Research Branch Report No. 091
Tree decline and mortality in selectively logged eucalypt forest in central Victoria. J. G. Edgar, G. A. Kile and C. A. Almond. August 1977. 21 pp. (unpubl.)
The occurrence, symptoms and impact of a dieback disease in selectively logged, mixed eucalypt forests in central Victoria are described. E. obliqua, E. viminalis and E. globulus subsp. bicostata are the main species affected, although a range of other eucalypt some Acacia species are also killed. Dieback affects trees at all stages of growth and it is estimated that 1400 ha of high quality production forest are severely affected, with a further 600 ha moderately affected. Stands with severe and moderate dieback are estimated to have respective sawlog volume increments of about one half and two thirds that of an average healthy stand. An unidentified species of Armillaria is consistently associated with dead or dying trees. Disease development is associated with selective cutting in pole stage or mature stands, but no consistent associations between site, other silvicultural factors or disease have yet been established. Past drought stress may have influenced disease development in some areas.
Also published:
Edgar, J.G., Kile, G.A, and Almond, C.A. (1976) Tree decline and mortality in selectively logged eucalypt forests in central Victoria. Aust. For. 39 (4): 288-303.