Research Report No. 326
Silvical characteristics of messmate stringybark and narrow-leaved peppermint under partial cutting conditions in the Wombat Forest. J. D. Kellas. May 1987. 24pp. (unpubl.)
The stringybark or mixed-eucalypt forests represent a major component of Victorian forests. There have been few intensive studies of the silvical characteristics of the many eucalypt species represented in these forests.
The Wombat Forest represents a contiguous forest unit and, being close to major population centres, requires management to satisfy diverse demands. Past case studies have concentrated on a number of the silvical aspects of the major species, messmate stringybark, with less emphasis on the other species present. Outlined is the establishment of a program to examine the silvical characteristics of messmate stringybark and narrow-leaved peppermint and to evaluate the effectiveness of alternative silvicultural options for mixed-eucalypt management. The options compare four treatments, clearfelling and three intensities of partial cutting, with a control.
This report describes some of the study site characteristics before and after the application of the various treatments. Included are the final stem numbers and basal area after treatment, the number and total volume of merchantable stems harvested and the subsequent quantity and distribution of ground fuels. Some details are presented on fire characteristics such as rate of spread, fire intensity and energy output. In addition results of surveys of seedbed quality and distribution and crown scorch of retained trees are presented.
Within each treatment, a series of replicated plots was established to monitor germination and survival of messmate stringybark and narrow-leaved peppermint following natural seedfall and artificial seeding. Germination and survival were studied on three seedbed types; bare mineral soil, disturbed mineral soil and burnt mineral soil. In addition some environmental factors were also monitored. Schematic diagrams illustrate the typical layout within each treatment.
The study will help identify the factors important in the germination, establishment and growth of messmate stringybark and narrow-leaved peppermint seedlings. These factors include the interaction of seedbed, light, soil moisture and intra- and inter-specific competition. The importance of lignotuberous advanced growth in the silviculture of these forests will also be characterised.
Also published:
Kellas, J.D., Jarrett, R.G. and Morgan, B.J.T. (1988) Changes in species composition following recent shelterwood cutting in mixed eucalypt stands in the Wombat Forest, Victoria. Aust. For. 51(2): 112-118.