Research Branch Report No. 043
Seed crop forecasting in eucalypt forests using aerial reconnaissance. W.D. Incoll. January 1974. 9 pp. (unpubl.)
A method was developed for locating areas of heavy flowering in E. regnans forests in the Central Highlands of Victoria. The aim was to predict the location of seed crops one year in advance of their development to maturity, and so reduce collection costs. Oblique aerial photographs were taken, and heavily flowering crowns were clearly visible on them. Ground surveys showed that light flowering could not be detected from the air. Examples of the aerial photographs are presented and the techniques required to take them are described.
For the forest studied here, it was found that the amount and intensity of flowering varied widely between adjacent districts, but was greatest in older and/or less dense stands.
Actual seed collection information from the surveyed areas in the two years following this study showed that the method did, in fact, indicate where heavy crops could be expected. An operational procedure for using the technique is described.
Also published:
Incoll, W.D. (1975) Seed crop forecasting in eucalypt forests using aerial reconnaissance. For. Comm. Vic., For. Tech. Pap. 22:25-8.