Research Branch Report No. 136
Root system investigations in stands of Eucalyptus regnans F. Muell. W. D. Incoll. June 1979. 16 pp. (unpubl.)
Excavations were carried out in a 29 year-old, unthinned stand of Eucalyptus regnans F. Muell. of 1939 origin in order to describe the configuration and extent of the tree root systems. The maximum lateral spread observed was 0.51 m per cm of DBHOB, and for dominant trees the root/crown spread ratio was a maximum of 3.8. The roots beneath butts of dominant trees reached a depth of 2.6 m, but away from tree boles 98% of oven-dry root weight occurred in the surface 60 cm of soil. Both inter and intra-tree grafts were found; 61% of the trees were involved in inter-tree grafting. Examination of excavated grafts suggested they would vary considerably in ability to translocate material from one root system to the other. Microscopic examination suggested that adventitious roots often develop on the main root network.
Also published:
Incoll, W.D.. (1979) Root system investigations in stands of Eucalyptus regnans. For. Tech. Pap. 27: 23-32.