Research Branch Report No. 9
Studies of Pinus radiata seedling development in the Benalla Nursery in relation to soil physical properties, irrigation and fertilisation. G. Minko. December 1971. 19 pp. (unpubl.)
- The main factor limiting P. radiata seedling development in the Benalla nursery is water, and growth can be increased substantially by more frequent irrigation.
- A significant amount of moisture can be conserved by deep ripping, and if the frequency of irrigation is to be increased, ripping will be essential to maintain good drainage.
- Better growth can be achieved by early sowings, but these are not always possible, especially during wet seasons.
- Further work is required to investigate means of increasing the water-ho1ding capacity of the soil, and to define irrigation schedules for optimal seedling growth. This work is in hand.
Also published:
Minko, G. (1974) Effect of seedling size on growth of field-planted Pinus radiata. For. Tech. Pap. 21: 58-68.