Forestry Technical Papers No. 30

Insecticides in Victorian forest management, F.G. Neumann

Veneer and plywood manufacture from young, plantation-grown Eucalyptus nitens, R.J. McKimm

Spread of radiata pine into indigenous vegetation in north-eastern Victoria, G. Minko and B.C. Aeberli

Nutrition of radiata pine established on an infertile siliceous sand in south-western Victoria, P.W. Geary, P. Hopmans and D.W. Flinn

Dormancy of Eucalyptus delegatensis seeds unaffected by altitude of seed source, L.A. Pederick

Microwave oven for drying forest fuels, P. Norman

Seed cover depth and emergence, survival and growth of radiata pine seedlings, G. Minko

Indexes, Nos 1-30