedures.
  • Development, in co-operation with DSE, of a research program and consultation contracts into the sustainable management of native forest, relevant to the following policy development areas: sustainable forest harvesting; salvage harvesting prescriptions; Victorian firewood strategy; the impact of thinning on water yield and flora, and; the impact of fire intensity on wood quality.
  • Co-ordination and delivery of the Silviculture and Forest Dynamics (Native Forest) Subject, Melbourne University, at both the Undergraduate and Masters level.
  • Development of the SFES facility at Burnley, the relocation of staff to this facility (December, 2007) and their integration into the site.
  • Leadership role in the transitional development of the ‘Alliance’ and subsequent merging of the NRE’s Forest Science Centre and the University of Melbourne’s School of Forestry.
  • Cooperative preparation, implementation, and ongoing improvement of Research and Development programs for the native State Forests of Victoria.
  • Coordination and implementation of elements of a large multi-disciplinary Research and Development project aimed at sustainable silvicultural systems for multiple purpose management in the native forests of Victoria.