Forestry Technical Papers No. 26
Pesticides in the forest environment 1. Use of 2,4,5-T for control of woody weeds in Pinus radiata plantations in Victoria, D.W. Flinn and P. Hopmans
Re-establishment of eucalypts following a rotation of radiata pine, W.D. Incoll
Phytophthora cinnamomi root rot investigations in Victoria: a review with special reference to forestry, G.C. Marks and R.M. Idezak
Fertilising one year old, second rotation Pinus radiata on steep slopes of the Ovens plantation, G. Minko
Quantity and distribution of forest fuels following first thinning in radiata pine stands, D.F. Williams
A study of establishment techniques for Pinus radiata at Heywood, F.G. Craig, L.J. Bren, and P. Hopmans