Research Branch Report No. 47
The growth of trees under intensive culture in northern Victoria. R.J. McKimm. January 1974. 12 pp. (unpubl.)
- A number of species have been identified that show promise at age 16 months for the production of high wood volumes on short rotations under irrigation. These species are Eucalyptus camaldulensis, saligna, E. globulus, E. crenulata, E. botryoides, E. grandis, E. viminalis, Populus sp., Salix vitellina.
- For these species, survival was good (82 - 84 percent) on the three soil types studied, but mean heights at age 16 months were substantially better (2.84 m) on Shepparton fine sandy loam than on either Lemnos loam (2.47 m) or Goulburn clay loam (2.24 m).
- Further studies are required to evaluate the roles of provenance, espacement and irrigation regime on a limited number of species. These trials will not he initiated until the results of the 1973 plantings are available.
Also published:
McKimm, R.J. (1975) The growth of trees under intensive culture in northern Victoria. For. Tech. Pap. 23: 7-10.
And as: Wood production under irrigation. Water Talk 35: 7-9.