Research Branch Report No. 051

Site preparation by broadcast burning compared with various herbicides for the control of vegetation competing with Pinus radiata outplants at Myrtleford.  G. Minko.  May 1974.  16 pp. (unpubl.)

  1. Control of re-invading vegetation in areas cleared for Pinus radiata plantation establishment at Myrtleford is required to achieve improved survival and early growth of outplants. Effective control of competing vegetation was achieved with “Vorox AA” as a spray applied at a rate of 3.36 kg per planted hectare, or 0.84 kg/ha when applied in 0.6 metre wide strips.
  1. For the control of most species of competing vegetation at Myrtleford, “Vorox AA” without addition of “Weedazol TL” was effective.
  1. Although “Vorox 80” at comparable rates was cheaper and as effective as “Vorox AA” for the control of competing vegetation, “Vorox AA” gives much greater stimulation to height and diameter growth of radiata outplants, and is to be preferred.
  1. Although expensive, application of “Vorox AA” as a dust was effective when applied at high rates. However, side effects on the ecology of the treated areas are not known, and therefore at present, broadcast use of “Vorox AA” dust is not recommended.
  1. Use of a hot burn as a pre-planting site preparation procedure was as effective and generally cheaper than the use of “Vorox AA” for control of competing vegetation. However, hot pre-planting burns are not always possible or desired. In these cases judicious use of “Vorox AA” in strips or spots is recommended.