Research Branch Report No. 108

Productivity of alternate methods of non-commercial thinning.  W. D. Incoll.  April 1978.  7 pp. (unpubl.)


The productivity of thinning by three methods was compared in young Eucalyptus regnans regrowth. The methods used were - thinning by small chainsaw, thinning by clearing saw and thinning with manual tools. Stands at Toolangi (age eight years), Narbethong (age four years) and Powelltown (age four years) were studied. Productivity was estimated by measuring time taken to thin 20 m wide strips through the stands, including time delays incurred by type of thinning method.

The clearing saw was suitable for thinning stands with low mean tree diameter, but only when few obstructions (such as logs and wiregrass thicket) were present. The chainsaw was a more productive method of thinning in all other stands studied. Thinning using manual tools was less productive than either mechanical method. Using the clearing saw in stands where tree diameter was 3-4 cm the average cost of thinning was about $162/ha, while the cost of chainsaw thinning in stands where tree diameter was 8 cm, was about $142/ha.