Research Branch Report No. 111
Phytophthora cinnamomi root rot investigations in Victoria: A review with special reference to Forestry. G. C. Marks and R. M. Idczak. August 1978. 26 pp. (unpubl.)
This review is confined mainly to research into dieback disease associated with Phytophthora cinnamomi root-rot in eucalypt forests of Victoria. Relevant investigations carried out elsewhere in Australia and in other parts of the world are cited. The review outlines the history of disease in Victorian forests, with the earliest reports of dieback and tree decline dating back to the 1930’s becoming more noticeable in the 1950’s; the suggested origin of the fungus P. cinnamomi; field symptoms of dieback associated with P. cinnamomi root-rot; pathogenicity of the fungus and species tolerance to the disease; detection and quantification of inoculum levels; and environmental factors e.g. climate, stand condition and soil microbial and moisture conditions, which are likely to affect disease expression. Some mention is made of the spread and distribution of the disease and suggested measures for control with an attempt throughout to outline areas of future research that may prove profitable for disease control.
Also published:
Marks, G.C. and Idczak, R.M. (1977) Phytophthora cinnamomi root rot investigations in Victoria: a review with special reference to forestry. For. Comm. Vic., For. Tech. Pap. 26: 19-36.