Research Branch Report No. 153

Chemicals for non-commercial thinning of Pinus radiata by basal stem injection.  G. Minko.  April 1980.  7 pp. (unpubl.)


The use of chemicals as basal stem injections for late non-commercial thinnings was investigated in Pinus radiata stands at Myrtleford. Although none of the treatments consistently resulted in complete mortality of treated stems, trees that survived treatments with effective chemicals ceased further growth.

Picloram plus 2,4-D, 2,4-D alone, and dicamba were found to be suitable for use both in winter and spring. MCPA and glyphosate produced satisfactory results from spring injections; whereas amitrole and 2,4,5-T were ineffective. On the basis of cost, MCPA applied in spring was the most attractive treatment.

Because trees injected with picloram plus 2,4-D, 2,4-D alone, dicamba, MCPA, and glyphosate attracted and provided habitat for Sirex noctilio, it is not recommended at present that chemicals be used to thin plantations containing Sirex.

Also published:

Minko, G. (1981)  Chemicals for non-commercial thinning of Pinus radiata by basal stem injection.  Aust. Weeds 1: 5-7.